Friday, 31 December 2010

New Years Eve

Evening Peeps

I know its really early to be posting but I'm off out later to celebrate the new year at a friends house.

I know most people will be talking about new years resolutions and all that jazz but to be honest I'm not a big fan of them. If there's something you want to change about yourself why don't you just start it when you think of it rather than waiting until the new year starts. So for if anybody asks what my new years resolution is I'm going to say that whatever I want to do at that particular time.

Hmph that was a bit rantey and aggressive.

But 2010 has been a bit of a drag if I'm honest with quite a bit of badness going on. Things ranging from GCSE exams to the BP Oil Spill. But lets not dwell on the bad bits lets think of all the good things of 2010.

  • Good Exam Results
  • Started Blogging
  • Started Vlogging
  • Made some great friends
  • Kept some old ones
  • Ski Trip to America
  • Having Holdiays without broken limbs or noses
  • Prom
  • Medlink 
  • Toy Story 3
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
  • SNOW!
  • Had some hysterical debates (Ahem, SaucePAN)
  • So many laughs
  • My birthday (I know that sounds self centred but it was great fun and I loved it)
  • And loads more
So I just want to take the time now to thank everybody who has made this year special for me. So thanks. I can only hope that 2011 is equally awesome.

I'll make a video soonish talking more about the new year and stuff so keep tuned for that.

Anyway, I'll leave you to your New Year celebrations or whatever it is your doing.

Good Night and I'll see you all next year xxx

Thursday, 30 December 2010


Hey There

So down to business, today is New Years Eve Eve and also my Dads Birthday.

So I got up at like 12ish and went to find my Dad and give him his present. Did that then got on with some history revision which was a massive drag. Although it did pay off when I later watched the QI christmas special and there was a question on the Harrying of the North which I new all about. It always makes you feel really awesome knowing the answer to a question on QI. Even more so when its one of those ones with the big sirens and stuff.

After chilling for a while me and my family went out to dinner at Prezzos in Wokingham. It started off as a nice meal until a random siren kept beeping for like half an hour during our starters. Then nobody came to clear our plates away for like ages. Eventually my dad went and found out what was going on. Turned out there had been a power cut so no food could be cooked. Luckily to apologise they gave us our starters and drinks to us for free and we then went off to another restaurant down the road. Unfortunately it turned out that the electricity was out for the whole road. But after some wandering around Wokingham we went into some French restaurant and had a rather yummy steak and creme brule.

Then we came home and I'm now here talking to you.

That's about it really so I'll  leave it at that then.

Good Night

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Hammer Time

Ey Up Chuck

Well that was northern wasn't it.

Anywho sorry for being a bit late tonight, I got all caught up in watching Inception. That is a seriously odd film but I do think that I understand most of it. But seriously it is a great film with lots of oohing and ahing.

Well today started for me at one o'clock when I suddenly realised that I hadn't got my dad a present for his birthday which is tomorrow. So I quickly nipped into Reading with my mum and quickly did the shopping as well as buying a big arse hammer to add to my tool kit. Got home, did revision, gave up with revision and watched a film.

Today wasn't that interesting was it?

Anyway Ill leave it at that.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Shoes and Stuff

Hey There Stranger

and for those of you that do know me, hey there friend. Actually no scrap that, if you read my blog then I count you as a friend, even if we have never talked. Actually if you want here's my facebook. Friend  me people.#

Anywho, today's been a bit slow to be honest. Got up at 12 o'clock, watched a bit of Scrubs then got dressed and revised chemistry for like 5 hours which was kind awful. But I suppose that it will benefit me in the long run. So after that I gave up for the day and sat and watched telly for a bit. My brain was so melted by that point I still have no recollection of what it was I was watching. Then I sat down and had dinner which was a rather scrummy lamb stew/ roast thingy mabob.

And then I came and sat on the computer. Well technically I actually sat in front of the computer, if I actually sat on it I'd probably break it. I suddenly remembered that I had some old converses that were really cool but were too small for me so to make use of them I turned one of them into an awesome pen pot thing. I still have the other one lying around so if you have any ideas tell me and I'll give it  go. I also entertained myself stripping the electronics out of an old remote control car and taking the roof off of it. I still have no idea what I'm going to do with it now, but it looks cool.

Anyway, I think I'll leave it at that now because I feel the urge to do some internet shopping.

Good Night people xxx

Monday, 27 December 2010

Sonicing Stuff

Ahoy there mateys and wenches

We appear to have found ourself in that weird sort of non-week that exists between Christmas where no one really has any idea what the hell is going on. The only thing most of us can do is go Sale shopping, an activity in which I participated in today. I must say this time of the year is when being a man really pays off since all the mens part of the shops are empty because guys tend not to care about sales and to be honest neither do I. I only went into Reading to buy a sonic screwdriver. Which I did, and for less than I had expected (only £7.50!), and yes it totally rocks. It even has a proper screwdriver in the bottom for when sonicing stuff just wont do.

God I'm such a dork.

Anyway, town wasn't as busy as I had expected since the majority of people had all descended on Next meaning everywhere else was pretty quiet.

That really wasn't a very good story was it?

Still, that's my life, don't diss.

So I got home and crashed on with some revision which is quite frankly the most singularly boring activity in the world. Despite that I got some chemistry done and can now calculated the weighted mean atomic mass of different elements.

In more important news, I GOT MY SLINKY WORKING TODAY!!! I discovered all it needed was a bit of a stretch out. Now it works fine :)

Oh yes, I just remembered that I said I was making a video a few days before Christmas and that didn't materialise. Well I'll explain why. I did make the video and stayed up till 2am editing it for you, then YouTube decided to be a douche and refused to accept  it. I tried loads to upload it but then I realised it was like 11o'clock on Christmas Eve and even if it did upload in time it would still be a bit odd seeing as it was pretty much about pre-Christmas feelings and stuff so I thought it would be weird putting up actually on Christmas. Anyway to cut things short (Bit too late for that) I thought I'd make you all an after Christmas video thingy mabob. So I think I'll shoot it all tonight and then edit it tomorrow so it should be ready in a few days.

Right I appear to have rambled on for bloody ages yet again.

Good Night xxx

P.s My friends Ben and Louise both now have blogs too, check them out.

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Boxing Day

Hello Guys and Girls

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and Boxing day and got everything they wanted, I know I did.

I'm sorry for not posting last night but you know, it being Christmas I got engrossed in bad TV all night and by the time I eventually dragged myself away from the telly I was too tired to think and just went straight to bed.

But I'm back with avengance now, well... actually I'm not with avengance, I'm just back. Yes, I don't thing I wish to avenge any of you. But you never know who could be reading this, maybe Voldemort or Davros, so, urm...yes if you two are reading then yes I am back with avengance but to everybody else I am just back.

