Wow, it's really late, sorry about it I've been out at a restaurant with my family. So, five cheese and bacon potato skins, fifteen ribs, loads of chips and a honeycomb waffle later I am here nursing a rather prevalent food baby. But it was bloody worth it. I'll stop talking about food now, just in case it's making you hungry, I only finished eating and I'm all this talk of food is still making me hungry.
Anyway, the second part of the Doctor Who premier and it was bloody brilliant. It answered so many questions and raised so many more. Now I have a theory about the future of the series so beware, there will be spoilers.
Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert Spoiler Alert
So you know the little girl in the space suit, well I think that Amy is actually pregnant and that being in the Tardis will affect the baby. A member of the writing team I think, said look out of a comment that seems to be an irrelevant bit of conversation that doesn't seem to mean much, however it turns out to play a pivotal role in the whole series. I think the exchange between Amy and the Doctor where Amy was worrying about the Tardis causing her baby to have a space head, is that passing comment. I think being so close to the time vortex at the center of the Tardis means that Amy's daughter will have become a sort of Timelord. After all, in order to become a Timelord the Galliferyans had too look into the time vortex. This would explain the little girls ability to regenerate. I think that The Silence were experimenting on the little girl because after all, "a Timelords body is a miracle".
So yes, I hoe you enjoyed my display of intense nerdyness and let me know what your thoughts are on the episode. Or if you didn't watch it, your regularly scheduled programming will resume again tomorrow.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Displays Of Nerdyness (SPOILERS)
Friday, 29 April 2011
Royal Wedding
Oh what a day to be British eh? I woke up this morning to watch the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Katherine Middleton. It was bloody marvelous watching our Royal Family driving down the Mall surrounded by hundreds of thousands of cheering Brits. I'm a guy who doesn't really know much about fashion but wow, Kate looked amazing. Actually so did her sister but still. The only problem I had with the wedding attire was Princess Beatrice's hat, it looked bloody stupid. I can't believe her friends and family let her wear it. It looked strangely reminiscent of someone else...
But despite that it was a brilliant show. After that I went down to Louise's street party and had a good time. Street parties are great, we had one at my Gran's for the Queen's Golden Jubilee, and we had one today. It was a proper organised thing as well. There was a bouncy castle, a bouncy fighting thing and loads of stuff to do. Was quiet a good after noon and then I came home to watch all the highlights and stuff and tut in disgrace at all of the people claiming that they weren't interested. Silly people.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 28 April 2011
to be the monarchs of America but then the Americans kicked them out. Bet you regret that now don't you?
I think we need more days like this, I mean patriotic holidays. Most other countries have their own national holidays, the Americans have the 4th of July, Australians have Australia Day and the French have Bastille Day. I think we should have our own version. National Lets Get Horribly Drunk In The Name Of Patriotism Day perhaps? I dunno I'll let you mull that one over.
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Books of Nerdyness
So I'm quite a massive nerd, and not in the dippy school girl "OMG you got a B in that test, you are suuuuchh a nerd" type of nerd, like a proper hardcore nerd. What made me come to this conclusion was that when I came from home from school, my mum gave me a big plastic bag. What was in the bag you ask? It was a big old pile of science type books. There were three QI books and the Wonders Of The Universe by Professor Brian Cox. I have literally spent the rest of today with my nose buried in these three books soaking up also sorts of useless trivia. Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton was not only an astonishing physicist but also a keen alchemist and practicer of the occult? Leonardo da Vinci was also the inventor of the first 'tank', the first parachute, a giant siege crossbow, a crane, the first mixer tap for bath tubs, folding furniture, the aqualung, the automatic drum, automatic doors, a sequin maker and many other smaller devices. Impressive eh? People like him, who had a crap childhood (his mother was an Arabic slave who was sold when he was young and his dad wanted nothing to do with him) are an utter inspiration. To go from such awful circumstances to one of the most admired scientists and artists ever to have lived.
And who said us nerds are boring. Sigmund Freud was a cocaine addict. Florence Nightingale kept a pet owl in her pocket. Lord Byron drank burgundy from a human skull and Leonardo da Vinci could bend horseshoes with one hand. Being a nerd doesn't sound so boring now does it?
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
I Love Days Off
As you can probably tell I've been having somewhat of a play around with the blog settings. At the moment it's not quite finished because some of the text is a bit invisible, but give me time and I'm sure it will all be fixed.
Anyway, as I woke up this morning to that back to school feeling. The sense of dread that fills you when you are unsure if you've done all of th homework set. Fortunately for me I had and therefore didn't get a shouting at by my teachers. In fact I did notice a sever lack of shouting ats happening today, maybe it was chocolate induced sense of stupor in the teachers or maybe it was the fact that this week is only a three day week, what with it being a bank holiday yesterday and the royal wedding on Friday. It also rocks that it's only a four day week next week due to the May bank holiday next Monday. Oh I love random days off. Unfortunately I'm kind of bricking it because it means that we have less school time to prepare for our exams, which, as our school noticeboard kept reminding me, begin incredibly soon. Kind of nervous about that.
