Tuesday, 16 November 2010


Aloha and Hola

That's hello in Hawaiian and Spanish, how sophisticated is that?

I thought I best be more culturally diverse since I realised I've got viewers from the USA and Portugal. So here's a shout out to those guys. Hey!

Well tonight's post is relatively early because I have a mountain of homework to do tonight and I was worried that I'd forget if I didn't do it now.

So today saw me digging out my old Badge-It machine. For those of you that don't know it's basically a little machine that lets you make badges out of any picture you want. Its truly awesome. I was only inspired to go and dig it out because I was surfing the web (wow that's such an old-person-trying-to-be-young phrase) and saw all these awesome badges and was thinking of buying them until I realised I could make them myself for like 10% of the price. So there we go, a Badge-It machine now takes pride of place on my desk.

Apart from myself regressing to the mental state of a 10 year old girl, nothing much has really happened today which sucked a bit. But never mind I'm sure I can think of something.




Oh I did have a good chat with Nick and Steve about university and the possibility of gap yahs and yes I did just call it a gap yah, just a bit of bantah you know. Yah yah exactly Tarquin. For those of you that didn't understand any of that go on to YouTube and search for Gap Yah. Its bloody amazing yah, it totally made me chunder ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHAR!!!

Anyway I'll leave it at that for tonight, this homework isn't going to neglect to do itself you know!

Bon Soir mes amis xxx

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