Happy Samhain!
For those of you that don't know Samhain is the Druidic celebration that occurs during Halloween. I mention it because I have Druidic heritage (How awesome is that) and thought it seemed fitting.
Anyhow, It's been a pretty boring Halloween, we've only had about two trick 'or 'treaters and I've now begun devouring the sweeties. Om nom nom fudge :) I spent most of today travelling back from my Grandparent's house but when I got home I continued my pumpkin carving of the Joker from Batman. Unfortunately it didn't turn out very well, as the picture will testify. As you can see the pumpkin looks nothing like the Joker, just a slightly mashed up face. But still I think it looks suitably spooky. In other Halloween related news, I was shocked to discover that my so called friend Louise copied my pumpkin design from last year which was Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas. To be honest I think that is just cheating.
But anyway enough of Halloween. For those of you that read my last post I said I wouldn't be able to post on Saturday because I was going down to Exeter to see my brother, Ben. It was a pretty cool trip, Exeter's a really great town and it's defiantly on my possible choices of universities. I had a nice meal out with the family and even got caught in the middle of a Flashfreeze. For those that don't know what a Flashfreeze is pretty well demonstrated here. I think they're really great and have even participated in one in the centre of Reading (The video of our one is here). After wandering round Exeter for a bit we went back to my brothers flat and well, lets just say it wasn't the cleanest place I've ever been. But still I really want to go to uni now because it seems like a massive laugh.
But anyway I think I'll go now before I start to ramble.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Happy Samhain
Friday, 29 October 2010
Pumpkins and Screwdrivers
Evenin Guys and Gals,
First things first, THE VIDEOS UP! and you can watch it HERE, so give it a click and I hope you enjoy. Subscribe if you want to know about new videos because probably wont mention them on here because I don't want to bore you. But yes give it a look and I hope you enjoy it.
Any way that's enough about the video, today has been quite dull actually. I spent most of the day doing a history essay that was only supposed to take forty minutes and I ended up taking about four hours. But hey, it's all finished now and I've got no more homework left for the rest of the holiday. Which I suppose is good because I'm popping down to Exeter tomorrow to see my brother who's currently at uni down there. Unfortunately, I wont be back here until Sunday so I'm sorry I wont be able to put a post up tomorrow because there's no internet down in that there West-Country. So sorry about that, but I'll be back and chatting on Sunday.
I've also been busying myself carving pumpkins, well actually just the one pumpkin. I decided to try a rather awesome design of the Jokers face from Batman. Unfortunately it's a really complicated pattern and the knives I had were all too wide to cut any amount of detail out. Therefore I've spent about three hours this evening cutting out a pumpkin with a screw driver so the result is a bit weird to say the least. I haven't quite finished it yet but when I do I'll shove a picture up here for you all to see. For the moment you can all have the template I used. If you do that design and its a success send me a photo because it really difficult and I admire anybody who can pull this off on a pumpkin.
Oh, I've just seen a guy propose to his girlfriend on the Graham Norton Show and the woman didn't look very happy about it. Awwwwhhh she said yes. That's so sweet.
Right I'll leave you on that romantic note so...
Good Night.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Fêtes and Fireworks
Evenin' All
Well, I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the video is finished. The bad news is that its the wrong file format for YouTube to take. Therefore I have to download a file converter which says its going to take 4 hours to download. So, apologies for that but I will try and get it out as soon as I can most probably very late tonight or very early tomorrow morning.
Anyway, apart from that mild inconveniance, today has been quite boring. Woke up, walked dog, got hair cut, picked suit up from dry cleaners, did homework. The last task has been the most boring, writing about the reformation of Wessex after the defeat of Guthrum. I mean, how boring is that!
After I'd done the homework I got into a nice conversation with Tom during which he drew me a picture for my collage thingy :) He also invited me to the theatre to see him performing in Amadeus, which was much better than I thought a play about Mozart would be! It was really cool seeing one of my friends on stage in a proper play and stuff.
That's about it for today, sorry for the post being so short, it's a bit late and I'm too tired to think right now.
So good night for now xxx
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Day 3 of Filming
Bonjour Tout Le Monde.
Well as the title suggests, today was my third day of filming my vlog, but hopefully it should be up tomorrow, I just have a few more sections to film and re-film, then it should be ready for your viewing.
