Hey Guys and Gals
So I realized a few moments ago that I forgot to make a video this week. Sorry about that but I had family round and it was all a bit hectic. So, what I thought I'd do is stop promising to make a video every week and make them if and when I can therefore meaning you don't get too disappointed and I don't get annoyed with myself for forgetting. Hopefully that will mean my videos will be better and more thought through. I also noticed that I keep making promises to you lot that I rarely ever keep. I'm sorry about that and I'll try to stop that. Instead I think I'll just tell you when I've actually done whatever it was rather than telling you I will and then never actually getting around to it. And thats a promise!
Anyway, now that all out of the way back to school. That is, back to how my school day was, I'm not actually commanding you to go to school this very instant. But yes, I started off getting the half seven bus to the station and then catching the train from there with the amazing Thomas whereupon he kicked over a can of energy drink making the entire carriage sticky and horrible. As you can imagine we vacated the train pretty sharpish after that. Then we had a chill out in the hall and then a free period where I pretended to revise for Physics whilst Tom struggled to read Clockwork Orange. From what I gathered, its a really messed up book. Then I had a Physics test where I failed dismally. Then I dossed about a bit before getting the train back to Wokingham where I saw a guy on a moped drive into the side of a car. It wasn't a very big accident and I don't think anybody was properly hurt and it looked like the drivers were going to share insurance details and then go on their way. That was until about 20 minutes later two police cars and an ambulance arrived. Total overkill if you ask me. I don't know what happened next because thats when the bus left. Saw Josh on the bus. He's awesome :)
Thats all folks
Good Night xxx
Monday, 28 February 2011
And Thats A Promise
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Hey Guys and Gals
So views shot up yesterday at around 8 o'clock, I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it was the title being Cake that made everyone desperate to click on it. But I'm glad you did because it made me smile.
Right, today. It wasn't too bad. My parents flew to Barcelona this morning and before you start showing up at my house cheering "PARTY DUUUUDDDEEE" (Not that you would, considering we don't live in a bad film from the 90's) my Grandparents are here still to 'look after me'. I'm still not sure of the logic behind that considering I'm more than capable of looking after myself. I think my parents actually do think we live in a bad film from the 90's. Strange.
In other news my brother went back to university today and then I ate some cake.
That is it I think. I cant believe my entire day can be documented in 6 lines. That cant be right....
Apparently it can.
Sorry for it being such a short post tonight but its been a throughly uneventful day.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Hey Guys and Gals
So today felt kind of empty without having to go into work, never mind. It means I can have a lie in now. Well, I say lie in, I was up at 10 o'clock which really isn't a lie in for me.
So I got up and started on my history essay I've been neglecting all week. I've finally done it now and now have all of Sunday to relax, oh wait, I still have other homework to do...
So it's my mums birthday on Monday, but shes going off to Barcelona with my Dad tomorrow so I wont see her then so we did presents and stuff today. My grandparents came up for the occasion and my mum got lots of nice jewelery and stuff so she was happy. We also had this amazing cake that was like chocolate and orange sponge covered in marzipan and chocolate icing. It was bloody amazing.
We had a Chinese for tea which was noms. By the way, that was a Chinese takeaway not an actual Chinese person. That would be wrong, and probably illegal.
Anyway, I haven't really done much else today. Sorry about that.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 25 February 2011
Glow In The Dark Mice
Hey Guys and Gals
So today was my last day of work experience at the MRC and I must say it was rather awesome. I started off in the Spermy embyoey type place talking to some people about how you freeze mouse sperm. That wasn't particularly exciting but nevertheless I shan't complain. Then this Guy Jeremy (the guy with all the microscopes yesterday) managed to get us a tour of the Diamond facility next to the MRC. The Diamond is a synchrotron light source that generates intense beams of light (All across the spectrum, not just visible) by accelerating electrons at speeds near to the speed of light and then making them change direction causing light to be given off. So essentially the place I went today was a smaller version of the Large Hadron Colider in Switzerland, apart from the synchrotron doesn't collide the particles like the LHC only uses the light that it gives off. So that was really awesome and made some of my friends jealous. Then we went back to the MRC for lunch before heading to the Mammalian Genetics Unit where we had a look at all the different types of phenotyping they carry out there. But before we went in we had to change into scrubs, then put on these big clunky shoes and then a boiler suit and hairnet. Then we had to have an air shower. As you can imagine its basically a chamber where you stand while loads of vents shoot you with air jets. It was serious business preventing any disease getting into the facility. They even disinfected the rooms with hydrogen peroxide vapour. So then we looked at how they test the mice's behavior and stuff.
