So Silent Witness eh?
A tad confusing but good nonetheless.
Anyway, today. Started off doing Physics which focused around shining light at blocks of plastic, we're not stupid you know, we know what happens. Then we had History learning about some boring crap.
Then I came home did a bit of homework and then carried on working my way through all of CommunityChannel's videos. She is sooo funny and I was in fits for like two hours. Fits of laughter that is, not actual fits. Oh and I also found out today that that little thing you get when you imagine your falling when you wake up is a mild form of epilectic fits that everybody gets. Weird huh?
Sorry it's late but as I mentioned before I was watching Silent Witness, therefore I can't be arsed to write anything else.
To make up for it heres a rather creepy picture of a pigeon.
Good Night xxx
Monday, 31 January 2011
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Sarcasm Font
Hey Guys and Gals
So, I remembered to make a post today and am therefore making this one an early one. Well, what I mean by early is an hour before I usually write it. So actually it's not really early, just earlier than usual.
Yes, today. Well, this week's Sunday activity was homework, and lots of it. Most of it revolved around history and the structure of the army during the Boer War and the Crimean War. As you can imagine I had an absolute ball doing it. Our History lessons this year are just like one big party...
For those of you that didn't get that, I was being heavily sarcastic. Sarcasm isn't very easy to pull off in writing. Even in books the author has to say "he/she said sarcastically" just to make sure everybody got the joke. I know it's been said before hundreds of times in the form of Facebook groups but there really needs to be a font specifically designed for scarasm. Personally I think it should be Wingdings (The one thats made up of only pictures and stuff). How awesome would that be, in the middle of a serious novel a character makes a sarcastic comment but all you can see is a load of unreadable nonsense.
And then I put up some new curtains. Hardcore I know. Actually they weren't new they were the ones from my old room but I just never got around to putting them up in my new room.
I don't know why I told you that. It wasn't interesting when I did it, why did I think it would be interesting for you to read about? Hmph, I dunno.
Then I sat and carried on reading my book and realised after an entire week of reading the book I was only half way there. But things have begun getting awesome. Speaking of books, my new video "Books!!!" is up on YouTube, you should really check it out, it will make me happy. That was the replacement video for one I made on Friday night that ended up being about half an hour long.
So yes, I think I've said everything I wanted to. I think I have at least.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Completely Forgot!
Oh hell,
It appears I almost forgot to put a post up today. Sorry about that. I got really into my book and completely forgot about everything else.
Anyway, today consisted of me waking up expecting to go into town with Tom but my parents were mysteriously absent. I was hoping that they would return before I had to be meeting Tom but alas they did not. So I didn't get to meet up :/
Anyway, I then went to the bottle bank, then the train station to buy a Student Railcard. That made me feel all studenty and stuff.
Then I spent the rest of the day absorbed into my book about vampires (Don't worry it wasn't twilight).
Sorry for everything being a bit rushed but I'm in the middle of shooting a video that I was supposed to do last night.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 28 January 2011
So Cold!
So, Hi Guys and Gals
I've just been having a rummage around the stats bit of the blog and have seen that this week I've had readers from: USA, Canada, Poland, Portugal, Russia and Singapore. I was a bit... shocked is the wrong word but completely taken aback by the fact that so many people from all over the world are visiting my blog everyday and I just wanted to say thanks.
But I'm guessing that you didn't come to read me gushing about how much you guys mean to me. So back to scheduled viewing.
So today started of like most days with me waking up. Now normally it's a bit of a nuisance what with the unbearable desire to remain in the thralls of the sandman, but today it wasn't just that. My room was absolutely freezing. Normally its a bit chilly because the radiator in my room is pathetic, but this morning I could actually see my breath in the bathroom. I later discovered that somebody had thought it was a good idea to leave a window ajar. As you can imagine merely the energy required to even lift the covers was incredibly hard to come by. Eventually I did manage to drag myself into the shower and turn it on as hot as possible in a vague attempt at heating the rest of my room.
Despite that I was still in a relatively good mood and then toddled off to school. I started off with History learning about the contributing factors that led to the outbreak of the Crimean War. Yet another utterly enthralling lesson... I then had a free period which I spent throwing ping pong balls through elaborate set ups of tables and chairs with Steve in the 6th Form centre. Then I had two hours of Biology, well, actually more of one and a half hours of biology. The first lesson we did some practical to test for sugars and something to do with sugars. Then we had our evaluative exam thing, which basically involves answering a couple of questions about a practical the exam board describes. It not particularly interesting. But since there were only like four questions we had about forty minutes free to do whatever I wanted. I spent it nomming cookies. Then I had a Chemistry lesson where Josh and I spent the hour imagining what our teacher would be like if she was like Arnold Schwarzenegger (Why is his name in spell check?).
Anywho that was my day, thoroughly entertaining wasn't it?
Say yes dammit!
Stay tuned to my YouTube channel for a video coming up either very early tomorrow morning or very late tomorrow night. Just be prepared to be bamboozled by nerdyness!