Anyway, I feel like you really don't need to know every aspect of my filming so I'll get back onto my day. Woke up early again this morning to take my dog, Henry, for a walk, during which he developed a mysterious limp, I think he's either got something stuck between the pads of his feet, or he sprained it jumping off something. However a few days of rest and he should be back to himself. After we got back he very patiently sat and and slept while I recorded some more footage (he even made a cameo appearance!).
I also spent most of today with Ben and Louise again, this time we made a voyage to Basingstoke so Louise can get some more random piercings (today she got a tongue web and a front helix, google them if you don't know what they are). But yes, we had a pretty good time rummaging around Basingstoke. Ended up buying some pretty cheap glow sticks and some sweet from the pound shop. However, these items only added up to four pounds, but somehow I managed to spend £25. Which, in itself is quite depressing, however considering I don't have a job is slightly more depressing, Actually, I've just realised I've got so much homework that most of the next few days are going to be taken up with it, so I cant go out then and I'm away all weekend as well. So, now that I've thought about it, it doesn't really matter that I have no money :)
In other news, I've finally seen the second part of the Sarah Jane Adventures featuring the Doctor, and it was awesome. Thank goodness for BBC iPlayer, what would we do without it. Well I think I'll leave you now so I can go and watch Waterloo Road on iPlayer.
Good Night All xxx
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Broken Fish-tanks and Swirly Cookies
Good Evening Guys,
Sorry about todays post's late-ness, I got distracted by Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and didn't realise how late it had been.
All in all, I've had quite a good day. Started off taking the dog for a walk and managed to make him have a sulk because I wouldn't let him run across the road. After I got back I carried on filming for my video-blog, it still needs parts re-done and serious editing because my dog kept howling through it. Anyway, you don't need me to talk about a video, you'll see it soon enough.
After I finished filming I popped into town to try and print off some photos for a collage I'm making but apparently the files where too small and would have to be stretched and distorted so they'd look weird and generally wouldn't look very good. Therefore I'm going to have to spend forever resizing and reshaping every single photo.
But I cheered up after that when I saw Ben and Louise afterwards. Almost as soon as I got through the door, Louise dropped a glass fish tank down the stairs, getting glass everywhere. After several hours of repetitive frape I finally had to walk home alone in the dark which wasn't fun. But once I got home, the parents went out for a meal meaning that I GOT TO ORDER PIZZA! and since it's two for Tuesday at Dominoes, I got two large pizzas for the same price as one. I'm planning on eating the second one for breakfast tomorrow.
Anyway, I'm off now because I am seriously tired.
Monday, 25 October 2010
The Death Of The Doctor
Evenin' All
First things first, celebrations are in order, at approximately 11:00 today we broke the 100 views barrier *applause* next stop 1000!
Anyway, now that's out of the way I can get onto what I originally wanted to talk about. That being The Sarah Jane Adventures. Now, normally I don't watch the program I find it a bit childish and a bit too unrelated to Dr Who, however for those of you that didn't see it today's episode the Doctor supposedly died. Therefore I just had to watch it and I was pleasantly surprised. Written by Russell T Davies it was way more Dr Who-ish and therefore better than normal. (By the way the picture to the right is the Shansheeth).
Now that I've shown you the depths of my Whovian geekiness, I can return to matters of this planet. I STARTED FILMING MY VLOG TODAY, HURRAY! *further applause* Seeing as it was a first attempt, the end result wasn't very good so I'm planning on re-shooting tomorrow and re-editing it the day after. Hopefully it should be out by Thursday-ish. But I wouldn't hold me to that editing may take a bit longer but I promise you it will be out by Saturday at the latest :)
In other news I got my suit dry-cleaned. Thrilling I know. I also continued blu-tac-ing pokémon cards onto my wall. I had a similar thing in my old room but this is on a much bigger scale and involves a lot more cards (I've used 280 so far, with another 400, at least, still to go). Actually, speaking of large numbers, I also spent three hours writing "Small" about a billion times as part of This Is Not A Book which isn't as fun as it sounds, I know it doesn't sound fun but that's the point.
Anyway must dash, my the ungodly state of my desk calls to be cleaned.
G'night! xxx
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Uno Cards and Toy Cars
Evening Guys and Gals
First off I want to say something and that something is HOW THE HELL IS WAGNER STILL IN! That is all.
Now back to the post. I didn't have anything to do today so I did what any teenager did, I cleaned my room. well, I started to clean it then got distracted by awesome things. Does that happen to you? It always happens when I try and clean my room, which is why my room is usually such a tip. A Doctor Who sticker book, several Halloween masks, hundreds of toy cards, plastic soldiers, a puzzle ball and some Astrojax were some of the most awesome discoveries.