Boxing Day, yes! It was boxing day today wasn't it? I quite like boxing day, well actually it's the meal I like the most, where we just shove all the cold meats, cheeses, pork pies, galla pies, scotch eggs and anything else we care to have on a table and tuck in. I bloody love that meal. Normally we have family down for boxing day or we go visit family for boxing day but this year we were all on our own. We thought it would be best considering I have exams after we get back to school and I would be distracted from revision. To be honest that plan hasn't really worked considering that I haven't done much revision at all yet. It was still a nice day, I spent most of it finding homes for most of the things I got for Christmas. The main on being the whopping massive office chair. It would have gone in yesterday but the company that made them decided to hide the screws you need to assemble it in the chair. We didn't know this and thought they had just forgotten to give us any screws. So we rang up Staples to complain and they told us where the screws were hidden.

Darcy Leather-faced ChairSo now I'm sat spinning round on my big comfy spinny chair playing with my new slinky.

I appear to have rambled on a bit, so I'm going to leave you and go play with my slinky (Stop laughing, its not a euphemism!)

Good Night xxx

Friday, 24 December 2010

Christmas Eve

Good Evening readers

Its Christmas Eve, you excited yet?

I certainly am, the Christmas festivities are in full swing, wrapping presents in the early hours of this morning, Christmas movies and music have been on and I have even pulled a cracker or two, mainly because I wanted to know what was in them. So as you can imagine I'm feeling thoroughly festive at the moment and it appears my dog is too. He's been digging about in the presents under the tree all day, I think he can tell which one is his because he's been concentrating his sniffs around that sort of area.

Anyway, It's late and I want to go and get some sleep before Christmas, so if I don't get a chance to post tomorrow Merry Christmas and I hope you have a great day and get everything you wanted :)

Merry Christmas to all and to all Good Night xxx

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Christmas Shopping

Hey peeps,

Bloody cold outside today wasn't it? Like even though I had a hoodie and a coat on I was still quite chilly. But despite the cold I still managed to finish all of my Christmas shopping!!! ... Oh, I was kind of expecting some applause then but whatever.

So yes I spent most of today in town buying presents for my family, now all I have to do is wrap them which I like yet simultaneously hate with my all my soul. The other mildly suckish part or Christmas shopping is the fact you can't really buy anything on the off chance that you end up getting it for Christmas which is just awkward and a giant waste of money on your part.



If you hadn't realised I'm kinda excited about Christmas. EEEEK

But alas there is some bad news, YouTube decided to be sucky and refuse to upload the video I made last night because it doesn't recognise the file format even though it's uploaded that file format loads before. So 10 points from YouTube.

Anyway, I'll leave you lot to it now and I'll see you on FREAKING CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!!!!!

Good Night xxxx

p.s shouldn't they so make a film about the founding of Hogwarts?

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


Hey Guys and Gals

So it appears to be the 22nd of December, three days until Christmas and I have yet to most of my Christmas shopping. The only thing I've got is my Dads present which I got like four weeks ago. I was planning to go into town today but only like one person could go then my brother decided to be a douche and drive his friends into Reading so I couldn't get in any more, which was thoroughly helpful.

Anyway I stayed home and did absolutely sod all. I attempted a bit of Physics revision which consisted of me staring at a mark scheme for about an hour and then going and watching Scrubs.

Oh yeah, I know I said I was doing a vlog last night, well it didn't get done instead I spent like three hours having a mammoth game of Shag/Marry/Kill with Tom. That game gets seriously awkward after a while, especially if you start venturing into the realms of children's cartoon characters. But I think I should be able to get one out tonight. But I must warn you that it will be full of me coughing up my lungs because I still have that damn cough I mentioned the other day. But nevertheless I will try to make all you lovely people a video despite my failing lungs.

Anyway, I really cant be bothered think about other stuff to write about right now so I'll see you all later.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

YouTubey Music

Hey Guys and Gals

How are we today?

Good I hope.

Anyway, back to my life. God that sounds self centred. Probably because it is.

Oh well.

Anyway, haven't got up to much really. Popped down to Bath for a bit to drop of Christmas presents to family down there. Then drove back.

I also downloaded some music for my Ipod, which is quite rare considering I use Spotify for all my musical needs. But I thought I'd splash out seeing as I appear to have loads of money somehow. So I bought Heroes by the X-Factor Finalists (Don't judge me, its a good song and it's for charity), Break Your Little Heart by All  Time Low and Like We Used To by Rocket To The Moon. The last two songs I've become addicted to from YouTube. I heard Lex Croucher (AKA tyrannosauruslexxx) do an acoustic cover of Break Your Little Heart and though it was awesome and Alberoni (AKA TheBlooperREAL) made a music video for Like We Used to which I saw and fell in love with the song. The video wasn't half bad either. YouTube has actually altered my taste in music quite a lot, I actually have an entire playlist all about YouTube songs but to be honest its mostly stuff by Hank Green because he is quite awesome and funny but there is some other stuff on there as well so check it out here.

Anyway, that's it for tonight, I might make a video tonight, I'll put that up tomorrow if I manage it.

Right, Good Night xxx 

(By the way I don't know what this weird grey block is or why it makes the text massive)

Monday, 20 December 2010


Hey *COUGH* Guys and *COUGH* Girls

As you can probably guess I've developed a cough and I must say it does suck massively and means I can't properly laugh at anything.

Right, back to today *COUGH*. Well woke up sort of earlyish for me (About 10 o'clock) because we were supposed to be visiting family but because of the damn snow we had to postpone it until tomorrow. Other than that I actually haven't done much apart from tidy my room a bit.

So apologies for not much blogging tonight.

To make up for it here's a picture of a funky picture of a bison

funny pictures - Wuz dat a DISCOURAGIN' WURD ai just heard?

Good Night xxx

Sunday, 19 December 2010


Hey Girly Girls and Guyly Guys

Well as you can guess by the name of this post and by the fact that there is a post, I have returned from the medical conference in Nottingham. Wow that sounds really grown up and cool. In reality it was a few thousand year 12s at Nottingham Uni being told gruesome and funny stories by doctors. I must say it was great fun and met some awesome people. The main thing I learnt from it is that I don't really want to be a Doctor anymore because it's so damn competitive and to be honest most of the other people there were far more intelligent than I was. But it was still a good laugh and learnt some pretty cool stuff as well as getting a free stethoscope which rocks. I mainly learnt that you should never put a slug up your penis, not that you would, but it can mean you have to have surgery to remove it from your bladder, which would be kinda difficult to explain. The basic story was this gay couple heard that you can have a great orgasm if you have something that wriggles touching your prostate. So they bought a kit that stretches the urethra so you can fit stuff inside it. The kit said it works best with worms but the two guys couldn't find a worm and settled for a slug instead. Basically the slug got stuck inside the bladder and the guy had to go to hospital to have it removed. So there you go, never put a slug (or anything else for that matter, up your penis). The conference was literally filled with stories like that so as you can imagine there was lots of cringing.

<----- Fell sick yet?