Right, I'll leave you to hotly anticipate my new video while I go off gallivanting around the internet
Good Night To all of you guys across the world xxx
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Ebay Binge
Heya Guys and Gals
Well today is a bit hard to describe and I'm not sure why. It wasn't particularly boring but it wasn't extremely interesting either. So it started off with a physics lesson which involved a massive slinky strung across the class room. I wasn't paying attention to what our teacher said I was preoccupied imagining what the slinky would look like falling down some stairs. It would be awesome. Then we did some work on waves or something. It wasn't very interesting.
Then I had a chemistry lesson with our proper teacher who actually teaches us. We learned about the combustion of alkanes enthalpy change. I know it sounds quite boring but I find it quite interesting. Don't judge me. Our other Chemistry lesson was urm... interesting. Yes, lets say it was interesting. We were doing tests on cyclohexane and bromine and stuff. That resulted on some guys setting fire to the desk repeatedly. It did make me laugh turning around and seeing massive flames coming from the table. Then with about 10 minutes of the lesson left we discovered that we had been using cyclohexene instead of cyclohexane which apparently was a big drama and resulted in us having to repeat the experiment. It wasn't particularly interesting.
Anyway, I then had a History learning about the structure of the British Army during the Boer War. Yeah, its not as interesting as it sounds and it doesn't sound very interesting does it?
Anyway, then I came home and was sent to the computer to go on a job hunt. I got as far as checking my emails and then I went on YouTube and bought some stuff from DFTBA an then spured on from my purchase I went to Ebay and ended up buying some vintage signs for my walls and bid on a few polaroid camera. I was actually really lucky I got outbid because I read in tiny writing in the description it was for repair or parts meaning it didn't work. So lucky I didn't pay £10 for a broken camera eh?
I think that's it for today. So I'll leave you with a picture of a coke can that I got to sort of balance oddly.
Funky eh?
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Gypsies, Gypsies Everywhere!
Sup Peeps
Keeping well I hope.
It was Wednesday today, a bit of an odd one that. It felt really long. Not in distance, in time, just in case you thought that a period of time could in fact be measured in distance Actually thinking about it, that would probably be speed. I dunno, does that make sense? Or am I being monumentally thick again?
Right, anyway, yes, Wednesday. Got to school and we were sat in the hall until Harry decided to declare his hatred for Gypsies. Which caused a bit of an argument debate between us. Us mostly being Tom, with me occasionally chipping in. So that eventually fizzled out until our assembly during which Mrs Thornton mentioned that the Nazis killed Gypsies, thereby reinforcing mine and Toms argument. Well actually it wasn't really an argument since both sides somehow ended up arguing the same thing. I still don't know how that happened. Still. Then I had a chemistry lesson where we were taught nothing and completely neglected by our teacher. I mean we can ask her direct questions and she'll ignore us and go and help somebody else. It's not good. I've forgotten what other lessons I had today, apart from a Critical Thinking lesson which involved a debate about the difference between banter and sexual harassment.
Still I'm home now trying to ignore the temptation of Twitter long enough to write a decent enough post. I mean come on! There have been 22 tweets since I started writing this. Actually it has been half an hour since I started, I got distracted by something funky. Anyway, I didn't put a picture up yesterday because I couldn't be bothered to go and get my phone cable but I'm back on my desk today and have the cable, so here's that picture of my Gryfindor bracelet that arrived yesterday. No prizes for which one it is.
Right, I'll leave you now so I can go and watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding because apparently it was hilarious.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Good Evening/Night
Good Evening People
Isn't it weird we use the phrase Good Evening as a greeting yet Good Night as a.... urm.... whatever the opposite of a greeting is?
Still, that's not really important. I'm not saying that my life is particularly important either, I just think it's more interesting that debating the validity of certain sayings.
So, yes. Today. Hmph, what happened? I'm not sure why I'm asking you, you wouldn't know. Unless your someone who was there when I did whatever it was I did. Or a stalker. I hope very much it isn't the latter.
Yes, back to business. So today started off the usual way, me waking up, getting ready for school and eventually to school. Twas then that I discovered I had been roped into pressing buttons on a laptop during assembly since everybody else was busy. It wasn't too bad just clicking a few times and then sitting back to enjoy the lovely talk about genocide. As assemblies often do it overran meaning I was late to my biology practical assessment. That wasn't too difficult considering there was only one question to answer on the test. Then we had history and physics which passed without any incident worth commenting on. History is still as boring as ever. Well, I think it is, I wasn't really paying attention, just trying to melt the whiteboard with my mind. Alas it didn't work. But one day my friend, one day...
Then I got the bus home. I was a bit worried when a baby spent the entire journey staring intently at me as if he was trying to melt my face in much the same way I had been trying to melt the whiteboard. Luckily his skills were no where near honed enough. I think he may be my nemesis if ever I do become a super hero.
So anyway...
I got back home to discover the Gryfindor bracelet I ordered a while ago had arrived. Tis cool. I would put a picture of it up but I'm currently writing this while sat against my bedroom door since here is apparently the only place my internet will allow me to connect any more and since both my phone and the cable are on my desk I cannot be bothered to go and get them to show you all. I hope you don't mind. It's just that your not quite worthy of the effort required to walk 3 meters to my desk. No offence or anything.
Right, I'll leave you to it now people.
Untill Another Day xxx
Monday, 24 January 2011
I am Will Smith
Dontcha' just love Mondays?