However my favourite of all rediscovery is my This Is Not A Book . For Those of you that don't know, This Is Not A Book is an experiment in stimulating imagination, it's full of task for you to do. The way each person interprets the tasks mean that the end result is unique to the person writing it. Notice how I said writing not reading, that's because you make it into whatever you want it to be. If you haven't got it I strongly recommend that you go out and get it because its really awesome. I got mine about 6 months ago but completely forgot about it over the summer however, I hereby declare that I will continue This Is Not A Book from now on until it's finished. When it's done I will try and put the best pages up here (I'm not going to scan in all 218 pages, and I doubt you would want to read it all).
On a completely unrelated note, I also learned that each of the SpongeBob characters represents one of the seven deadly sins.
1. Sloth-Patrick
2. Wrath-Squidward
3. Greed-Mr. Krabs
4. Envy-Plankton
5. Glutony-Gary
6. Pride-Sandy
7. Lust-SpongeBob
I know they're not very obvious, but when you think about it they do make sense. Patrick is just lazy, Squidwards always angry, Mr. Krabs loves money loads, Plankton is envious of Mr. Krabs, Gary is always getting fed and runs away when SpongeBob doesn't feed him, Sandy is really proud of being a mamal and spongebob just loves everybody and everything. So i'll leave you to ponder that.
In other news Ben, who is eating pineapple (hence the SpongeBob thing), just lost the game! As did everybody else who is reading this :)
So good night people, don't let the bed bugs bite.
Will xxx
Saturday, 23 October 2010
"Livin' La Vida Loca"
Evening guys,
Sorry it's another late post tonight guys, I was watching X factor and got all caught up in it and completely forgot about today's post until now. I really liked nearly all the acts tonight. My favourite is probably either Matt Cardel or Rebecca Furguson (I would normally say Aiden Grimshaw but I missed his performance *sadface*) but i do really like all the acts, except Cher who I think is just a stroppy chav. I also find Wagner a bit tiresome now, I get that he's funny but there's a limit to how much of him I can stand. I predict that Matt is probably going to win because everybody I've talked to seems to love him, he's also really genuine and has a really awesome voice.
On other telly related note, I was also watching Strictly Come Dancing (hardcore, I know!) and really enjoyed the seeing Ann Widdecombe drop ungracefully from the sky.
Apart from my utterly thrilling evening of television nothing else really happened in my day today. Mainly because there wasn't much too it, I woke up at about half 12 and wasn't dressed till about quarter to 2 then watched scrubs till I cooked tea, watched telly and now I'm here.
Since there was nothing much to report I describe to you my phobia of the new Paranormal Activity 2 film trailer. I mean, have you seen it? Its bloody terrifying with a baby flying across his bed and god knows what else going on. Now, whenever it comes on I actually have to change over it scares me so much. As you've probably guessed I don't plan on seeing the film, EVER! On the other hand the trailer just came on (spooky i know) and it's no where near as scary with the sound turned off, still a bit freaky though.
Anyway, Good Night readers I shall see you all tomorrow :)
Toodles xxx
Friday, 22 October 2010
Good evening readers.
Sorry about the post being so late, I got rather distracted by the simply amazing film that is Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (as some of you may have guessed from the post name). Although this film came out last year tonight was the first time I've seen it the whole way through and IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME.
But enough about my taste in films, you've probably made up your own mind already. So, back to my day, it was a bit hectic this morning when I woke up 30 minutes late BUT I still managed to leave on time which is an achievement even when I wake up on time. The rest of the day was pretty boring to be honest but at 3:10 HALF TERM STARTED!!!! WOOOOOO. However I did get dumped with a mountain of homework and a distinct lack of funds to pay for any socialising but Hey! I'm sure I can cook something cool up :)
On another note, this blogs viewing figures took a rapid rise due to my awesome friend Thomas Joy, who gave me a mention in his very awesome blog yesterday so now we've breached toe 50 views mark in just five posts. So thanks guys as a reward I will try and get my first vlog out next week since half term will give me lots of spare time.
Anyway guys, it's late and I'm tired so I'll see you all tomorrow hopefully
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 21 October 2010
"I've Got Too Much Pork In My Mouth!"
