Monday, 4 July 2011

Copy, Paste, Print

I think it's finally safe to say that Summer has finally arrived. Not because it's been really sunny and nice today, I mean come on, this is England we're talking about. It's more the fact that it was cloudy and over cast all day yet still managed to be really quite warm. I think in England that's the only real sign that Summer's really here.

Today was actually rather good, it started off watching a DVD of our schools pantomime from 1994, yeah that's the year I was born. It was weird seeing teachers who teach me now performing in it. Especially seeing two of our deputy head teachers wearing dresses and dancing the YMCA. After that entertaining, if not slightly disturbing start, I mooched over to Physics where we did some more stuff about circles and our quiz team won a packed of biscuits. Success! Then I had History blahdey blahdey blah! And then I went home.

That's when things got productive. I started out by hoovering my room and cleaning out the hoover. Yes, I did just say I cleaned the hoover. Our hoover is the most pathetic excuse for a cleaning implement ever devised. It can't be used for more than five minutes without the filter clogging up and stopping it from working. It's bloody infuriating. Anyway, I did that and then did all the homework that needed doing. It didn't take long it was only a 'research' homework so all it involved was:
  1. Google stuff
  2. Copy
  3. Paste
  4. Print
  5. Sorted.
Aaaand that's where my OCD took over. I then spent about an hour chucking out all the clothes in my wardrobe that don't fit anymore and arranging my existing clothes into type and then cross referencing them by colour order. What of it? You're just jealous.

Anyway, I'm gunna go slouch on the sofa and watch telly for a bit

Good Night xxx

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