Now here was the cool bit. We then into one of the 'wards' and one of the scientists showed us some of the genetically engineered mice they had. One lot even glowed in the dark. How cool is that? Like seriously, glow in the dark, live mice. They had done it by implanting a gene from a jelly fish into a mouse embryo. It was so cool.
So yes, that was my last day of work experience, it was rather epic and I've had a great week, thoroughly worth giving up my half term for it.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Microscopes are Awesome
Hey Guys and Gals
Just a quick one tonight seeing as Mad Dogs is on soon. Actually, saying that probably means that it wont actually be a quick one, it will end up being quite lengthy and therefore causing me to miss Mad Dogs. Never mind, I love you all enough for it to be worth it.

Anyway, more awesome things happening tomorrow
Good Night xxx
p.s. the bottom picture are cells taken from a Bulls foreskin. Yummy eh?
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Lots of Abbreviations
Hey Guys and Gals
So my tiredness level are bordering on being ridiculous now I probably shouldn't have given up my half term of sleep to work in a lab. Oh well, its fun.
So today I was doing a Southern wash. As you can imagine it involved washing some stuff off a membrane which had been imprinted with DNA. It wasn't too bad actually, I also had a good chat with one of the students working there about courses and a stuff that she had done. Was really helpful. Then I went to talk to one of the PIs, I don't know what PI stands for but thats what all the PHD students call the people that like rule the place. To be honest I haven't seen them do that much but apparently they're in control of the place, so I talked to one of them about Summer Placements there. Unfortunately I'm too young to do a proper internship but I can hopefully do one next year, thats if I get a place. Anyway, then I went off with another PHD student to finish the PCR thing I started with her yesterday, it went quite well and I even managed to get this print out of our results.
OK I don't know exactly what they mean but the thinner lines mean that those results are the most accurate. Then we went for lunch and then started DNA extraction. Wow that makes me sound like a proper science nerd.... OK that may be because I am but nonetheless, its fun :D
Anyway, I'll leave you to go and figure out what all those abbreviations meant
Good Night xxx
Good Night
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
So... Very... Sleepy...
Hello Guys and Gals
Dear GOD I'm tired. Like actually could fall asleep at any moment.
Ah, why didn't you wake me up?
Jeez, you just can't get the staff these days can you?
Anyway, day two of work experience. Was surprisingly good. Well, compared to yesterday it was. Got in before my PHD student shadower type person got there, so I was sat waiting, having a chat with some of the other PHD students. But then we got down to business imprinting DNA into a gell as well as a chemical ladder. It required massive precision, as you can imagine, I failed miserably. Never mind, no real harm done. Then, I went for a chat with a uni student who was there as part of her year in industry, we bumped into Nick on the way down to the cafeteria bit and what was intended to be a 20 minute chat about uni turned into an hour long conversation about some analysis method called a Western. I think I grasped about 20-25% of what they said, but it was interesting nonetheless. Then I went back to my PHD student and got the results of the gell thing we did earlier. It didn't work and we weren't sure why.
That was roughly the point when my PHD student ran out of things to show me, so I transfered to another student who was studying sexual development stuff. She took me into the cold store which one area was -4 degrees C which wasn't too bad. What was bad was the section that was at -20 degrees. Twas rather chilly to say the least. Then we did some interesting stuff to do with creating primers and DNA stuff. Then we did some more interesting stuff and then went home.
Now imma go sleep
Good Night xxx
Monday, 21 February 2011
Heightened Security
Hey Guys and Gals
So today was the first day of half term and I'm already nakered. Woke up at 6:30 to go to work experience in a genetics unit. Got to the station got a train, got another train, train was delayed due to signal problems. This meant that the train driver had to dive at like 4 miles an hour for 10 minutes. But got to the bus stop and caught the bus, got off said bus two stops early and ended up wandering around some big science park for half an hour in the rain. Finally got to where we needed to be. Not fun. Then spent like two hours watching some student pipette DNA into enzymes. Bored as hell. Had lunch, joined some other students and spent a while with us pipetting stuff into other stuff. Twas a bit dull but quite cool nonetheless. The only slightly worrying thing was when we were wandering around we kept seeing signs about nuclear testing. Quite worrying when you think about it. That fear wasn't helped by the fact that there were signs saying the security level was heightened. It was quite an awesome yet terrifying place but I think I like it there. I'm going back there tomorrow and hopefully we shall be doing awesome things.
