Saturday, 15 January 2011

I'm SO Influential

Wht up pps?

No I haven't lost the ability to pronounce vowels, I was being gangster. How did you not get that? I am so totally a 'Bad-Man'. Innit.

Indeed. So I made a video today, take a look.

My friend Tom Hinsley made a video as well today (Check it out here). I haven't actually seen it yet as my internet has decided to slow down to the speed of a pigeon falling through strawberry treacle. But I reckon it's awesome. (I just watched it and is good so check him out =])

So now I don't feel like as much of a YouTube loner. I now have two friends who make videos now. Hurray. But if you also make videos which I don't know about tell me and I'll watch them and make uber friendliness at you. I'm really chuffed with myself that my actions have encouraged others into doing something and I feel quite awesome now (even more so that my video encouraged Tom to talk about This Is Not A Book too). So, if you get the inclination make a vlog, it's super cool and you will get like major awesome points from me if you do it.

In similar news Tom Joy also made a vlog so check that here. Today seems to be a major bloggage day all round really.

On another internet related note, we passed 1000 views the other day. I'm not entirely sure which day it was because I haven't really been paying attention to all time views so I'm not entirely sure. But I'm thinking we did it on maybe Wednesday or Friday. I'm not entirely sure to be honest. But celebrations all round *shoots champagne cork through window*

So today. Right. Not much really happened today. I made the video. Made lunch. Watched Star Wars. Oh and I did sort out my Starburst bracelet so it had a proper clasp and stuff on it. It's much better now. I've started making one for Louise as well. It could be a while because I don't have any more of the clasp things so I'll have to hunt one down.

I think that is it for today.

Good Night xxx

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