Anyway, I'm kind of tired right now and I think I may go and relax in front of the telly now. Sorry these posts have been so short the past couple of days but I promise to make it up to you soon.
Good Night xxx
Monday, 25 April 2011
Biology Homework
Right, this is going to have to be a bit of a speed post considering that I have to be back at school tomorrow and I have to organize all of my stuff before hand.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Time Traveling Detective
So, I've just written one long rambling post today, but be prepared for another.
Yesterday saw the broadcasting of the first episode of the new series of Dr Who. Unfortunately I was at the rugby so had to record it and watch it today. My what en episode it was. I really loved it, I think Steven Moffat really does love playing with multiple time streams and watching them interact. I wont go into too much detail because I fear if I start I wont be able to stop myself and will end up unleashing a stream of spoilers. Anyway, the episode got me thinking about what it would be like to be the Doctor's companion and where I'd go if I had a machine that could travel in time and space. So allow me to present to you, my top 5 places in time and space to visit (They're not in any order)
1. Another Life Bearing Planet- That's obvious I'm desperate to find out if we are the only life form in the universe and I think it would be utterly fascinating to discover what they look like and what (if any) their society is like. Also it's also for a more selfish reason, imagine being able to say, that you were the first ever person to meet and interact with and alien species.
2. The First Contact Between Humans and Aliens- That is, if it ever happens. I really hope it does, however I am a bit skeptical of witnessing it. Given our essentially dominant nature and combined with what could be an equally war like species, the first (that we know of) inter-galactic war could begin. Hopefully that wont happen and our 'First Contact' will be a monumental moment in the history of mankind. It would be truly mind blowing to know how far our race has come, from hunter gatherers living in the wilderness, to great space traveling beings. Wow, that would be simply amazing.
3. The Day I Die- I know it sounds a bit morbid, but my reasons aren't all like that. I mean I'm curious to know how it happens and all that. But mostly I want to know how far this world has progressed just in my life time. Because I know that technology has come a massive way just since I was born with computers and phones getting smaller and smaller just in 16 years. Imagine the change that will have taken place in 80 years (MORBIDITY ALERT! given that I live that long).
4. Earth In 1 Million Years- This is much the same reason as the previous destination. I really want to know how far humanity has advanced in that time. I'm sure the technology would be simply mind-boggling.
5. The Construction Of Stone Henge- Stone Henge has always been a place that's fascinated me, a monument constructed from enormous rock dragged hundreds of miles from Wales and for what purpose? With all of the mystery and folk lore surrounding it I'm desperate to know why it was created and for what purpose it was used for. To be honest, any sort of historical mystery is high up on my list, I think that if I were a time traveler, then I'd be just like the doctor, zooming around solving mysteries and puzzles.
So where would you go if you had the opportunity?
A Good Old Day At The Ruggah!!!
So, today's post is going to actually be two posts. One to make up for not writing one last night and one for tonight. This post is actually going to be the former of the two.
As I mentioned two days ago, my grandparents have come to visit for Easter. Then yesterday, my cousins came to visit so we could go to Twickenham and watch the Bath Vs. Wasps St George's day rugby match. So they rocked up at ours about 11ish which was about three hours before we had to leave for the match. That left us with plenty of time to have a barbecue and my gave my uncle enough time to get his chainsaw out and cut some offending branches off of a tree in our garden. After he had done that, we decided that the entire tree was actually quite offending and therefore we cut the whole thing down too. It didn't quite go to plan, we tied a big bit of rope around it and me and my grandad were pulling the tree in the direction that we wanted it to fall, right in the gap between the fence and another tree in our garden. Unfortunately when it did decide to fall, it completely ignored our efforts and fell straight into the other tree. To be honest it didn't really matter because my mum really doesn't like that tree anyway. So that filled up the time before we had to leave. I hopped in my dads convertible along with my dad, my brother and my cousin. I know I'm going to sound like a girl once I've said it, but driving down the motorway at 70mph in a convertible really messes up your hair.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 22 April 2011
My Old Bedroom
Gah, I'm so tired right now, I really have no idea why though. I slept for twelve hours for the last two nights. Don't you really hate it when you get really tired for absolutely no reason. Hmph, I may have to go and get an energy drink of some sort. Actually no I just remembered that we don't have any in our house, so if I wanted one then I would have to walk all the way down to the shop and buy one there and to be honest I'm just too tired to do that. Meh, I suppose I'll just sit here in a semi-conscious state of bliss aimlessly rambling on in this here blog in the hope that it stimulates some form of pleasure in all of your heads. That would be just swell.