No? Only me?
Oh. Well, let me enlighten you as to why I love Mondays. I only have one lesson. It's great. It means I get to do absolutely sod all at home for the rest of the day. Tis awesome. It also means that I can get a lift home with my Mum, instead of getting the bus with all the odd people that ride the bus during the middle of the day.
So yes, I had a free period first which managed to pass with very little happening, well stuff did happen like breathing and talking and general existing There was also something quite funny that happened during period 1 unfortunately I have completely forgotten what it was. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Anyway, on to period 2 which was Physics. It wasn't too bad, only prep for our quantitative skills assessment this week. That wasn't particularly taxing. So un-taxing in fact that at the end of the lesson I signed my work Will Smith instead of Will Davison (You can see the resemblance). I guess subconsciously I am just that
cool retarded. Then we had an enrichment/critical thinking assembly type thing. I decided to sit in the SLAG box (Stage Lighting Audio Group, get your mind out of the gutter!) and not pay attention to what our head of Sixth Form Centre was saying. I got the impression that he was having yet another rant at us, that happens quite a lot. I'm beginning to think our school has a vendetta against our year.
Anyway, after forgetting that I could have got the bus home and got home half an hour earlier, I stayed and listened to Tom show me up on the piano. I hate him, I really do! So I was listening to him when a random Brazilian hobbit woman appeared and started starring at Tom (I'm not even joking). It got really awkward in there, but she soon buggered off again. Then I went home.
Oh, I finished my book last night, y'know, the Hunger Games? Anyway, it's a freaking great book and I cant wait for the sequels. I also started another book this afternoon. It's called the Vampire Lestat. Well, actually its three books in one but the one I'm currently reading is The Vampire Lestat. It seems pretty good atm. Will report back soonish. The funny thing is, that The Hunger Games and the vampire trilogy are both the same size, but the trilogy is far heavier and has like twice as many pages since all the pages are like tissue paper. Still, it won't stop me reading it.
Right, I'll leave you to your evening now
See You Tomorrow xxx (Woah I shook it up a bit!)
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Leathery Pizza
Hey Ho people,
How are we today?
So I made a video today.... Check it out and don't forget to subscribe because it makes me proper chuffed.
Anyway, so today I woke up, as I do most days and utilised my funky new radiator turning on device type thing and then slid out of bed into the shower. Halfway through my shower my dad asked me if I wanted to go with them to somewhere. I didn't hear what he said and took a gamble and said no. Turned out the gamble paid off as it turned out they were only going to Halfords. While they were out I tucked into a breakfast of re-heated pizza and garlic bread. Well, I use the term breakfast. At the time it was half twelve, so in reality it was more lunch than anything. Anyway, it doesn't matter what I call it, it still tasted like crap. The dough had gone stale and the ham on the pizza had gained the consistency of leather. Never mind.
I didn't actually achieve much today apart from reading a hefty chunk of The Hunger Games. It's such a great book and I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish it tonight.
Anyway, I really want to get back to the book so I'll see you all tomorrow.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Booksey Type Things
Hey there.
Well, today has been kinda sort of busy but not really. If that makes sense? Basically I did a few things but none of them were very physically or mentally taxing. So I woke up this morning and instead of getting out of bed into the cold I fashioned a long poking device out of two cardboard tubes under my bed and turned on the radiator on from the comfort of my bed. I then sat catching up on overnight tweets and facebook news until I deemed it warm enough for me to venture out of bed and into the big wide world. Well, by the big wide world I mean the bathroom.
So I got showered and dressed and went with the parents into an out of town shopping place. I went into Hobbycraft to browse for awesome stuff I could use to make things with. Unfortunately there wasn't much of any interest to me and I left empty-handed and somewhat disappointed. I had been sort of looking forward to going to Hobbycraft for the last couple of days (Sad I know) and was sure I would find something amazingly cool to buy. But alas, no luck.
Then we went to Staples and spent a tad too much on stationary and such. I bought a new folder, a box file, a new stapler, some staples to go in the stapler and some dividers to go in the new folder.
After, finishing up at Staples we went back to Wokingham as my parents needed to buy some things in there. While they were doing that I went into the local book shop, which I've been thinking about and realised it's the only proper book shop in town. I thought that was a bit odd. Anyway, I went into the book shop with the plan of buying Looking For Alaska by John Green unfortunately as soon as I entered the shop I completely forgot about that and bout The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins instead. To be honest I'm not that bothered because I've heard nothing but great reviews about both books.
When we got home my dad went on a holiday shopping binge and ended up booking us a two week holiday in Kos. Which is in Greece apparently. And quite frankly I can't wait. It looks so good and warm and lovely there. Actually I just generally cant wait for summer in general. It's going to be great I have so much stuff planned and I'm determined to actually go through with these plans instead of just never getting around to them like I did last year. Gah! I'm so excited!
Anyway I've been going on for too long now so I'll leave you to it now.