So apart from that I haven't really done much so I shall leave it at that so I can go and play on my newly charged PSP. You wouldn't have known that my PSP hasn't been charged in like 4 years due to me losing the mains charger. So now I charged it on my computer and I'm kind of excited to play it.
Anyway I was leaving wasn't I?
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Hey Guys and Gals
Before we start I just wanted to say I made a video today which you can check out here
So yes, check that out and if you want to ask me a question for another video then you can do it on my formspring which is located to your right.... That way idiot →
I'll stop insulting you now. So yes today I woke up at about 10ish, I've been trying to cram in as much sleep as I can since I wont be able to do that over half term. But then I got up and had to go down to the station to buy my weekly ticket for work experience. It was the same slug lady who served me yesterday but oddly enough, today she was positively pleasant to deal with. So now I have my ticket and am all set for tomorrow. Although I have an odd feeling that I've forgotten something. To be honest I'm not worried about it because I always feel like this when I prepare for something and in the majority of cases it turns out I was just imagining things.
Anyway, then I came home and began my History essay which lasted approximately 5 seconds. I got easily distracted cleaning the bottom of my cupboard because it was so dusty. Then I got even more distracted and started looking for my gameboy and one I had found it I then started playing on it. Pokémon is great isn't it. I haz a Pikachu :3
Right, I'm going to leave you because Being Human is on now and its really awesome.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 19 February 2011
16ft Of Pokémon
Hey Guys and Gals
Hurray for the weekend and indeed hurray for half term. Actually to be honest I'm not totally ecstatic about half term since I've got work experience all of this week. Not that I'm expecting the work experience to be boring but I know it's going to leave me massively tired out considering I usually sleep through most of my half term in an attempt to recuperate from school.
Never mind work experience should be pretty damn awesome and I'll just have to sleep at school like most stereotypical teenagers in films.
On a sort of vaguely related note I went to the train station this morning to buy train tickets for this week but couldn't for some bizarre reason. But that not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is the woman that didn't let us buy the tickets. She was a real life representation of Roz from Monsters Inc. Like someone had seen the movie and decided to try and make a human as physically close to the character as possible. It was weird to say the least. It was even weirder when she even behaved like Roz as well.
Anyway, enough about strange slug ladies. So I got home to find another of my university prospectuses had arrived. I went on a big prospectus ordering binge and have been looking at all the places I'd like to go to. To be honest I still haven't really got a clue but it feels good to be proactive.
Rather than getting all of my homework out of the way early I decided I'd rather do the important job of sticking Pokémon cards all over my wall. I started this a while ago and for some reason started in the middle of the wall. But then I got bored and left it for ages. However, I finally got around to finishing it. This time I started at the ceiling meaning they would be straight. Unfortunately I didn't count on the original block of cards not being straight. So now theres an odd gap that I'm trying to sort out. It's annoying to say the least. But I can now proudly say that 16sq ft of my bedroom wall is covered in 300 Pokémon cards.
<-------- Straight
<------- Annoying gap
<------- Wonky
Ooh before I go. Did you watch Lets Dance For Comic Relief on BBC1 earlier? So. Much. Transvestite-ism. But Russel Kane was by far the best.
Anyway, Good Night xxx
Friday, 18 February 2011
Honey Cheerios Are Noms
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, Chaps and Chapesses
Ooh, that was an awfully grand entrance wasn't it?
And that was an oddly camp rhetorical question. I'll stop that now, I promise.
So today was Friday, gah, it was just so long. I woke up, went to school had a History lesson, during which my teacher told me she was physically aging in the time it was taking me to write my name on an essay. I did have to make myself bite my tongue to stop myself making a joke about her being an old crone. She wouldn't have found it as funny as I did. Then I had a free period which consisted of me drawing on my paper watch. By the way, if you were thinking of buying one, don't. They're really flimsy and rubbishy to be honest. Actually thats probably what you would expect from anything made of paper. But still I wish I hadn't bought it though. I also ate some Honey Cheerios because my friend Steve bought a pack of small boxes of cereal and gave me one. They were surprisingly nice as a snack.
Then one of my biology teachers was off so I got a free period essentially. So I toodled off down to Sainsburys to buy some apple juice. I then went back to the hall with Tom and Alex and drank said apple juice. Then some boring stuff happened that I cant be bothered to go into details about.
