Wednesday, 5 January 2011


Hey All

6 days until exams start and to be honest I'm kind freaking out right now. Mainly because I suddenly realised there's a hefty chunk of most of the syllabuses that I don't understand like at all.

Never mind I'm sure it will all work out in the end. Well, I hope anyway.

Today has been a bit slow, which is weird considering I was only at school for three hours. Don't you just love my timetable.

It started off with a registration, which my form tutor has decided to make us to silent revision in. So that sucks! Then I had Chemistry which was full of really half arsed revision, despite that I now know how to calculate molecular formulas and calculate stuff in reactions. After that was another vague attempt of revision in physics which us ended learning that the formula that we were trying to re-arrange for the entire lesson couldn't be re-arranged. And finally we had History which was yet another vague attempt at revision.

So that's where my school day ended. Got a lift home with Mum. Got a massively over packed delivery (more about that soon). Then we took down the Christmas decorations and shoved them back in the loft.

Reluctantly I started some physics revision. It was quite difficult considering that I didn't have the text book since Josh kind of stole it during the lesson. But I persevered got distracted and started eating Starburst and turning the wrappers into that something I was talking about yesterday. I still have no idea what it's going to be yet.

Speaking of star related things, I watched that Stargazing Live programme on BBC1 (See I knew I could crowbar that in somewhere). For those of you that haven't seen it, it's basically a show about looking into space and showing people what it is they're actually seeing in the night sky and what else there actually is to see. There were some seriously amazing pictures being taken by some hefty telescopes in Hawaii. It's a great programme.

And now I'm sat here talking to you lot.

I just wanna thanks to all you guys that read this, it means a lot to me. So thanks :)

Anyway I'm off now to do some more 'revision'

Good Night xxx

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