Good Night xxx
P.s The British Comedy Awards are on now, go and watch
Friday, 21 January 2011
Today was Friday
Ahoy There Matey
So Today. It was an average day, as in as far as days can be average considering the massive variations between days. It would be really weird if you woke up on one day and the exact same things happened as had happened the day before. I mean it would really freak me out. Like proper freaked out. So actually when I say average it wasn't actually average at all in any way. It was just sort of a Friday. That seems to be the most accurate way of describing today without being technically correct. Now I have just realised that if you, the reader, are reading this on any day that isn't a Friday the previous statement is rendered incorrect. Therefore I forbid anyone to read this post on any day apart from a Friday. I hope that this rule doesn't inconvenience you in any way.
Anyway, back to the Friday that was today. It started off requiring an immense amount of will power to get out of bed, mainly because my radiator was off and therefore my room was as chilly as a naked polar bear frolicking in the snowy depths of the Arctic circle whilst having ice cold coke cans applied to the back of his neck. I suppose I could have just said it was cold, but that wouldn't have portrayed actual chill that existed in my room this morning. So after pottering off to school I bumped into Tom and Josh on their way to Sainsburys to buy Nick a birthday cake. I must say it was a rather good cake and at the risk of sounding like Nigella Lawson it was yummy scrummy. So then we had History which was depressingly uneventful, as I suspect the rest of the course will be. My free period was rather snazzy what with a game of Prospectus Ping Pong being created across the sixth form centre. Then some milky ways made me cry with laughter. I know milky ways aren't the most hilarious confectionery in the world but at the time it was funny for me. Double biology wasn't too bad as we're starting biochemistry which I find quite interesting.
Anyway then came lunch during which very little happened apart from Tom acting like a retard robot (See Picture).
Then came chemistry which we're still doing thermodynamics. Meh it's not too bad atm just a bit dull.
Then I came home and ended up re-arranging my desk to make it easier to procrastinate. I did it far too well and now my desk is unnervingly empty.
Anyway I'm going to love you and leave you now because Hustle is on now.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Will Week
Hey Ho People
Back to school today. I think I nearly fell asleep in everyone of my lessons. Chemistry we've started thermodynamics which isn't too bad. Yet. Physics we've finally left mechanics behind which I am so glad of. Unfortunately, it means we have to start on electricity which is probably the second most boring topic in our syllabus. Then, to top it off we've started the Boer War and the Crimean War. *Headdesk* Let's just say it isn't the most enthralling topic in the world.
Despite having three ridiculously boring lessons today I also had two free periods which were utterly hysterical. Period two involved a trip to Sainsburys with Chris, Will and Callum which resulted in my buying a Kinder Egg, something I haven't bought in about 8 or 9 years. The egg itself was bloody amazing unfortunately the toy I got in it was crap. It was a sort of rubbery alien that was supposed to bounce but didn't bounce very well and when it did it jumped off in random directions. That didn't stop us playing with it throughout the rest of the period and well into lunch. My second free was probably one of the funniest frees I think I ever had. After buying yet another kinder egg and discovering that the toy was an entire freaking toy plane we sat in the Sixth Form centre laughing at inbred Norfolians, Tom's many many man crushes and anything else remotely funny that came to mind. Oh I love my friends, they are honestly the best people in the world.
After school I pottered around Wokingham to deliver a job application. I really hope I get it so I can get some money coming in. Anyway, during my trip around town I saw this awesome banner proclaiming that this week belongs to me. When they're done with it I might ask if I can keep it and string it up in my room. Is that vain?
Right, I'll leave you to it.
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Christmas Tree Massacre
Hey Hey Kids!!!
A little Simpsons reference there. Gotta love it.
So, I made a video today which you can read HERE!!!!! Don't forget to subscribe and comment, it makes me smile.
Anywho. I got a surprising amount today as opposed to all the other days this week. Probably prompted by the fact that I start back at school tomorrow and I have done very little of what I planned. I made a video, cleaned the desk, cleaned my shower screen, dug out my old GameBoy Advance, put away all the books that I got out last night for This Is Not A Book. However, I had to do one of the most depressing tasks in human history as well. I had to cut up our Christmas tree *cries*. Yes it was a sad sight although it was probably for the best. It's been stood on our patio staring through our window longing to be inside again.
Then I did something which I currently have no recollection of what it was. Strange that. Hmph.
Oh, that was it. I spent an abnormally long amount of time creating a summer play list, strange considering it's still January. I think everybody wants it to be Summer as soon as possible, we're all fed up with Winter now. I actually have so many plans for this Summer. Many of which I had last summer but never go around to implementing them. But I promise this year I will do every single one. Well...
Oh, hell. I just signed into twitter to be greeted by 129 new tweets. I've only been off-line for about 2 hours. Meh, I best get reading then.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Post in Three Minutes.
Right, Hello
Down to business I'm trying to make a post in the three minutes until Silent Witness starts.
Lucky enough I haven't got much to talk about. I made a video but I don't think I can be bothered to spend forever editing it. So never mind that.
I haven't really done much really other that sort of chill out.
I may write a bit more in this post later but for now it's good night
Good Night xxx
Monday, 17 January 2011
So, Heidi Hi and Heidi Ho
I'm guessing that means hello. I don't really know to be honest I just heard it and thought it sounded cool.
But, yes. Hello people.
Yet another day off school today. I was planning on making a video today but never actually got around to it. So I think I'll make it tomorrow. Good plan?