And now it's Friday night and as you can imagine, I'm off to a giant party later with loads of friends.
Oh wait...
No, that was in my head, I'm actually sat in my room sticking Pokémon Cards to my wall because I'm simply that hardcore. For reference I'm about 10% less hardcore than the guy pictured.
Don't laugh, this is actually my Friday night entertainment. Actually no, I may go and watch Hustle later, but thats about it...
I'll leave you on that ever so slightly depressing note
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Paper Watches and DNA
Hey Guys and Gals
Eurgh Thursdays. If you read yesterdays post, you will know my opinions of Thursdays. And today it thoroughly lived up to my predictions. It's not what I did per-say that was crap, it was just the in built disappointment of it not being Friday.
So yes, today started off with me waking up half and hour later than I usually do yet still managing to not be late to school. Getting ready skills FTW. So yes, I started off with Chemistry learning about calculating the enthalphy of combustion for fuels in a Bomb Calourimeter *snore*. Then I had a free, bought some pancakes for lunch. Then came Physics. I like our Physics lessons, we get into some really complex discussions about astro-physics and particle physics. Yet somehow we still get told off for it which I think seems a bit unfair considering that we are actually talking about the subject. Tom, Josh and I also had a really complex discussion about traveling at light speed and time being relative to you and how you can travel into the future. Yes, we're nerds and proud! Then I had History which was yet again a complete bore-fest.
Then I came home and discovered the postal fairies had come again and delivered my paper watch. Yes, it is a watch made of paper. You can like draw on it and stuff and generally make it unique to you. It's really cool and I have yet to start creating my masterpiece yet, but I will.
Oh and I also put up my DNA mobile today. It's basically a giant model of a DNA molecule that spins for ages, its really cool and it's been hanging on my curtains for ages being a nuisance but I've finally put it up properly now. It looks awesome (BTW it's a really bad picture, it looks better in real life)
Anyway, I'll leave you now,
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Hello There Guys and Girls
Congratulations everybody, its Wednesday today, and you know what that means. ITS HALF WAY THROUGH THE WEEK. WOOO. That sounded more exciting in my head...
But yes, today is indeed Wednesday. I don't really mind Wednesdays but they're not like the best day of the week. We were talking about this today actually and for me Mondays are a bit weird, I don't like them out of principle but they're not that bad seeing as I have a really short school day. Tuesdays are probably the worst because you've already sat through Monday which has sort of reminded you what the rest of the week is going to be like. Then we get Wednesdays don't really show up on my likes or dislike scale. Thursdays are only just less suckish that Tuesdays because you wake up thinking it's Friday and then you get that sudden realisastion that it isn't and your brain tricked you. I know a lot of people love Fridays because it's the end of the week but for me they always seem to drag their feet, taking as long to get to the weekend as they possible can. And then comes the weekend which is universally loved. (BTW this picture is so cool)
So yes, that is our theology on the working week. Interesting no?
Anyway, back to business. So today I had school which consisted of an assembly about the Valentines Day Massacre, a cheery thought to start the day. Then my first two teachers where both of so we spent two hours doing cover work for Chemistry and Physics. Fun fun fun. Then came History which I can't remember anything about. That probably isn't good.
Never mind!
So then I came home, stumbled around the internet for a bit and then went to Marks and Spencers where I found a guy who was fast asleep in one of the show beds, like proper unconscious sleep. Everyone thought he was dead. Then we pottered around the shop a bit more and I discovered I'm not the only one who tries to do wheelies with the shopping trolleys, a 40-ish year old man was also doing them :D Got Mum to buy me some sweets then I came home and nommed said sweets.
And now I'm here typing at you. I hope you enjoyed yourself.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Queue Here!
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, Mermaids and Mermen
How is everyone this fine day?
Well, actually it's not fine here, its rainy and horrid. But you may be somewhere wheres it's vaguely nice at the moment, if you are enjoy the sun on my behalf.
So apart from the weather being a bit rubbish my day wasn't too bad. Thats a really British thing to do isn't it? Complaining about the weather that is, not having days that weren't too bad. In fact I'm fairly sure having days that weren't too bad is a fairly international experience. I find it funny how some really bizarre stereotypes spring up, like how the British like to queue. To be honest I'm doubt we queue any more than any other nation.. Actually, I don't know if other nations think of us as intent on queuing, maybe it's just a stereotype we've given ourselves. Is it? I don't know?
