Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Lots of Abbreviations

Hey Guys and Gals

So my tiredness level are bordering on being ridiculous now I probably shouldn't have given up my half term of sleep to work in a lab. Oh well, its fun.

So today I was doing a Southern wash. As you can imagine it involved washing some stuff off a membrane which had been imprinted with DNA. It wasn't too bad actually, I also had a good chat with one of the students working there about courses and a stuff that she had done. Was really helpful. Then I went to talk to one of the PIs, I don't know what PI stands for but thats what all the PHD students call the people that like rule the place. To be honest I haven't seen them do that much but apparently they're in control of the place, so I talked to one of them about Summer Placements there. Unfortunately I'm too young to do a proper internship but I can hopefully do one next year, thats if I get a place. Anyway, then I went off with another PHD student to finish the PCR thing I started with her yesterday, it went quite well and I even managed to get this print out of our results.

OK I don't know exactly what they mean but the thinner lines mean that those results are the most accurate. Then we went for lunch and then started DNA extraction. Wow that makes me sound like a proper science nerd.... OK that may be because I am but nonetheless, its fun :D

Anyway, I'll leave you to go and figure out what all those abbreviations meant

Good Night xxx

Good Night

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