Apart from not doing a video I have only achieved one real thing which was getting quoted in a video by mrtinoforever. Basically he did a video after posting some snog marry avoid thing on his twitter last night and he used my response in his video. I basically said he was funny then he shouted at the camera and said something about the kitchen. To be honest I was too busy ringing all my relatives to tell them that someone sort of famous on YouTube actually featured something I said in a video. Is that sad that that was the highlight of my day? If it was I don't care.
Then I spent the rest of the day watching the videos of ElectricFaerieDust all day. I'm such a cool dude aren't I...
My brain appears to have melted today and I can't think of anything else to write about, so I'll leave it at that.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Abscence of Much
Hello Mr/Mrs Internet Person, I've been expecting you.
Well, actually I haven't been expecting you because I don't know who you are. Unless you tell me that you read this everyday, in which case I will be expecting your presence on this here blog.
Did that make sense? I don't think it did, did it?
Oh well.
So, today. It was meh. In fact about as meh an uninterested sheep with a cold reading an article about particle physics. Very meh indeed. It literally involved me going to a DIY shop and my dad buying a bulb and then me installing said bulb. Then I carried on making a website for my dads company and got really frustrated because it was misbehaving. Then I actually managed to achieve complete nothingness. Like, actually non-existence. See that picture there, that''s what it looked like. Notice the lack of anything?
It wasn't fun.
Not doing anything isn't going stop me nattering on though.
I started the big collagey thing thats going on my back wall today. By started it I mean began cutting up magazines for the purpose of sticking them on a wall. I predict this project could take a while seeing as I've gone through about one quarter of the New Scientist magazines in my room and have only found enough pictures to cover about 1sq Ft. Anyway, I'm sure it will turn out awesome in the end. Actually don't worry, I just remembered that I have like a bazzillion more magazines under my bed as well.
I also planned a logo for sort of me. It's basically the superman logo but with a W inside it. Origional, I know! But I think I'm going to draw it on to a T-shirt either tomorrow or Tuesday. I just need to dig up some more white t-shirts to colour in with these awesome fabric pens I bought ages ago. So, yes. An update on that will be up soon.
And now I'm sat here talking to you and seeing if I can get all of my bracelets on one arm. It turns out no you can't you can get about half on before it starts to hurt.
Anyway, I'll leave you to digest that discovery of unknown proportions.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 15 January 2011
I'm SO Influential
Wht up pps?
No I haven't lost the ability to pronounce vowels, I was being gangster. How did you not get that? I am so totally a 'Bad-Man'. Innit.
Indeed. So I made a video today, take a look.
My friend Tom Hinsley made a video as well today (Check it out here). I haven't actually seen it yet as my internet has decided to slow down to the speed of a pigeon falling through strawberry treacle. But I reckon it's awesome. (I just watched it and is good so check him out =])
So now I don't feel like as much of a YouTube loner. I now have two friends who make videos now. Hurray. But if you also make videos which I don't know about tell me and I'll watch them and make uber friendliness at you. I'm really chuffed with myself that my actions have encouraged others into doing something and I feel quite awesome now (even more so that my video encouraged Tom to talk about This Is Not A Book too). So, if you get the inclination make a vlog, it's super cool and you will get like major awesome points from me if you do it.
In similar news Tom Joy also made a vlog so check that here. Today seems to be a major bloggage day all round really.
On another internet related note, we passed 1000 views the other day. I'm not entirely sure which day it was because I haven't really been paying attention to all time views so I'm not entirely sure. But I'm thinking we did it on maybe Wednesday or Friday. I'm not entirely sure to be honest. But celebrations all round *shoots champagne cork through window*
So today. Right. Not much really happened today. I made the video. Made lunch. Watched Star Wars. Oh and I did sort out my Starburst bracelet so it had a proper clasp and stuff on it. It's much better now. I've started making one for Louise as well. It could be a while because I don't have any more of the clasp things so I'll have to hunt one down.
I think that is it for today.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 14 January 2011
Wandering Around The Internet
Hey there
Dontcha just love lazy days at home?
They're awesome aren't they?
I think that's enough rhetorical questions for now. Actually, is it a rhetorical question if you can't actually answer it? Or is it just a normal question? I just did it again didn't I? DAMNIT!
Lets just start from scratch.
Today. Yes. Today doesn't have any rhetorical questions in it. Good. So as I mentioned yesterday, I'm off for 'exam leave' despite the fact that I've done all my exams already. I had planned to get up relatively early (about 9ish) and make a video. But my body decided otherwise and slept till like 12 so by the time I was up and dressed my mum was home and pestering me to make the website my dad asked me to make last night. Despite never making a website before in my life I managed to make the majority of it and am planning on doing the rest tomorrow. I don't really mind because my dad said that he would pay me £50 for it.
Anyway, after I did that I sort of wandered around the internet for a bit, watched some stuff on YouTube, looked at some random blogs, looked at some stuff on Etsy and even bought myself a rather awesome Gryffindor friendship bracelet which is uber cool. During my awesome ramblings around the internet I finally got around to making a Twitter account which can be seen just to your right. So if you have an account of your own follow me and it will make me grin a big cheesy grin.