Wow, I appear to have confused myself. It's not that hard if I'm honest, I'm easily confused by my own inane ramblings. As I assume you are too. I think I'll stop now and start behaving like a normal person now.
So yes, today. It started a lot better than yesterday, what with us not being involved in a car accident. So yes, I got to school, did some stuff. Now there was one thing that annoyed me, we used to have 'Critical Thinking' lessons where we learnt to think critically (Shock horror!) and they were kind of a dos lesson. But now our head of Sixth Form has gotten rid of Critical Thinking and replaced it with a 'Supervised Silent Study Period'. I mean what the actual hell. I am not happy. Tis boring and I don't like boring. Boring is boring. Hmph
I also got to go home early due to both my Chemistry teachers being off (Having a secret affair methinks).
In other news, although it pains me to say it, I have gained new respect for Justin Bieber. Before you all start booing me off my own blog heres what he said about Lady Gaga "People say it’s artistic and stuff, but I’m just like, ‘You’re in a egg.’". I now don't mind that precocious little arse as much as I used to.
Anyway, Good Night xxx
Monday, 14 February 2011
Blah Blah Blah Valentines Day Blah Blah Blah
Hey Guys and Gals
[enter mandatory valentines day statement]
So yes, today is February the 14th aka Valentines Day. A day designed specifically to annoy single people.
Tis a tad annoying but still never mind.
So today didn't get off to the best start, basically we pulled out of our drive this morning and a guy on a motorcycle drove into our car. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, he's OK and theres like very little damage. So yes, wasn't the best way to start the day. But then some stuff happened and then I got picked up from Sainsburys where I had just bought a box of 13 doughnuts for £1. SUCCESS!!!! Then I came home and just sort of chilled for a bit and then finally finished my History essay to a standard that I'm pleased with. I guarantee you its going to be a massive fail but never mind.
Anyway, I think I'll leave you to your evening, sorry it's such a short post tonight, but to make up for it, heres an incredibly geeky valentines day type thing.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 13 February 2011
I Hate Essays
Hey Guys and Gals
Three cheers for Sundays?
Hip Hip.... Oh wait, I had an essay to do.
That sucked balls. Like big massive balls.
So yes, I woke up today at about 10ish and found out my parents were going out somewhere. As you can imagine my first though was "YES! Free house". That was until I remembered I failed to do any homework yesterday resulting in me having to do all of it today. So then I had to sit down and crack on with my History essay about whether or not the British were brutal towards the Boer population during the final years of the Second Boer War *Slams face into wall*. It was boring to say the least. I didn't even finish the damn thing, I missed the lesson where our teacher explained the question, so I didn't really have a clue what I was supposed to be doing. Meh I'll go and ask the teacher tomorrow, probably.
Excuse me one second while I go and kill the spider thats appeared on my wall.
OK, he's dead now.
I really don't like spiders. Nasty little critters they are but nothing a crushing blow wont solve eh?
Wow, that made me sound really violent didn't it. I'm not really violent, it's just that I hate spiders.
So today I also discovered this website http://damnyouautocorrect.com/ It is absolute lols and it's one of the reasons that I didn't finish my essay.
Never mind.
Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Pizza, Pizza Everywhere
Hey Guys and Gals
It's the weekend hurray!
So the plan for today was to go into town with a couple of friends. But of course, us being us, we really failed at organizing it. That led to me having to dash out the door after waking up half an hour earlier in order to catch the bus, eating cold pizza as I went. So yes, bus was caught and then I had to wait until we had gathered enough people to actually go into town. But eventually we were all there and then toddled off to Pizza Hut. If you read last nights post you will know I also had pizza for tea last night. And if your reading this post, which you probably are, then you will know that I also had cold pizza for breakfast. And once I got back home I had yet more pizza for dinner. Some would say that it's not a varied diet, but I really don't care, I bloody love pizza.
But yes, I had a good time in town seeing all the guys, was good seeing some of them again since I haven't seen them in a long time.
That was about it really. Sorry for such a short post tonight, I'm very tired now so I'll leave you to it.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 11 February 2011
Sod's Law
Hey Guys and Gals
So just a quick note before we start. Mubarak has actually gone for good now YAY!
Anyway, today has been actually rather hilarious and most of the hilarity occurred whilst at school. It's sod's law that the day after I tell you that school is always boring it actually turns out to be pretty damn awesome. First I started off having no teacher for History so we got a free period (YAY!!!) during which I did some Biology homework, which in itself wasn't funny. However, Tom shooting me in the head with his spring loaded umbrella, although painful, was bloody hilarious. Then a couple of not very interesting periods happened. Then came Biology which was nippy to say the least. We also learnt that sleeping with pigs and dogs prevents malaria, somehow... So yes, my school day was actually pretty awesome today.
