Monday, 15 November 2010


Ahoy there

Well today saw me and tom having a huge argument as to whether the word saucepan is pronounced sauce-PAN or sauce-PUN. Which resulted in several other people being dragged kicking and screaming into the argument with two distinct factions forming. Me with those that pronounce it sauce-PAN and Tom with those who say sauce-PUN. The argument was then resolved when we consulted Mr Jackman, our head of Sixth Form and he sided with me granting me the victory. However Tom refused to let it go until Nick consulted several English teachers who all sided with me and said that those that pronounce it sauce-PUN are wrong. Therefore I definitively win that argument, not that I'm gloating or anything.

Anyway, apart from the winning of an argument today has been a bit of a damp squib which I suppose would make it kind of hard to write a blog. So I'll leave you to it tonight.

See you later xxx

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