So yes, follow me, or don't. Its your call.
Anyway, I think that's it for today.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Long Post is Long
My last exam was today, well actually it was my last two exams and as of 2:50 today I no longer have to come to school until next Thursday. Happy Much? So you can expect a couple of videos to appear over the next few days. I love the fact that since I started vlogging any time I get some free time I instantly think "Right, lets make a video!" I even have a book where I write down all of my plans and ideas for videos. Speaking of which, my friend gave me an idea for a video which I plan on carrying out soon but the thing was it prompted me to remember something from my first video about doing tasks and that such. So if you have any ideas for stuff for me to do in a video drop me a message wherever and I'll get on it. I'll even set up a Formspring widgety thingy.
Leading on from Formspring, I also plan on setting up a load of social networky things over my break. I'm definitely going to get Twitter but I might also get Tumblr because it seems cool. So basically wherever you go on the internet I'm probably going to be there too. Stop and say Hi because it makes me smile.
Anyway, enough planning. I seem to be doing a lot of planning lately but still. Back to my day. So I started with a rather entertaining Chemistry exam. Despite running out of time and rushing the last page and a bit it was relatively and I'm hoping that I didn't fail it. Then I had a three hour break during which almost everybody else seemed to disappear to lessons or Sainsburys. The highlight of that gap was probably watching Alex, Mike and Paul swallowing the ends of strawberry laces and then pulling them back out again. It was gross. I did that once a while ago and threw up everywhere. Hurray for gag reflexes.
Then came the history lesson. To surmise in one word would be PPPPAAAAANNNNNIIIIIICCCC. You think I'm exaggerating? The situation wasn't helped by our teacher telling us that there probably wouldn't be any questions on the area I was most comfortable with. But in the end it wasn't that bad and I think I did reasonably well.
Right, yes lets get away from the topic of exams. Lets just conclude that they suck.
There was something I was definitely meant to include in today's post but I have absolutely no recollection of what it was.
I think it might be something to do with the wall that sits behind me in my videos. I planned it last night... Thats all I have on that matter. I can't remember why I thought that was so important. Perhaps it wasn't the thing that I thought was important only hiding under the pretence that it was important, whereas in reality it really wasn't that interesting was it. I would show you a picture but to be honest the plan looks crap despite what I have in my head looking awesome. While I'm on the subject, does anybody know anywhere that sells cheap pipes. Like, guttering pipes not smoking pipes. Although, if you know where I can get a smoking pipe I would love you.
Wow, long post is long. Interesting
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Twittery Antiquey Examey Plan Stuff
Hey there,
So, I always feel weird jumping straight into my blog without sort of making a weird attempt at stimulating some sort of a dialogue despite the fact that at the time of writing I'm sat on my own. Strange really. Perhaps it's a weak form of schizophrenia.
Anyway, today was a bit crap to be honest seeing as it started off as with a Physics exam. Let's just say that I don't think I did very well. Then we had a history lesson which was kinda boring and highlighted the fact that I know very little about the Norman Conquest. I predict my History exam tomorrow will go well... I've also got a Chemistry test tomorrow but I've gone through the text book and there isn't anything which I don't understand so that bodes well I suppose.
Lets move away from exams because they are beginning to make me sad.
By this time tomorrow I'll have seven days of school and I have made a list of things which I need to do during that time. One of which is setting up a twitter account and following loads of people so I don't get bored of it like I did last time. So if you have a twitter let me know and I promise I'll follow you. But alas as of yet I haven't set it up yet but I will let you know. I'm also feeling the need to hit the antiques shops next week and I have absolutely no idea why.
I also need to plan what I'm going to do with the wall that I mentioned on my video. I know what I want to do but I think it will require a bit of a blue print before I start making it. I still have no idea where I'm going to make it yet seeing as our garage is full of weights benches and treadmill. I'm thinking I may have to wait until Summer to start it. Once I've drawn up my plans I'll show you and you can tell me what you think.
Anyway, I'll leave it at that
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Physicists eh?
So I had my biology exam today. It was my first A leve exam and it wasn't as bad as expected. There were a few like insane questions which were a bit like "What the hell! We've not studied this!". Despite that I don't think it was a complete fail. Although, now that I've said that I am going to epic fail and have to retake it in the summer. Irony's a bitch isn't it? Actually is that irony? I think it's irony, but I just have this feeling that there's another word that better suits it but I can't remember it. Never mind.
So after my Biology exam I still had to carry on with school which SUCKED!!!! The only highlight was that now that I've done the exam I don't have to go to another biology lesson until next week. Hurray! I had a fairly standard history lesson, of course major snores. Then we had physics where my Physics teacher had a bit of a sense of humour failure when my Dalek tie went off. Which is odd because out of all of my teachers I would have thought of him as being the most likely to love that tie. Then we got into a debate about current theories about particle physics during which my teacher repeatedly told me I was wrong despite the fact that what I was saying had been published in the New Scientist. Physicists eh? There's just no reasoning with them.
Anyway, then I buggered off home on the train with Tom and Josh which was cool wandering Wokingham having random discussions about stuff.