So I got home and discovered my dog had gone to get his hair cut, which again wasn't particularly funny. Well, it wasn't until my mum informed me that as soon as our dog arrived at the dog groomers, he crapped all over the place. That made me laugh loads more than a 16 year old immature teenager should. Then we picked up our neurotic mutt and he sat and howled the entire way home.
The I watched telly and ate a massive amount of pizza. It was noms.
I think I'll leave it at that for now.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Hey Guys and Gals
So just now I realized that the majority of my posts contain me saying that school was boring. I think I'm kind of stating the obvious, so from now on I'll shall try to only mention school if something interesting happened.
So several of the University prospectuses that I ordered a while ago arrived today. Well, by several I mean two. One from Imperial College London and the other from Exeter University. I've read through the Exeter one and it looks like it may just be one of my choices for Uni. It has a great campus and most of the courses I'm interested in. That makes me feel really old and mature now, looking at Uni and stuff. Interesting...
I think thats enough politics for now, I'm going to leave you to your evening while I sit here fuming at Mubarak .
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Your From Landan Int you?
Hey Guys and Gals
Sorry for being such a late one tonight I've been busy like all day and only got home an hour ago and was too tired to write anything until I finally gathered the energy.
"What were you doing that made you so tired?" I hear you ask. Unless you didn't ask that. In which case... this is awkward. But yes, I went into London today on a Medecine/Biomed trip into St Barts Medical school and St Georged University. We rode around on the tube for a bit looking around and stuff. It was quite good fun and it was my first proper adventure in London. Then when that was finished, I met my Dad at Waterloo and we got the tube down to Piccadilly Circus and did some wandering. I went shopping for my Mums birthday present there so don't tell her. I then went into the Abercrombie and Fitch shop where I was greeted by a random topples guy in the foyer. That got me thinking. Could there be a more pointless job? I mean all he does is stand there, he doesn't talk and to be honest the only thing he actually does is exist for money. Thats a pretty rubbish job isn't it?
Yeah, that was off topic. After we were done shopping me and my Dad got a cab to the Hard Rock Cafe for some noms. It was awesome, I had a 10 ounce bacon cheese burger. I don't really know how much 10 ounces it but it was fricking amazing. I love Hard Rock Cafe, I went to the one in Boston last year and it too was rather epic.
I also bought a pin in the Hard Rock Store. It looks like a guitar. Thats all I can really say on that one.
Anyway, I'm tired and your probably bored by now.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Google Is Awesome Today
Hello there people of the internet
How are we all today?
Groovy I hope.
So today. Do I say "so" too much? I feel like I do. Does it bother you? It bothers me, yet I still continue to use it as a way of starting sentences. I should really think of a better way of beginning a sentence. Any ideas? I'm thinking something really posh and obnoxious.
Tally Ho old bean, onwards with my fanciful tale of my wondrous life. That sounded odd didn't it? More like a drunk character from a fairy tale. I think I'll just stick to what saying "so".
So today is Tuesday the... 8th of February, I had to actually check that with my school planner because Google didn't tell me anything. Does anybody else use that method of just googling any random thing you cant remember simply because it's too much effort to think or ask somebody else? I really think Google should give you the answer to any question you ask it like straight away, without sifting through layers of crap search results. Actually, I shouldn't complain, I have no idea what I'd do without Google. Probably just become completely incompetent at everything.
Speaking of Google, has anybody seen the homepage today. It's so cool it has like a submarine theme that you can like drive about a bit. I'm not sure why it's there though. But it doesn't half look cool.
Interesting, I appear to have rambled on for quite a while without actually saying anything apart from that Google is cool today. So I woke up today and looked out the window and saw that it was sort of sunny and nice looking outside. This led me to get dressed in somewhat of a good mood thinking that Spring was finally on it's way and hence it was nearly Summer. Unfortunately the Sun lied. It was bloody freezing. There was ice all over school and one of the guys in my form fell over and ripped his trousers. FAIL!
So* yes, I had double Biology first which passed without anything particularly interesting happening. Then I had a thoroughly stimulating and interesting History lesson. No, I jest, it was, as it always is, snoresville. (I used far too many commas in the sentence BUT I DON'T CARE!!!!) *Ahem*. Then I had a Physics lesson revolving around current and voltage *facepalm*. So* that was fun...
