Saturday, 12 February 2011

Pizza, Pizza Everywhere

Hey Guys and Gals

It's the weekend hurray!

So the plan for today was to go into town with a couple of friends. But of course, us being us, we really failed at organizing it. That led to me having to dash out the door after waking up half an hour earlier in order to catch the bus, eating cold pizza as I went. So yes, bus was caught and then I had to wait until we had gathered enough people to actually go into town. But eventually we were all there and then toddled off to Pizza Hut. If you read last nights post you will know I also had pizza for tea last night. And if your reading this post, which you probably are, then you will know that I also had cold pizza for breakfast. And once I got back home I had yet more pizza for dinner. Some would say that it's not a varied diet,  but I really don't care, I bloody love pizza.

But yes, I had a good time in town seeing all the guys, was good seeing some of them again since I haven't seen them in a long time.

That was about it really. Sorry for such a short post tonight, I'm very tired now so I'll leave you to it.

Good Night xxx

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