So, what else happened today? I'm not really sure. Oh! I was shocked about how pathetic the male species has become. Why have loads of guys suddenly become absorbed by Glee? It's disappointing really. Then again I'm not the most manly of men. But still it's the principle that counts.
Anyway (I think I use that word far too much, what's a suitable alternative?), I've got my Physics exam tomorrow. At least I'm fully prepared, Oh wait... This should be interesting.
Anyway (Damnit I did it again!) I'll see you again tomorrow people of the interwebz.
Good Night xxx
Monday, 10 January 2011
Good Evening People
So, our exams started today, well, not mine personally but my year had a maths exam. Lucky for me I didn't take maths and therefore didn't have to do an exam today. I do however have one tomorrow which I'm kinda bricking it about. It's biology which I thought I was OK with until I started going through the text book and realised how little of it I know. Oh well.
It did kind of suck today, considering everybody who does maths wasn't in for the first hour and a half of lessons which meant I was the only in my physics class. So after only an two hours of school I went home again because I had no other lessons. Don't you just love Mondays?
I got home and then began the epic amounts of cramming which every sixth former seems to be doing right now. Biology is seriously boring!
I know I've only been back at school for a week but I can't wait for next week when I get a week off. I have actually made a list of all the things I need to do next week. And I intend to actually do them as opposed to just saying I will which is usually what I end up doing.
Anyway, I've left out quite a lot of my day but I need to get back to cramming before Silent Witness starts.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Hot Chocolate
Hey There
So today was a bit unproductive. I woke up at about 12ish and had mozzarella sticks for breakfast. If you can't guess they're basically sticks of mozzarella covered in breadcrumbs. They are sooo nice. So then I got dressed and was about to start revision until my mum made me vacuum my room. That took bloody ages because our hoover is retarded and catches all the fluff on the front of the head bit and ends up with massive fur-balls over the head meaning it is truly awful. After that I planned on starting revision but had to go and sort out the printer because it was misbehaving and apparently I'm the only one in our family who it will work for. So I fixed that and sat down to revise. To cut a long story short I didn't manage to get much done.
Oh and apologies for yesterdays video being such crap quality. For some reason it only uploaded at 240p despite being filmed in a much higher quality. So, sorry for that but I'll try and fix it for the next video.
I also had THE most amazing hot chocolate ever today. It was lush as you can probably see.
Om nom nom (or whatever the liquid equivalent of noming is)
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Vlogs All Round
Hey Ho
How are we today?
So the big news of today was that Tom made his first Vlog. It's very awesome and personally I think that you should go and watch it. I'm really chuffed Tom's started vlogging because now I'm not the only one of my friends who inhabits the Vlogosphere, now all I need is to persuade more of my friends to join. So if your tempted to do it go for it because it's great fun!
I too made a video today and you can check it out here. Although I'm not sure if by the time you read this it will have processed because I literally uploaded it like 5 minutes ago. So if it's not working be patient and it should work soon.
So other stuff happened today which included nearly passing out in the shower whilst home alone (that was quite scary), revision, noming pizza, watching Star Wars, Watching Primeval, making a video and seeing my brother bugger off back to Uni. All in all it's been a bit of a slow day apart from seeing Toms video. Seriously you should go and check it out because its really cool.
Right, I'll leave you to it now.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 7 January 2011
Tardis Journal
Hey There
Gah School is so boring at the moment. Exams suck don't they?
Today I has history, double biology (¬_¬) and finally chemistry. Chemistry was probably the highlight, finding out I got an A in a practice paper. Proper chuffed I am.
Then I got home from school and discovered awesomeness had happened. I think I've mentioned the website etsy before. But if I haven't then I just did. Basically it's like ebay for handmade stuff. Its so cool. Basically a while a go I posted a request for a Tardis Journal like River Song's book of spoilers. So today when I got home from school I logged onto my laptop and then went on Etsy and discovered someone had responded saying they would custom make me one. I think I actually squealed like a little girl when I saw her pictures of ones she's made before. So I'm currently talking to the lady about cost and postage and stuff so EEK! I'm proper excited. So I'll show you all when it arrives but for now here's a picture of one the woman has already sold.
Awesome isn't it?
Anyway I'll leave it at that because Hustle is on soon.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Evening people
Today I had school which was kinda snores. It was my weird day today which basically has three lessons spread over the day. There seems to be a lot of waiting round on Thursdays. My day started with our Chemistry teacher going absolutely ape-shit at our class because only three people has done the past paper he set. I got let off considering I wasn't in the lesson when he set it. It was so hard not to laugh because our chemistry teacher is a tiny little bloke and when he shouts he looks like his heads about to explode. Then the rest of the day happened but that wasn't particularly eventful. Never mind come this time next week I'll have a week off for study leave, even though it's after exams...
Anyway, as you can see on your right, there's now a box full of places where I exist. So check those out if you want. But I'm thinking of adding a few more to my internet portfollio, the main one being twitter. I've tried twitter before but never really got into it because I only ever followed three people, one of which was a parrot (No, seriously it was actually a parrot). So I might set up a twitter account if I can be bothered. But I'm also thinking about a tumblr. I currently have no idea what it is but it sounded quite cool. Anyway...
Ooh, my bath crayons arrived today. They're basically crayons that you can draw on tiles and stuff with. They're rather snazzy to be honest.