Anyway, back to today. I woke up and decorated my Christmas cake and Nommed quite a lot of icing. I then returned to my computer to catch up on all the videos that I had missed over the past few days, which actually turned out to be bloody loads. Most of them were Project For Awesome(P4A) videos. If you hadn't heard P4A is a campaign which I think was created by John and Hank Green (Not 100% sure if thats true) to basically spam YouTube with videos about charities which are important to YouTubers. I actually missed Project 4 Awesome Day which was on Friday which meant there isn't really any point of my uploading a video for it anymore. But hopefully it will come around again next year.

But anyway, I appeared to have rambled on for bloody ages, now I hope you've now caught up with my life and didn't miss me too much. I'll say good bye for now

Until Tomorrow xxx

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


Evnin' all

So, what's been happening in my life today then?

As it turns out quite a lot. Woke up this morning on time, then fell asleep again making me late. Finally got to school and got my quite simply amazing Christmas present from Tom. You can see a picture of me wearing it in on Tom's blog. But what you cant see is that it not only looks awesome it even talks like a Dalek. So thankees very much to Tom for that :D

My day kinda got better from there to be honest. Started off with double biology which would normally suck but one of the teachers wasn't here and didn't leave any cover work so I essentially had a free period with which I spent jamming with Alex and Tom. Then we had History during which we watched a bit of Beowulf which despite the massive amounts of male nudity was still a great film. Then we had physics which was a bit dull but still "JIMMAY". That was technically the end of my school day but I stayed through lunch as well to wait for the bus. I spent that time in the hall with Tom and Nick having a rather epic red nose fight which was rather hillarious.

Then I came home and discovered it was my Mum's work's Christmas party tonight which meant she was out so me and my Dad ordered pizza which was bloody marvellous. Then I realised I still have to decorate my tree, which I did and pack for tomorrow which I kinda haven't. Just so you know I'm going to Nottingham for a few days so I wont be able to post until Saturday.

Right, I'll go and do some packing now, so, I'll see you all on Saturday hopefully :)

Good Night xxx

Monday, 13 December 2010

Certificate Evening -_-

Good Evening Lady and Gentle Folk (by the way, how do you like that as a sort of catchphrasey thingy?)

Anyway, today has been a weird day, I only had one scheduled lesson today but somehow stayed for the entire day and some time after as well. The reason being that I'm going to Nottingham on Wednesday so I have to catch up on the work before hand which kinda sucks because all my free periods and such are suddenly crammed with extra lessons. Although I guess I'm kinda happy that because of a Chemistry catch-up I managed to miss a random assembly about STI's and stuff.

Physics was my only real lesson today and we had our mock which sucked majorly but never mind I think it went kinda well so fingers crossed eh? For the rest of the day I sat and chilled in the Sixth Form centre planning what to do to make our Sixth Form Centre mildly hospitable and I must say I think we have some pretty damn good ideas. Whether they get put into action however is a different matter altogether.

Then we had Certificate Evening where we got all the certificates for GCSEs and A-Levels which was a bit dull but nevertheless it was good seeing some people I haven't seen in a while. It was also quite nice being talked to by our Headteacher without being insulted and told we're crap for once which was nice I guess.

And now sat catching up on all of the YouTube videos I've neglected to watch over the past few days.

In other news, I popped the blister on my hand today and I must say it's much less irritating now, wow my life is so thrilling that I felt the need to list that as one of the highlights of my day.

Anyway, Ima go decorate the big Christmas tree behind me before my mum goes mental and takes it back.

Good Night xxx

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Matt Cardle

Hey Lady and Gentle Folk

So, that time of year has come around again, that's right the X-Factor Final has been and gone once and again.

To be honest I really couldn't have guessed who would have won it, they all thoroughly deserved it but I am glad Matt won, especially with a Biffy Clyro song that I love. I know there are a lot of people out there who think Rebecca should have won but I think Matt is more current and will be more successful. I'm not saying that I don't like Rebecca because I do, I think she's great and really funny.

But anyway, I went and cut down my Christmas tree today, well, I say cut down, really we bought one that was already cut down because all the ones in the field were like 30ft tall and really wouldn't have fitted in our living room. So of course I spent most of today decorating it with all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately I still haven't got around to decorating the tree in my room yet but its definitely on my to-do list. Which, knowing me wont be done until Christmas eve. I also spent part of today covering the Christmas cake in about an inch of marzipan. Strangely I still had a large amount left over which I gratefully nomed.

Anyway, I can't be bothered to talk about anything else so I'll leave you to it,

Good Night xxx

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Scarves and Burns


Well appologies for no post last night I was in Yeovil visiting family people and without internet so sorry about that but I'm back now.

Friday was a bit of an odd day with a biology mock and a chemistry assessed practical. Neither of which went very well, the biology went poorly and I managed to burn myself on a hot test tube in chemistry. The burn looks pretty manky at the moment as its all swollen up and full of liquid. As you can imagine it's also pretty sore.

As soon as I got home I left straight for Yeovil and saw my brother who got the train up from Uni which was kinda cool. I was kind of annoyed by the end of the night because my dad basically spent the entire night telling me that all students that have been protesting should get arrested and also that I haven't been trying hard during school and that essentially everything is my fault, somehow?

Anyway, today was better, popped into Yeovil town centre to buy some wool so my gran can knit me a Slytherin scarf to go with my Gryffindor one. Isn't she cool? Two of my Aunts and my Uncle then showed up with all their dogs so there were 5 dogs charging around the house causing havoc. So spent a while laughing at  them behaving oddly. Everybody then left and we dropped my brother off at the station and headed home.

Then off course X-Factor was on and Cher left, FINALLY!!!!!!!!! In case you didn't know I don't really like her. I couldn't help but notice that most of the contestants were actually better singers than their dueters. But the final's tomorrow so I'll talk more about it tommorow.

Right I'm quite tired now so,

Good Night x

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Viva La Revolution


It would appear that the students have woken up and bloody hell they're pissed.

In case you've missed it, it would appear the Lib Dems have gone back on their promise not to allow tuition fees to rise from £3000 a year to up to £9000. So as you can imagine the students are seriously pissed off and have been rioting all day. London currently looks like a scene from V for Vendetta with the MP's besieged inside the Houses of Parliment by hundreds of students.

Parliament SquareThe thing that I'm pissed about is that all adults seems to be complaining about how disgraceful this is and how the youth of today are all yobs who just want to cause violence despite the fact that only a small minority of anarchists were causing trouble and the majority of people were just complaining about the unfairness of the situation. Now, I'm not condoning the use of violence in a protest but what pisses me off is that adults all are pretending that this is the first time something like this has ever happened and it's our generations fault. Now I'm sorry protests like this have happened hundreds of times before in every generation and many of the adults who are complaining about it now would have undoubtedly taken place in those.

Grrr this has pissed me off quite a lot.

I still don't get how the government think it's acceptable to educationally bitch slap thousands of teenagers and stop them from getting an education. This has essentially voided thousands of peoples education as there's no real point in going to school since they cannot get a university education.

