Saturday, 19 February 2011

16ft Of Pokémon

Hey Guys and Gals

Hurray for the weekend and indeed hurray for half term. Actually to be honest I'm not totally ecstatic about half term since I've got work experience all of this week. Not that I'm expecting the work experience to be boring but I know it's going to leave me massively tired out considering I usually sleep through most of my half term in an attempt to recuperate from school.

Never mind work experience should be pretty damn awesome and I'll just have to sleep at school like most stereotypical teenagers in films.

On a sort of vaguely related note I went to the train station this morning to buy train tickets for this week but couldn't for some bizarre reason. But that not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is the woman that didn't let us buy the tickets. She was a real life representation of Roz from Monsters Inc. Like someone had seen the movie and decided to try and make a human as physically close to the character as possible. It was weird to say the least. It was even weirder when she even behaved like Roz as well.

Anyway, enough about strange slug ladies. So I got home to find another of my university prospectuses had arrived. I went on a big prospectus ordering binge and have been looking at all the places I'd like to go to. To be honest I still haven't really got a clue but it feels good to be proactive.

Rather than getting all of my homework out of the way early I decided I'd rather do the important job of sticking Pokémon cards all over my wall. I started this a while ago and for some reason started in the middle of the wall. But then I got bored and left it for ages. However, I finally got around to finishing it. This time I started at the ceiling meaning they would be straight. Unfortunately I didn't count on the original block of cards not being straight. So now theres an odd gap that I'm trying to sort out. It's annoying to say the least. But I can now proudly say that 16sq ft of my bedroom wall is covered in 300 Pokémon cards.

<-------- Straight

<------- Annoying  gap

<------- Wonky

Ooh before I go. Did you watch Lets Dance For Comic Relief on BBC1 earlier? So. Much. Transvestite-ism. But Russel Kane was by far the best.

Anyway, Good Night xxx

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