Then I got home and sort of jammed for a bit before venturing back into the realm of the internet. It was fun randomly stalking researching people on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and of course playing around on the Google homepage.
So* that was my day, I hope you enjoyed.
Good Night xxx
Monday, 7 February 2011
Red Noses
Hey Guys and Gals
So, Mondays eh? Totally and utterly yuck! To be honest my school timetable on Mondays isn't too bad, its just the fact that I have to get up and 6:30 after two days of getting up at around 10ish. Thats what really sucks about Mondays. I've mentioned before why Mondays at school aren't too bad considering I only have one proper lesson so I won't bother telling you guys again. Although I guess I just did...
Anyway, yes. Learning about phase difference and other wave related stuff was pretty much everything I learnt today. We also had a talk on drugs and alcohol which was kind of redundant because no one really cared about what the guys were saying. I wasn't really paying attention to the talker guy because I was sat in the SLAG box (No it's not what you think it is).
So then I got to go home. I stopped off at Sainsbury first and bought a whole load of red noses for Red Nose Day (18th March). They are pretty cool this year with a monstery theme. They even made ones that have legs and can walk, these are called "Runny Noses". I have to admit it did make me chuckle a little bit.
So for those of you outside England who don't know what Red Nose Day is, its basically a charity that once every two years organizes a day where you buy red noses from them and wear them. In the evening theres a really massive television show full of funny stuff trying to get you to donate money to them so they can help people all over the world. It's a really great charity.
Wow, it feels really weird knowing that people all over the world are reading my blog. I also now feel the need to sort of tailor what I write so that it makes sense to people all over the world. It feels cool so thanks. If you want to drop me a line or just say hi then you can talk to me in all of the ways in the sidebar. So please do that, it makes me all happy and stuff.
Right, enough soppy stuff. I think I'll leave it at that before I start declaring my love for all of you.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 6 February 2011
My Bucket List
Hey Guys and Gals
Eurgh, it's Monday tomorrow isn't it? That sucks, what with School and other such stuff happening.
Anyway, lets not concentrate on the horror that is Monday, let us focus on the brilliant invention which is Sunday.
So I woke up this morning and realized that I had completely neglected to do any of the filming that I said I would do for next weeks video. Oh well. I guess I'll have to stay up extra late on Friday and Saturday. Good Oh!
So, yes, I woke up and then got started on with some more homework. It really pissed me off because I spent all of yesterday doing homework and then spent the majority of today doing it as well. Not impressed. So today mostly consisted of me writing fact files about diseases caused by smoking (in case you didn't know, smoking really screws you up). That was fun...
Then I had to go and help my dad repair the roof on the shed. Ooh that made me sound very manly and butch. To be honest all it consisted of was me pulling flaky bits of roofing stuff and then putting new stuff on.
Then came a rather scrummy lunch of roast beef followed by a conversation with my Dad about Uni courses and what I wan't to do with my life. I'm still at a loss of what to do. That actually ties in with my next point quite neatly. Totally unplanned as well.
Anyway, I'll leave you to it now,
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Tardis Journal Has Arrived
Hello Peoples
How is everyone on this merry Saturday?
Actually, it hasn't been very merry for me. I spent all day doing like four hours worth of History homework with a slitting headache. Not my idea of fun. I mean the effect of the media revolution in the late 1800's on the publics opinion of the Second Boer war is fun and all but that damn headache really sucked all fun out of it. I did manage to struggle through it all with the help of some relaxing acoustic covers courtesy of Boyce Avenue and Sam Tsui.
In other more awesome news, MY TARDIS JOURNAL ARRIVED TODAY!!!!! I mentioned that I put in a custom order ages ago and the woman who made it finished it on Monday, I paid for it on Thursday and it arrived today (Saturday). Its really awesome but I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for yet. The original plan was to use it as a list of 100 Things To Do Before I Die, but when it arrived I found it had like hundreds more pages than I had expected. So I'll have to do some serious thinking about what to use it for. It's so cool and smells so good. Don't look at me like that, books smell nice. Especially leather bound ones.
Oh and I uploaded a video this morning. I will apologize again that the video isn't very good or interesting but nonetheless here it is. CLICKYCLICK!!!!
I don't think much else actually happened today, so I think I'll leave you lot to the rest of your evening.
Allons-y Allonso xxx
Friday, 4 February 2011
Curry Night
Evenin People
Well today was pretty good I must say so. School was pretty much school. It wasn't too bad.