So grrrrrrr.

Good night xxx

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

G'day Mate

It would appear we have some Aussies amongst us, so hello to you and thanks for coming :)

Well today has been an odd one, I didn't really get much work done today and that wasn't because I was lazy, our teachers didn't set much. In chemistry we went over a test in which about 99% of our class failed because our teacher is quite awful. In physics we were helping each other answer some questions which somehow took up the entire lesson. Finally I had History and for some reason we watched Beowulf even though it's set about 100 years before the period that we study. Still, I'm not complaining its a good film and I suggest you check it out.

I got home and then went straight into town with my mum and did a bit of Christmas shopping but I had like a giant headache and it wasn't much fun. So I'll have to find time to go in again. The trouble is I'm like massively busy all the way to Christmas, this Saturday I'm off down to Yeovil to visit my grandparents and see my brother who's coming down from Exeter on the train. Then on Wednesday I'm going to Nottingham for a three day medical conference thing which should be quite fun. I get back on the Saturday and then on the Monday afterwards I'm going down to Bath to visit my Gran and my cousins.

So yes, I'm a very busy boy with very little time for shopping which kinda suck. Oh well.

After getting back from town I got an email informing me that naveregnide had asked to be my friend on YouTube. As it turns out he's got quite a large following on YouTube (1500+ subscribers) so as you can imagine I feel kinda special. But after that I got back to the business of revising/copying my brothers old notes. After a bit I got bored and started researching that medical conference and realised I have a heap of stuff I need to read about it before I go.  But instead of getting on with it I decided to start writing Christmas cards and such and now I'm here talking to you.

It appears that I've rambled on for ages now so I think I'll leave you to it now.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Light Bulbs


Sorry its going to be a really short post tonight as I'm quite tired and would like to go to sleep sort of soonish.

Well today was boring.

Double Biology, critical thinking and finally chemistry which I can safely say all sucked.

Got home didn't really do any revision although I did decide I want to make one of these:

They actually sound quite easy to make. Just follow the instructions here!


Good Night xxx

Monday, 6 December 2010


Hello there lady and gentle folk

So Monday appears to have raised it's ugly face once again and it has lived up to its expectations.

My day consisted of waking up in an absolutely freezing room because my radiator decided not to work. Arrived at school and was greeted by double physics and history which as you can imagine really sucked.

When I got home at around 1 o'clock (be jealous!) I watched telly for a bit before my dad came and demanded that I started doing some revision. Luckily my mum decided to take me into town to buy something or other and we ended up spending loads on Christmas decorations and buying a Christmas cake. By the way, its not the one  in the picture :)

Unfortunately when I got back I did end up doing loads of physics revision which didn't go very well but still its a start I guess.

I've sort of run out of things to say that so I'll leave it at that for now,

Good Night and Farewell xxx

Sunday, 5 December 2010


Hello there Ladies and Mr Men

So today appears to be the 5th of December and by decree of my parents it is officially now time to get the Christmas decorations down from the attic. I must say this is probably the earliest our family has ever gotten them out ever but I could see why we needed to the extra time to put them up. There are just so many decorations. We've got four big crates, five big bags, two small boxes about 8 smaller bags, two artificial Christmas trees and a big bag of lights. I think it may take a while to get our house entirely decorated.

Although there has been a bit of drama when it come to my room. Since I moved rooms in the summer I have no where to put my Christmas tree since its quite big (Six foot tall). But me and my mum spent quite a while planning and think we've found a way that will accommodate the tree. Unfortunately it does mean reorganising my room a bit but its worth it to spread the Christmas joy into my room.

I also spent a large proportion of my day doing homework and such which was a major drag. But I'm not going to bore you with the details.

Instead I'm going to tell you about me cleaning my desk.

Nah I'm only kidding I'm not that mean.

So, X-Factor eh? You know what I'm really pissed off about, Cher is still in. I mean Mary came out and did an absolutely cracking performance and then Cher comes and sort of whimpers through her crap song and still the judges save her because she's "current". I'm sorry, no she's not, she's a stroppy little cow.

Anyway rant over, I'll leave it at that now.

Good Night xxx

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Reality TV and the Doctor


I'm so tired, it's not that I've done much today apart from sitting and watching four straight hours of reality TV, starting with a bit of Strictly, the X-Factor and finally I'm A Celebrity and I couldn't be happier that Stacy Solomon is Queen of The Jungle. She really is so funny and was so entertaining throughout the entire thing.

If I carry on talking about reality TV any longer I think my brain might melt.

The only other thing of merit today was creating some rather awesome bowls out of vinyl records and they look so cool and only cost £1 to buy the record from Oxfam. They're also amazingly easy to make. Literally all you have to do is place the record on top of a bowl and put it in the oven at one hundred and fifty degrees until it goes soft and then you mould it around the bowl. Then simply let it cool and your done. They're so cool and I'm tempted to give them to people as Christmas presents although I guess that's a bit stingy.

I also finally completed my Matt Smith Doctor costume which I am currently sat wearing (fez included) and here's a picture

By the way bow ties may be cool but they are the most infuriatingly difficult thing to tie in the world.

Anyway Good Night xxx

Friday, 3 December 2010

Ice Ice Baby

Wooo it's still snowy -_-

I say snowy but I mean trecherously icey. The playground at school was entirely ice and bloody dangerous quite frankly. Hence I spent the majority of the day inside.

But meh I'm not going to complain.

Well I would talk about  I'm A Celebrity but we all knew who was going to be leaving tonight so I wont. Instead I'm going to talk about this new Facebook thingy. Basically all you have to do is change your display picture to a cartoon character until Monday to raise awareness of the NSPCC. You'll probably have noticed all the status' saying "Change your Facebook profile picture to a cartoon character from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same, for the NSPCC. Until Monday (December 6th), there should be no human faces on Facebook, but an invasion of memories. This is a campaign to stop violence against children"
 Mines currently Dory from Finding Nemo although I am tempted to change it to Arthur from the TV programme Arthur.

Apart from that today has been pretty dull, I finally just managed to start uploading last weeks video so look on my channel for it It's not currently up while I'm writing this so I cant post the direct link to it but check out my channel and my other videos :)

But yes it's late now so I'll leave it at that

Good Night xxx

Thursday, 2 December 2010



It did snow lots last night as I had hoped, unfortunately school wasn't cancelled an I did have to go to school and   do a chemistry test. So that kinda sucked. also I had to spend the entire day walking round in my school shoes which have no grip on them whatsoever, so as you can guess I spent a large proportion of my time flailing my arms in a vague attempt to stay upright.

Weirdly, there wasn't as much carnage as there was last year when it snowed, everything was pretty normal I even managed to get to school on time. But tomorrow I fear may be a different story since the snow has been starting to melt all day and now it's bloody freezing outside I think the entire Wokingham area is going to become one giant ice-rink. My drive to school should be interesting tomorrow to say the least. (By the way that picture is of an actual snow flake, how cool is that?)

