Friday, 17 June 2011

It Rained Today

Would you look at that? I appear to be blogging fairly early on in the evening. I seem to be getting back into the swing of things more now.

So what happened today then. Well it rained a bit. Then it rained some more. Oh and then it decided to rain a bit more. As you can imagine that made everything infinitely more fun. The highlight had to be having to stand around in the wet for ages because somebody pressed the fire alarm at school. That was a really brilliant idea on their part. To be honest it wasn't raining too hard at that point and I managed to blag biscuits off some friends. Biscuits make everything so much better. Then we got to watch a video in Biology. That is the first video we've watched in the whole of our A-levels, all be it was a documentary about dissecting an alligator. It was awesome, alligators are funky animals with all sorts of clever things in them.

Oh yes! The errands I mentioned yesterday. Well I walked into town and went into the library to get a new library card. Unfortunately since I'm 16 and therefore incapable of using a library properly I needed a parent there along with proof of my identity. So that didn't happen and therefore I didn't get any books for the research that needs doing. This could be problematic. Anyway, then I headed over to the post office to get the forms for my provisional drivers licence. Then I went home and sat on the sofa for ages. Now I'm here.

Wasn't that interesting.

Good Night xxx

p.s. Rain sucks!

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