But I must say that the highlight of today and possibly the week was going for a curry with my amazing friends. It was a thoroughly banterfull night which bordered on becoming a torrent of abuse (Sorry about that Tom). Was a great night an had a blast.
Sorry this is so short but I'm tired an trying to make a video. That should be up in a few hours so watch out.
Oh and as promised yesterday here is the picture of me being gangster with a musket.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Post Fairy
Before we start I will warn you, today's post will contain quite a few pictures. I'm not sure why that's a warning since it means less thinking on your part.
So, yes. A lot of awesome stuff happened today. But first lets get some of the suck out first, so we can bathe in the sheer awesome later on. First I had a period of Chemistry which was a bit boring but not that difficult I don't think. Then I had a free period. My free periods are usually a bit dull since like nobody else has the same free periods as me. Never mind, it allowed me to work on Bloons TD 4. That game is seriously cool. Then came a lesson on current in Physics. That is electrical current, not the currents that are related to berries. Although I guessed you got that from the fact it was in Physics.
Anyway, now the awesome starts. I had a free period four, but so does like most of our year which is awesome. So after a brief trip to Sainsburys we returned to the Sixth Form centre for a good old bitching session. And who said bitching was only for girls. Then we descended into massive LOLs which revolved around my mother having a foreskin that you can get your head in. Yes, that was a very normal conversation at our school, gotta love it.
Then the fire bell went off which was a bit of a kerfuffle but we then got back to History which was awesome, mainly because I got to play with a musket. I also want to buy my own musket seeing as the one our teacher had was only £35. So yes, here's a picture of me being gangsta with a musket.
OK there was a picture of me being a gangster with a musket but it's on Toms ipod and he isn't online now so you may have to wait until tomorrows post to see it. Blame Tom.
Then school ended which in itself is quite awesome. And then I came home to discover that the post fairy had arrived and left me lots of goodies. All of which I purchased on my recent Ebay binge. So my Coke and Abbey Road signs arrived as well as my vintage map. The map is currently up on my wall.
And the two signs I put in a big ass collage thingy that's now on my wall. That was my second attempt at "tidying" my draws like yesterday.
Anyway, I'll you to it now
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Photo Frames
What Ho Peasants.
Nah, I'm just joking, your not peasants. In fact I'm not sure a peasant class even exists on this planet any more. Actually, if I'm honest I'm not sure of the exact definition of a peasant, whenever I picture one they're always wearing sackcloth clothes and look like they're from the middle ages. Strange eh? I think I'd fit in quite well in medieval England. I'd make a really badass Knight with all my awesome armour and stuff.
Wow, that sounded more normal in my head. Anyway back to business, today consisted of Chemistry (learnt nothing), Physics (learnt a bit) and History (Probably was supposed to learn something but was concentrating on psychic communication, it failed). So yes that was my day of school. I love short days. Then I came home and mum got stroppy because my drawers are a mess. Not what's inside them, what's on top of them. So now let's play a little game of Spot-the-Difference. Can you see what I did when I "Tidied Up"?
As you can see I put up a photo frame. It really makes everything look a lot tidier. By the way, doesn't my radiator look like a disappointed Chinese man. I had never noticed that before. But yes, the photo frame I've had for ages but never had any photos in. So I spent a few hours cutting up magazines to put a collage of pictures into it. Tis cool and I like it. Whilst out in the garage looking for picture hooks I found my old box of crafty things. Amongst its contents were a box of crayons and some Harry Potter stickers, as you can imagine, it made me immensely happy.
Anyway, I'll leave it at that for tonight,
See you all tomorrow I hope
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Pinch Punch
Hey There!
I always feel awkward starting a blog post about my day without an introduction type thingy. So I kinda guess that this is that awkward beating intro. Was it any good?
School also happened today, that consisted of testing foods for starch and such. Then we had a practical assessment in my second biology lesson. It wasn't that difficult but I did have to sort of exaggerate my results to make them show what they should have shown. That's not cheating, what are you talking about?
So then I had Critical Thinking which was about conflict resolution *snore*.
Then came a free and finally chemistry repeating some practical. Wasn't particularly eventful.
So that was my day. Interesting huh?
So yes, fell free to bother me in one of the ways in the sidebar, if I don't reply immediately I'm either not there or you've done something to piss me off. I'm not sure what that might be though but still. Just keep bugging me until I reply. =]
Good Night xxx