Apart from the snow nothing much has really happened, so I think I'll leave you to it now

Good Night xxx

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Evening All

Well today has been pretty mundane with very little to speak of.

However, tonight I did get a ticket for next years Reading Festival which is TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! Well, I say I did, it was actually my dad who has suddenly taken the number one spot of most awesome person at the moment :) And even better news is that Reading Festival will start on my birthday, so ROCK ON!!!!

I'm really not rocker enough to say things like that am I?

Oh, and it's also been snowing lightly for the past few hours. The good thing is it's actually pitching which is good. It's not that annoying snow that falls really heavily but melts as soon as it touches anything meaning everything just gets wet and not snowy. I'm really hoping it will snow like crap tomorrow so that I don't have to go to school tomorrow since I have a Chemistry test which our teacher told us about today.

But I doubt that'll happen because it's not snowing-in snow its more of make everything look pretty snow.

Anyway I'm tired and I'm sure you are too, so I'll leave you to it now.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

In Soviet Russia Blog Reads You!


It would appear we have some readers from Russia and Indonesia among us, hello to you guys and thanks for coming. I have recently noticed a sudden increase in foreign readers in the past few days and I must say I quite like it. We've had Americans and Portuguese readers for a while now but suddenly we have Malaysian, Indonesian and Russian readers which I'm quite excited about, so again thanks for coming and it's much appreciated.

Right down to business, today kinda sucked, mainly because like half the year was off school due to some random maths thingy. So that meant that most of our lessons were rather quiet, but never mind, it gave me some time to appease my physics teacher who was angry at me for a mistake I made last lesson involving a poorly constructed (See image to the right). So I re-made the graph and got full marks which I was happy about. I also watched a truly horrific video in history, and I mean horrific as in being monumentally awful not the gruesome meaning of horrific. It involved some really bad actors playing characters from the rule of Alfred the Great. There was even a scene during which a Viking party attacked a mead hall and during the ensuing chaos someone ran over and stole a table, which thoroughly confused me.

In other news, it snowed this morning, not much (less that a centimetre) but it still appeared to be enough for the guys at our school to start a snowball fight. But then again it doesn't need much snow, in fact it has been known for our school to have hail-ball fights. Our school is actually quite violent when you come to think about it.

Anywho, I've rambled on enough now so I'll leave you to it.

Good Night xxx

Monday, 29 November 2010



For those of you that don't know, that's hello in Malay. That's because apparently we have some readers from Malaysia, so hello  to you and thanks for coming. We also have some viewers from America but I cant really say hello to them in their native language because its also my native language. So hello to you too.

Well, today has been thoroughly uninteresting. Despite having the day off school due to a burst water pipe, I didn't do anything majorly interesting, just spent about four hours writing an essay entitled "How far did Alfred increase the prestige and military strength of Wessex in the years 878-899?". As you can imagine it was boring as hell. But it's done now and I don't have to do another one until next week -__-

Apart from spending an inordinate amount of time doing an essay I also witnessed Gillian McKieth get evicted from the jungle. This week seems to be turning into somewhat of a good week what with Wagner leaving yesterday and Gillian leaving today, now all we need is for Anne Widecomme to leave stricktly and we're home safe.

Well that's pretty much my day, so I'll leave you to it now,

Good Night xxx

Sunday, 28 November 2010


G'day Mate

First things first, I tired to upload another video today but YouTubes being annoying and won't let me upload it. But, I'll try and get it up tomorrow so yes I'll tell you all when its up.

Anyway, today has  been massively boring since I neglected to do any homework yesterday so I had to do it all today, which kinda sucks. But never mind its mostly done now, apart from some of my physics homework, which I couldn't do because we haven't covered that part of the syllabus yet.

Hurray for burst water pipes. That news made me so happy :)

Although I just realised I'm going to have to spend most of tomorrow doing my history essay : / never mind, I'm not going to complain about a free day off school.
Although I have just realised that things like this happen at our school quite a lot, well, that and the murders and stuff. Hmph well.

Right I'll leave you to it for now,

G'd Night xxx 

Saturday, 27 November 2010

A Bit Of Sweeny Todd

Evening All

Not much to talk about tonight, only the six-ish hours of reality television that I sat ad watched today. The only thing I thought was oddly remarkable was the fact that all these people vote for Wagner on the X-factor in order to piss off Simon Cowel, what they fail to realise is that by ringing up to vote for Wagner you are just paying money straight into Simon's pocket so Simon really doesn't give a crap who wins. Silly fools eh?

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street PosterAnd now I'm just sat here jamming to a bit of Sweeny Todd before I go and make another vlog. I must say I do love that film so much I've currently got the Mr Pirellis Magical Elixir song stuck in my head even though it hasn't come up in the film yet, strange I know. I find it really funny how Alan Rickman plays Judge Turpin just like he played Snape.

Anyway that's enough of my inane musings, I'll leave you to it now, 

G'd Night xxx 

Friday, 26 November 2010


Hey Guys,

Well today has been sooooo long, I really hate the end of the weeks this year, mainly because Thursdays and Fridays are like the only days on my timetable when I actually have a full day of school, which kinda sucks. But hey ho! The weekend is here now and I've got sod all to do which is awesome.

Now, I've spent most of this evening watching 2012, which is a freaking amazing film despite it being about 3 hours long. But that got me thinking about apocalypses and end of the world scenarios and it was quite an interesting chain of thought. I've mentioned before my plan in the case of a zombie apocalypse but I quickly got onto thinking about a nuclear holocaust and a biological weapons attack and I can now say for sure I will survive both these scenarios. Well, that's a cheery thought.

Other than that I haven't done much really just sort of chillaxing (I love that word) and now I'm writing this whilst mashing Starbursts together so they taste scrummy.

And OMG I love Graham Norton so much but I'm ashamed to say that next week on his show Justin Bloody Bieber will be on his show. Oh dear God I hope that Graham rips him to shreds.

Anyway, I'm thoroughly tired now so I'll leave you too it now.

Toodle Pip and Tally Ho!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Not Much To Say Tonight


It would appear I have officially run out of things to talk about today.

Hmph, what a problem eh?

Oh apparently Gillian McKieth is claiming to be two months pregnant, does she not understand that she's too old to have kids?

Anyway I've just realised I've got some homework that needs completing in the next half an hour before I'm A Celebrity starts again.

So I'll leave you to it now,

G'd Night xxx

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Chocolate :)


Well, today started off as a bit of as a drag, but then I SAW HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART I.

And OH MY DAYS it was brilliant. There were so many great bits of film...ography? I really loved it and am thoroughly excited for next years film. I've spent the last week being thoroughly jealous of everybody who had already seen the film.

Anyway, I'll talk about the film itself in a video on Friday but for now you'll have to wait for my full judgement.