Welcome back traveller,
For those of you who haven't realised I was referring to the approach of Christmas and in case you didn't notice I love Christmas like loads more than is probably normal for a 16 year old guy. But Hey! it only happens once a year. "What's gotten you all excited about Christmas?" I hear you cry, well, i had a conversation with Tom, Nick, Steve and Harry about it and presents and stuff and that led to my realisation that its only two months away. Hence making my Christmas hormones start.... hormoning? Also the perishing temperatures this morning put me in a very wintery mood.
But apart from my Yuletide glands kicking in nothing really worthy of merit really happened today. I did have a pretty funny time with everyone during fourth and fifth periods but to be honest that happens everyday. What was particularly funny was Tom declaring that he had "Too much pork in his mouth", which was of course in reference to the enormous bite of pork pie he had just taken and nothing else
I've got a bit of a brain melt on at the moment so i'll leave you with a Likitung
Good Night Readers xxxx
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea"
V: [Evey pulls out her mace] I can assure you I mean you no harm.
Evey Hammond: Who are you?
V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
Evey Hammond: Well I can see that.
V: Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.
Evey Hammond: Oh. Right.
V: But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
[carves V into poster on wall]
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
Evey Hammond: Are you like a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so. But to whom, might I ask, am I speaking with?
Evey Hammond: I'm Evey.
V: Evey? E-V. Of course you are.
Evey Hammond: What does that mean?
V: It means that I, like God, do not play with dice and I don't believe in coincidences.
As you can guess I have rediscovered my love for V for Vendetta today due to the delivery of my V mask. I absolutely love the film and thing its one of the best films ever made, it has some of the best and most inspiring quotes in the film as well as some dark humour. For those of you that haven't seen it I strongly advise you do because it's freaking amazing.
I originally bought the mask for a trip to Fright Night next week but shot myself in the foot as I no longer have the money for Fright Night. However, all is not lost, there may be a possibility that I could get a loan from my mum. Which would be awesome as i really want to go to Fright Night because its bloody awesome. I've also just realised I haven't even been to Thorpe Park once this year which is quite depressing.
Anyway, aside from that today has been pretty normal with very little worthy of comment happening, therefore i shall leave you to ponder the mysteries of life and contemplate the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.
Farewell readers!
V xxx
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Me :)
Hey guys,
Sorry about last nights post, I began with the intention of telling you a bit about myself and realised later that I didn't actually do that very well. Therefore I will try to make this post more informative :)
As I've mentioned before, my name is Will and the picture next to this is indeed me. I'm 16 and am currently in sixth form, which seems to take up almost all of my time at the moment. But hey! its petty fun there and we always have lots of fun times. I had an awesome time during lunch today when Ben magically appeared at school (for those of you that don't know, Ben doesn't go to our school, he goes to Hogwarts). So it was nice seeing him today, I thought I'd give him a mention as he is just so damn cool it makes me jealous. But to all my other friends who are reading this, you are all also equally amazing. Which also leads me on to my next point. I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!! They are just so freaking awesome and I luv them long time!
Music is also a pretty huge part of my life, I don't really like one particular genre of music, its a bit of a mish-mash to be honest. I just listen to what I like at the time and that's that. At the moment I seem to be listening to a lot of Bruno Mars, Fyfe Dangerfield and Tune Robbers. But that could all change in a few weeks. I'm not one of those musical snobs that thinks that their favourite genre of music is the best and that's that, I think everybody is entitled to their own opinion and there's no point trying to force your opinion onto somebody else because in the end you don't get anything out of it.
I'm also (as I've mentioned before) a bit of a geek, I'm a huge Dr Who fan and like know like everything there is to know about the Doctor. Despite this i do have friends who, as I've mentioned before are freaking brilliant and I a social life.
So, now that I've granted you safe passage into my life why don't you make your self at home and have poke around and I'll leave with this last thought:
"If they squeeze olives to make olive oil, how do they make baby oil?"
Good Night Readers xxx
Monday, 18 October 2010
My First Post
Hey Guys

In case you didn't know, I'm Will and you appear to have flown head first into my little blog, this is the place where I will jot down my musings and activities for your pleasure. I suppose I should tell you a bit about me on the off chance you don't know :) Well, I'm a 16 year old guy, I wont say I'm normal because, well, I'm not and what is normality anyway, just a preconceived idea of the average person into which only a tiny fraction of the population fit. I'm a bit of a geek as well, but I like to thing I'm a cool geek, with, like friends and stuff.
Any way, I think that's enough blogging for one night, I'll leave you to your evening and allow you to ponder whether or not you will return to the wonderful world that is my brain.
Good Night xxx