Am I the only one who gets comfortable in really odd positions? Like I'm currently sat with one foot on the wall level with my head. Tis most comfy.
Right I'm off now,
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Hey All
6 days until exams start and to be honest I'm kind freaking out right now. Mainly because I suddenly realised there's a hefty chunk of most of the syllabuses that I don't understand like at all.
Never mind I'm sure it will all work out in the end. Well, I hope anyway.
Today has been a bit slow, which is weird considering I was only at school for three hours. Don't you just love my timetable.
It started off with a registration, which my form tutor has decided to make us to silent revision in. So that sucks! Then I had Chemistry which was full of really half arsed revision, despite that I now know how to calculate molecular formulas and calculate stuff in reactions. After that was another vague attempt of revision in physics which us ended learning that the formula that we were trying to re-arrange for the entire lesson couldn't be re-arranged. And finally we had History which was yet another vague attempt at revision.
So that's where my school day ended. Got a lift home with Mum. Got a massively over packed delivery (more about that soon). Then we took down the Christmas decorations and shoved them back in the loft.
Reluctantly I started some physics revision. It was quite difficult considering that I didn't have the text book since Josh kind of stole it during the lesson. But I persevered got distracted and started eating Starburst and turning the wrappers into that something I was talking about yesterday. I still have no idea what it's going to be yet.
Speaking of star related things, I watched that Stargazing Live programme on BBC1 (See I knew I could crowbar that in somewhere). For those of you that haven't seen it, it's basically a show about looking into space and showing people what it is they're actually seeing in the night sky and what else there actually is to see. There were some seriously amazing pictures being taken by some hefty telescopes in Hawaii. It's a great programme.
And now I'm sat here talking to you lot.
I just wanna thanks to all you guys that read this, it means a lot to me. So thanks :)
Anyway I'm off now to do some more 'revision'
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Back To School
Hey Guys and Gals
So today was the first day of what I suppose is the Spring Term despite the fact that it starts with two months of winter, I sense a flaw here. Technicalities aside it was still the first day back at school and oddly it wasn't that bad. It was catch up with everybody and share stories about New Years which was quite fun. Unfortunately it went downhill from there. Started off with double biology one lesson of which I was doing a practice paper.
Then we had enrichment which has been commandeered during the exam period for silent revision ¬_¬
And finally I had chemistry which was basically teaching us stuff I've already learnt.
But hey I guess it will hopefully help in my exams in a week. That's a scary thought isn't it?
It was cool people complimenting me on this bracelet I made out of those pull tabs you get on drinks cans. I've been doing a lot of upcycling at the moment which is basically recycling something into something useful. That being making the pull tab things to make a bracelet and I'm currently making something out of Starburst wrappers. I'm currently thinking about another bracelet but I'm not sure how I'm going to do that yet (I'm going to have to eat a lot more Starburst :D)
Right, I'll go back to revision now *Yawn*
Good Night
Monday, 3 January 2011
School Tomorrow :(
Hey there people.
Just a short one tonight seeing as there is some rather good stuff on telly tonight (i.e Famous and Fearless, Silent Witness and The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year).
So today has been full of yet more revision, today's subject being biology *Slams head on desk*. Whilst learning about diffusion gradients and all that jazz I got some more music from YouTube. Mainly stuff from Lex Croucher (Pictured)
So now I have lots of new stuff on my Ipod.
Gah school starts again tomorrow and to be honest I really can't be bothered with it. Mainly because exams start next week and I do really hate exams. Especially ones which I'm going to do crap in.
Right, I'll see you all later then.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Alice In Underland?
Hello People of the internet
How are we all today?
Good I hope
It was sunny this morning, what a shock. Well I say this morning, I have no idea if it was sunny in the morning since I slept through the entire morning. But when my brother dumped the dog on top of me I woke up and discovered it was sunny. Good Times
Then I had to do some revision. Bad Times
So yes, I revised today. That sucked. I also spent the majority of today downloading stuff and uploading stuff and sideloading stuff in an attempt to trim some audio files so I could listen to them without all their random talkey bits at the beginning. It didn't go well, so I gave up and continued revision.
Then this evening I sat down and watched Alice in Wonderland (Well technically she's in Underland). That's a great film isn't it? I bloody love the Mad Hatter and the March Hare.
Anyway, I'm off now
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 1 January 2011
New Year eh?
Merry 2011 People
2011 is a bit of a mouthful to say isn't it?
Holy hell, my e-mail just got besieged by hundreds of Facebook notifications as Tom is currently tagging all the pictures I took at his New Years party (Such Fun). Thank you Tom for doing that :)
But I had a great night last night and had a bit too much to drink, but I suppose most of us did. Surprisingly I woke up this morning virtually hangover-free, so thank you liver for that. It was a bit of a blessing that I wasn't hungover considering that I had to go to a rugby match that was full of loud clapping and banging drums. It was still a good day out seeing the cousins and stuff. Unfortunately it was bloody freezing and I spent the entire time shivering.
Never mind eh?
Right I'm going to leave you now and see what the hell is going on on Facebook because I'm sure I didn't put that many pictures up
Good Night and I hope you enjoyed your New Year xxx