OOH, somethings just come on telly that's in a chocolate factory and although working there sounds like a dream job, the employees aren't allowed to eat any while they're working which kind of sucks. Actually this show is essentially telling us that working in a sweet factory isn't actually very fun, which has kind of ruined my childhood dream. I had always imagined chocolate factories to be the sort of thing that are shown in films, magical places with rivers of chocolate and stuff. But alas they're just full of metal pipes and stuff :/

Right, I'm off to go and watch I'm A Celebrity, Oh wait it's not on tonight because of the damn football, meh never mind.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 23 November 2010



Shock horror, Gillian managed to complete a task today and get five stars. I suppose that counts as news.

Today has been a bit meh :/

The school computer system has been recording me as bunking all of my free periods and then decided to tell my dad that, who consequently got really stroppy and annoyed at me.

But hey ho! It's not the end of the world.

EEK!!! The coke adverts on telly now AND I'm seeing the new Harry Potter film tomorrow :D

It looks so freaking cool and I honestly can't wait to see it.

Anyway Ima go to sleepsies now because im V. tired

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu
Good Night xxx

Monday, 22 November 2010

Just a Quick One

Well it's only a quick post tonight as I got all wrapped up in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here again.

Anyway, today's been pretty boring with not much of interest to say.

Had double physics which was loong, then history which was also boring.

Sorry for being so boring and uninteresting but that's all I have to say.

To make up for it here's a picture of Gillian McKieth unconscious yet again.

Good Night xxx

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Bit Of A Rant


Well, I'm so sorry that I've forgotten to post the previous two nights but on Friday I was at Toms all evening watching Children In Need and by the time I got back I just fell asleep before I could write and the same happened on Saturday again. So massive apologies for that but I'm back now :)

So I guess the  biggest news today was Paige leaving the X-Factor. Now, I'm sorry but what the bloody hell! How the "Bleeping Bleep" is Wagner still in the bloody programme. Every week he comes on and brutally murders and mutilates not just one song but three. Singing three songs doesn't make him sound three times as good it makes him three times as shit.

Right prepare for another rant. Two words, Gillian McKeith. Seriously, if you're so deathly afraid of insects and creepy crawlies then why the bloody hell do you go on a reality TV programme that's famous for covering the contestants in creepy crawlies and bugs? She pisses me off so freaking much.

Anyway, rants over. Now, back to real life. I've spent the majority of today and yesterday making these awesome beady creatures. That really shows how bored I was, I had a sudden urge to make something and I could only think of those things to make. I was thinking of doing a video but my parents didn't bugger off as t hey had planned to do so I didn't :/

But anyway, I'll leave you to it now. Again sorry for not posting the past two days.

Good Night xxx

Thursday, 18 November 2010

10 Points to Gryfindor

Wow, I have lots of homework tonight. Well that's a shame

Oh well

Well today consisted of me being MEGA tired all day and I don't know why. This wasn't helped by a collection of the most boring lessons I've ever experianced, Physics, double Chemistyr and History. Well to be honest it was just plain snoreage. I know that's not a word but I'm too tired to care at the moment.

On the way home I also dropped off my Gryfindor scarf (yes, I am cool enough to have one) at Jo's house so she can go dressed up as witch for school  tomorrow. That's one of the perks of going to Farnborough I guess. I also gave her a poster I found in the paper which is a giant poster of Ron Weasley's face. Although I must admit this picture of the poster is a lot less scary than the poster is. But anyway, I thought she'd like it because she has like a massive fetish for ginger people. I use the term people very loosely. Nah, I'm only joking, I shouldn't have used the word in the first place...

And OMFG Harry Potter comes out tomorrow which I am like super excited for in case you hadn't noticed. But yes...

Well, now I've reached the stage that I have to start weighing up the decision as to whether to continue writing to you guys of retire to my history homework. To be honest it's no contest, this blog wins everytime. History is just so boring, well not all of it is, just the educational reforms introduced by Alfred. I mean come on, I doubt even teachers find this interesting.

But I suppose I had better get some of it done because otherwise its a pain doing it tomorrow morning when I can barely move let alone think

So I'll leave you to it now,

Toodles xxx

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


Eh Up Chuck

Well just a quick on tonight because I've just realised I have some chemistry homework left to do *Yawn*

I bet you just yawned then didn't you, there's been some research into it and if you read the word YAWN then you in turn feel the need to yawn. Actually I don't know if there's been any research into yawning, all I know is that I usually yawn when I read the words yawn.
Wow, I used yawn in that paragraph loads.

Now back to business, today's been a bit of a PLEH day and thoroughly suited all the talk of yawning because quite frankly it was thoroughly yawn-worthy. Why cant I stop talking about yawning? I think it's my brain trying to subliminally tell me that it doesn't want to do my chemistry homework. 

Anyway, back to work now

Toodles xxx

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


Aloha and Hola

That's hello in Hawaiian and Spanish, how sophisticated is that?

I thought I best be more culturally diverse since I realised I've got viewers from the USA and Portugal. So here's a shout out to those guys. Hey!

Well tonight's post is relatively early because I have a mountain of homework to do tonight and I was worried that I'd forget if I didn't do it now.

So today saw me digging out my old Badge-It machine. For those of you that don't know it's basically a little machine that lets you make badges out of any picture you want. Its truly awesome. I was only inspired to go and dig it out because I was surfing the web (wow that's such an old-person-trying-to-be-young phrase) and saw all these awesome badges and was thinking of buying them until I realised I could make them myself for like 10% of the price. So there we go, a Badge-It machine now takes pride of place on my desk.

Apart from myself regressing to the mental state of a 10 year old girl, nothing much has really happened today which sucked a bit. But never mind I'm sure I can think of something.




Oh I did have a good chat with Nick and Steve about university and the possibility of gap yahs and yes I did just call it a gap yah, just a bit of bantah you know. Yah yah exactly Tarquin. For those of you that didn't understand any of that go on to YouTube and search for Gap Yah. Its bloody amazing yah, it totally made me chunder ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHAR!!!

Anyway I'll leave it at that for tonight, this homework isn't going to neglect to do itself you know!

Bon Soir mes amis xxx

Monday, 15 November 2010


Ahoy there

Well today saw me and tom having a huge argument as to whether the word saucepan is pronounced sauce-PAN or sauce-PUN. Which resulted in several other people being dragged kicking and screaming into the argument with two distinct factions forming. Me with those that pronounce it sauce-PAN and Tom with those who say sauce-PUN. The argument was then resolved when we consulted Mr Jackman, our head of Sixth Form and he sided with me granting me the victory. However Tom refused to let it go until Nick consulted several English teachers who all sided with me and said that those that pronounce it sauce-PUN are wrong. Therefore I definitively win that argument, not that I'm gloating or anything.

Anyway, apart from the winning of an argument today has been a bit of a damp squib which I suppose would make it kind of hard to write a blog. So I'll leave you to it tonight.

