Friday, 21 January 2011

Today was Friday

Ahoy There Matey

So Today. It was an average day, as in as far as days can be average considering the massive variations between days. It would be really weird if you woke up on one day and the exact same things happened as had happened the day before. I mean it would really freak me out. Like proper freaked out. So actually when I say average it wasn't actually average at all in any way. It was just sort of a Friday. That seems to be the most accurate way of describing today without being technically correct. Now I have just realised that if you, the reader, are reading this on any day that isn't a Friday the previous statement is rendered incorrect. Therefore I forbid anyone to read this post on any day apart from a Friday. I hope that this rule doesn't inconvenience you in any way.

Anyway, back to the Friday that was today. It started off requiring an immense amount of will power to get out of bed, mainly because my radiator was off and therefore my room was as chilly as a naked polar bear frolicking in the snowy depths of the Arctic circle whilst having ice cold coke cans applied to the back of his neck. I suppose I could have just said it was cold, but that wouldn't have portrayed actual chill that existed in my room this morning. So after pottering off to school I bumped into Tom and Josh on their way to Sainsburys to buy Nick a birthday cake. I must say it was a rather good cake and at the risk of sounding like Nigella Lawson it was yummy scrummy. So then we had History which was depressingly uneventful, as I suspect the rest of the course will be. My free period was rather snazzy what with a game of Prospectus Ping Pong being created across the sixth form centre. Then some milky ways made me cry with laughter. I know milky ways aren't the most hilarious confectionery in the world but at the time it was funny for me. Double biology wasn't too bad as we're starting biochemistry which I find quite interesting.

Anyway then came lunch during which very little happened apart from Tom acting like a retard robot (See Picture).

Then came chemistry which we're still doing thermodynamics. Meh it's not too bad atm just a bit dull.

Then I came home and ended up re-arranging my desk to make it easier to procrastinate. I did it far too well and now my desk is unnervingly empty.

Anyway I'm going to love you and leave you now because Hustle is on now.

Good Night xxx

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