See you later xxx

Sunday, 14 November 2010

"Im NOT A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here"

Hello Readers

Well today saw the beginning of I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here and I cannot see how the programme is allowed to have the word Celebrity in the title. I have only heard of Stacey Solomon and Agro Santos and I still wouldn't classify them as celebrities. But still, that's not going to stop me watching it, I mean who doesn't love watching people eat Kangaroo penis?

Anyway, today hasn't been very interesting just spent the day doing doing history homework. I always seem to be doing history homework which is a bit annoying. But never mind what can you do eh?

I also spent most of today continuing my three day YouTube binge which has let me discover quite a few more awesome YouTubers.

Well, apologies for today's post being so short, but there's only so much stuff I cant talk about on a day in which I did very little indeed.

To make up for it here's a picture of my friend Tom singing to himself on the bus.

Anyway, Good Night xxx

Saturday, 13 November 2010


Hey guys,

Well last night I said I was making a video and I did (it's here) and I also said it was good. Unfortunately it's not. In my defence I was immensely tired since I sort of started properly filming at about half 12 in the morning so as you can guess my brain wasn't working properly. I managed to neglect all of the ideas I had wanted to include in it. So to make up for it I'll try again tonight. I know your probably thinking that its a bad idea doing another one late at night but it's OK because I only woke up at 2 o'clock today so I'm well rested with my brain functioning.

Apart from getting my 12 hours of sleep today hasn't really beheld much apart from me eating some hot dogs and for some reason watching the rugby (Don't ask). I sat and did some history homework whilst listening to some amazing accoustic songs on YouTube, mainly LizzieRadio and tyrannosauruslexxx. They're both great singers and vloggers so give them a watch.

Sorry its such a short blog tonight but I don't really have much to talk about since I've only been concious for 3 hours.

Anyway I'll see you tomorrow.

Toodle Pip, Tally Ho! xxx

Friday, 12 November 2010


Good Evening Peeps

Well today's main news was my history trip to Winchester which was so tiring. It wasn't that it involved much physical exertion, just that I had like no sleep last night and therefore nearly fell asleep at every available opportunity. Despite that it was quite a good trip and the cathedral was absolutely huge and would have been an engineering nightmare even today. What was weird though was that as soon as I saw it I immediately thought how good a hideout it would make during a zombie apocalypse. I suppose that's not probably not normal. But hey! I don't care because I'll be laughing when I'm locked up safe in the cathedral when the undead come walk the earth. 
Wow that was really off topic.

Now back to reality.

So this evening I've started another video blog, I doubt it will be up tonight because I've got quite a bit left to do and edditing always takes forever. But I'm really pleased with it so far and I like it better than the others. Well I can't really say that yet, considering it's not actually finished yet, but I like what I think it will be like. There that's more correct.

But yes don't forget to go and subscribe to themightywilliphant on YouTube.

Right that's it for today :)

Good Night xxx

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Evening All

So today was the 11th of November and I hope you all did your minutes silence at 11 oclock. Whilst roaming around on internet YouTube suggested this very apt scene from Doctor Who. I know your probably bored of my continual Doctor Who ramblings but I think this scene was just so appropriate for today.

Also I want to say thanks to everybody who has watched my videos, especially yesterday because I posted the link to my channel and it actually tripled my viewing figures which I'm really happy about, so thanks. I've also spent the past few hours scouring YouTube for inspiration for new videos. I've got loads of good ideas so I hope the next few videos will be better than their predecessors.

On another similar note, I've also been watching the Harry Potter premiere live which was awesome. Although I have been sat wondering who some of the people were and then having massive realisations, for instance it took me ages to figure out who the Weasley twins were, I just didn't recognise them because they're not ginger in real life which was like WOAH!!!  And the girl who plays Luna Lovegood isn't blonde either. I also loved the fact there were Deatheaters standing behind the bariers as the backdrop for the press photos.

Anyway, I'll leave you now so I can try and find a Deatheater Mask.

Good Night xxx

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Hello Again

Well, I guess the most awesome thing to happen today was the protest/riot in London today. Unfortunately my school and Dad don't support the NUS so I didn't get a day off to protest, instead I was stuck with Chemistry, Physics and History. However once I got home I was glued to my telly watching the siege at Milbank Tower. Although I thoroughly agree with the protest, I was really pissed off at those who used violence, that wasn't what the protest about, it was about showing the government that they were wrong and we wouldn't stand for it. I'm also a bit miffed at the Lib Dems for completely changing their standpoint on university tuition fees.

I also found out today that the tuition fees wont rise as much for science and maths which is quite good for me since I'm probably going to do something in science.

But, that's enough politics for now. Today's been a bit of a boring one for me as I had school to go to. After school I had a bit of clear up of my room during which I discovered lots of awesome things. Well I say discovered, more of rediscovered, well, actually its more of a re-rediscovery but they were still thoroughly interesting. I also went on another music hunt looking for some awesome youtube musicians and fell in love with guys like Hank Green and Tom Milsom and Alex Day. I was also a bit disappointed that Charlie McDonnel wasn't on Spotify but I decided I may have to buy his new album when it comes out. I might have to buy it as a bundle with a Clonning Charlie shirt he made.

Anyway, enough about me how are you?

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Who Doesn't Love Trock?

Evenin' All

Well today was interesting I suppose. It started off with a SafeDrive talk at the Hexagon which was about the dangers of drunk and high speed driving. It was really moving hearing some of the stories of peoples experiences of car crashes and I really admired a woman who came and talked about how her son had died in a car crash. So that was a sobering experience but then got slammed back to normality with a monumentally boring chemistry lesson.

But, once I got home I continued my history essay which was thoroughly boring. To help pass the time I rediscovered my love of Trock. For those of you that don't know Trock is a genre of music that is dedicated to music about Dr Who. Originally I had only really liked Chameleon Circuit but after a bit of rummaging around on the internet I discovered loads of Trock bands: Tom Milsom, Mr Saxon, Quantum Locked, The Medusa Cascade and Bad Wolf Bay to name but a few. I know that sounds really geeky and pathetic but despite my epic love for Dr Who Trock is also pretty good music. I've also spent this evening jamming to a bit of Hank Green, who's a massive YouTube star and he's a pretty good musician too with a lot of geeky funny songs.

Anyway, I'll go and delve deeper into the world of Trock and I hope you do too because it's awesome :)

Good Night xxx

Monday, 8 November 2010


Evening All

Well, considering its a Monday, today was quite good. Even double physics wasn't as much of a bore as usual. But by far, this evening was the best, I spent the evening helping our schools biology department persuade year 11s to take biology for A level. This involved a variety of dissections, practicals and plasticine models. I spent most of the evening trying to pry apart each individual part of a rat, completely gutting it, exposing the brain, removing an eyeball and cutting off an ear. I know some of you might find that a bit gruesome and gory but I find it really interesting and fun. After I'd finished with the rat I moved on to a frog, which absolutely stank. Of course between mutilating rats and frogs I did have a chat with some people about the biology course but that require much effort, once the boys had seen the various dissections the majority wanted to do biology.

Now, moving away from the blood and guts I want to tell you about the sheer idiocy of some people. I was sat at the bus stop today and saw a woman with a lit cigarette in one hand and her asthma inhaler in the other. I mean seriously what the hell! If your ill enough to need an inhaler then your too ill to be smoking. But hey, what can you do eh?

On a cheerier note SCRUBS IS BACK. I bloody love Scrubs and was really sad when it ended. But now I can watch it again because it's starting a new sort of spin-off series where all the characters are teachers teaching new med-students and it should be awesome :)

Anyway I have to go and wash the rat smell of my hands

Good night xxx

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Harry Potter

Hey guys

I know, I know, I've gushed about this film before but seriously, who isn't excited and slightly sad that the Harry Potter films are nearly over? Thanks to a magazine in the Sunday Times today I got all nostalgic and stuff. Over the years I must have seen all the Potter films at least 10 times each, they're like a drug, whenever you see that its showing on telly you have to watch it. But at least it looks like the films going to go out with a bang. The trailer looks absolutely amazing and suitably macabre. For those of you that haven't seen the trailer it shows it here. It's not a youtube link its the main Harry Potter website but the trailer has some extra bits that I love.

Doesn't that picture make you sad, seeing Hogwarts in flames. In other Potter news, apparently they're turning the entire film set into a museum which I really want to go to.

Anyway, I'm off now

G'night xxx

Saturday, 6 November 2010


Well, what a banterfull night eh?

Well tonight was the long awaited Cantley Fireworks display and what can I say, the fireworks weren't as impressive as I had hoped. However the last few minutes of the display were rather awesome. I also thoroughly covered both my arms with glow sticks! After the fireworks there were some problems to say the least. But I won't go into any details because that's not fair.

But anyway we then went back to Jonny's house where we made some rather lovely chocolate sand and some brownies. I didn't get to taste the brownies because I had to leave but it did look rather snazzy. I also had loads of fun cooking these things and it was thoroughly banterfull indeed with lots of laughs.

Also my new vlog is here so have a look and I hope you enjoy :)

Well, it's quite late now so I'll leave you to your sleep.

Good night xxx

Friday, 5 November 2010

Cat in a Hoodie :)

Good evening,

sorry its such a short post tonight I was recording another video blog and its being a pain in the bum so I haven't had enough time to write anything worthwhile. So I apologise for that.

As compensation here is a picture of a cat in a hoodie.

So good night xxx

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Lets Reminice

Evenin' All

Well today started off a bit rubbishy with physics and double chemistry. However my second chemistry lesson ended up being one of the best lessons I think I've ever had. To cut a long story short we were leaning about Valency Electron Repulsion Theory, wait for it,  WITH BALLOONS. So as you can guess a group of 20, 16 and 17 year old guys were positively giddy with delight. and be wouldn't? 

But then when I got home I sat playing with my balloon sword an thought to myself how interesting it is that things that would have entertained us when we were six still keep us enthralled 10 years later. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Things like Pokémon, Busted and basically anything that existed when we were children. I think its because we never actually grow up, we just put on the pretence of maturity because to be honest if your not reduced to a giggling puddle of childishness at the sheer mention of balloon animals and Harry Potter in your mid-teens I bet you weren't entertained by them as a child. I also realised how retro things are always in fashion, not the individual items, just the concept of being retro.

But anyway, now that I've set you to reminiscing about the olden days I'll leave you, sorry it's such a short post tonight, I spent most of the evening doing history homework about the military improvements made by Alfred the Great after his return to power *snore*
But yes,

Toodles xxx

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Accio Dumbledog

Salutations stranger

wizard dogToday I decided that when I'm older I'm going to get a dog and he shall be named Dumbledog. I also plan on teaching him magic related commands instead of the usual jump, stay, come and play dead he shall respond to Wingardium Leviosa, Petrificus Totalus, Accio and Avada Kadavra respectively. I mean how cool would that be? I got the original idea for the name Dumbledog from MLIA. I do love that website, it's full of awesome and quirky stories that happen to people during their day to day lives.

In other Harry Potter related news the film comes out in 16 days. OMFG the trailer looks so freaking good. I was a bit disappointed when they said that the final book was being released in two separate films, but to be honest by spreading out over two films the story can go into more detail. In case you hadn't realised I'm also a bit of a Harry Potter fan. But then again at my age how can you not be, I've grown up with the characters and read the books and watched the films so it's kind of hard not to love the stories.

Apart from rediscovering my love for Harry Potter, today has been pretty dull with nothing much of interest happening. Therefore I wont bore you by recounting the whole thing and I'll leave you to your day.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Pirate English

Avast ye salty sea dogs and wenches

Upon this mighty fine day I did discover the sorcery that be's the pirate tongue on facebook. Aye, it be's most good eh?

Well enough of that, today's been pretty standard. Started off with double biology which was soo much effort its unbelievable. But on the other hand I did get to see Ben for lunch, well, I say lunch. It was more of a search round Sainsburys and me eating two sausage rolls and a litter of apple juice and Ben eating pasta and fruit cocktail. And then on the train back to Wokingham Ben put a rather disturbing image of him and whipped cream into my head. Again thanks for that. But apart from that I haven't been up to much.

So now for your pleasure is a picture of Tom doing his sexiest face. 
If your wondering why i put this picture up I did it because he put humiliating picture of me on his blog, therefore I thought I'd get him back, so here it is :)

In other news, has anybody else realised how short the days are getting?  It's all quite depressing really what with the days rolling in and the darkness creeping closer. But I suppose with those things comes joggers, hoodies, duvets, DVDs, bad weather, hugs and best of all Christmas. For all that I love about Summer, I do prefer Winter its just more cosy and warm. I know that probably makes no sense but it does. Anyway I'll leave you while visions of sugar plumbs dance in your head.

Bon Soir. xxx 

Monday, 1 November 2010

Vampires and Job Hunting

Hey Guys

Today was quite a nice  day to start the half term with seeing as I only ended up having one lesson. Despite the fact that that lesson was physics it was quite a laid back day. I also had a lot of fun during my free periods playing cricket in the hall and getting stuck in some tables, which despite being humiliated on Toms blog was rather interesting to say the least.

Apart from that, my day has been pretty uneventful. When I got home I sat and watched a documentary about some real life vampire skeleton (not those Twilight douche-bags) that had been found. I would tell you what it was about but I fell asleep about 5 minutes into it. However what I saw it seemed thoroughly interesting despite me falling asleep. I am just genuinely tired, I usually spend the majority of half term utterly comatose but my mum decided she was going to wake me up at half 7 every morning to take the dog for a walk therefore meaning I had very little sleep. But hey! What can you do?

I also realised that I am in desperate in need of a job and have therefore been hitting the internet hard looking for one. How grown up is that eh? The sad thing is that the search seems to require effort that I just don't have. But still I've applied to a couple and now I just have to keep looking.

Anyway I think I'll return to my job hunt

Good Night All xxx