So anyway, I'm currently sat up in my old bedroom. Actually, its my old old bedroom. Its basically the room in which I spent about 10 years of my life living in before moving into my old bedroom and then my current one. But now that my grandparents have come to visit I've been demoted to sleeping in here, it's weird I've never actually realized how small it was. It always seemed so much bigger when it was my room, I guess that's because I was so much smaller then. Seriously I have no idea how I would ever be able to get all of my stuff in here now. I literally don't think I would have enough room to breathe let alone sleep. I shan't complain, it is only one night after all and to be honest the only thing that I really need right now is my laptop and my phone. Actually I doubt I even 'need' them, I could get on perfectly well without them. Although I did read an article a while ago about teenagers becoming addicted to technology. They conducted a study and made a group of students from all over the world give up all forms of technology and social media such as computers, phones, televisions and I-pods for a week. Some of the students actually suffered withdrawal symptoms and feelings of stress and anxiety. I'm sorry but you have a problem if you are that obsessed with technology. I mean, I spend a fair few hours a day on the Internet and watching telly, but if you took them away, I could quite happily pick up a book or go and do something productive without feeling too stressed about the whole ordeal. In fact I have actually spent days so engrossed in a book that I don't pay any attention to modern technology.
I think I'll stop ranting now and leave you to your nights.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Sensory Overload
So right now theres a lot of odd smells floating about my house. My bedroom smells of Indian food, my kitchen smells of flowers and the entire upstairs of my house smells of chocolate. It's just a sensory overload at the moment.
So I've been quite a busy little bunny today, compared to my usual daily routing of; Get up, get dressed, get food, do revision, sleep. Instead today I got up and got some food before neglecting revision in favor of doing all of those bits of homework that I had forgotten about until now. That always tends to happen in those last few days of the holidays, you suddenly remember that you have a mountain of homework to do for the first day back. It resulted in me writing a History essay and giving up and adopting the it's-not-the-end-of-the-holidays-yet approach and resolving to do the rest of it tomorrow. I mean, thats always the best tactic isn't it?
Then I went outside and helped my brother and my mother construct our massive tent so that my brother would be able to put it up when he goes camping with his friends at some point in the future. However, I doubt he will be able to considering that he spent the majority of the time kicking a rugby ball around. Anyway, you can see the finished article here.
Oh balls, I've just discovered that I'm not going to be at home to watch the new Dr Who episode since I'll be at some rugby match in London. Take this as your warning, if anybody divulges any details about the episodes content then I swear to Odin that I will end your live swiftly and without remorse.
Consider yourselves warned.
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Zombie Slaying Hero
It's called "My Zombie Apocalypse Soundtrack!" According to the rules, I have to put my iPod on shuffle to determine my fate. Right, lets rock and roll.
1. The overall theme for the apocalypse:
"Heroes In Demand" by Underfunk. So basically I become a zombie slaying hero. I think I'm OK with this.
2. The song that plays when I kill my first zombie:
"Side Of A Bullet" by Nickelback. A zombie slaying hero that's handy with a gun.
3. The song that plays while I'm being chased by a horde:
"This Is An Emergency" by The Pigeon Detectives. Bit of an understatement there don't you think.
4. When I kill my loved one:
"I Can Do It Without You" by The Kaiser Chiefs. I think thats a bit harsh but if it's for the good of the human race, it has to be done. Can't be letting emotional attachment get in the way of my zombie slaying.
5. When I find a group of survivors:
"Mistress Mabel" by The Fratellis. Totally unrelated but still quite a good song.
6. When I meet my new love interest:
"Boys Boys Boys" by Lady Gaga. Is my I-pod insinuating that in a zombie apocalypse I turn gay?
7. When I make my final stand:
"Scheme Eugene" by Red Light Company. Me being the zombie slaying genius that I am has formed a cunning plan that lures many a foolish zombie into a deadly embrace.
8. When I think I've survived it all:
"Summers End" by Foo Fighters. At which point I turn and walk off into the sunset.
9. When I discover a bite mark on me:
"The End Where I Begin" by The Script. I suppose it is a sort of new chapter type thing. Still, I'm not happy about it.
10. The song during the end credits:
"The End Of The Universe" by Tom Milsom. Not only is it very apt, its a very good end-credit-rolling-type-piece-of-music.
Wasn't that fun?
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
TGI Fridays
So today actually turned out to be quite a good one. It was my friend Louise's birthday a couple of weeks ago and today she had a sort of birthday meal type thing. We went down to TGI Fridays in Reading where I had never been to before. In fact the only TGI Fridays I had ever been to was in America and I can't really remember much about it. Anyway, it was a really good night and had a good old natter with some really awesome people and some really awesome food.
The food was like seriously nom. I had Jack Daniels Glazed Buffalo wings (but buffalo don't have wings?) then I had this majorly delicious Cheesey Bacon Cheeseburger. It was pretty amazing. A burger with a mozzarella stick, a slice of normal cheese and then bacon on top. Twas freaking amazing. And then I had a cookie dough cheesecake which was also pretty damn tasty.
Anyway, I'm pretty tired now so I think I'll leave it at that.
Good Night xxx
Monday, 18 April 2011
Gah, these flies are really bugging me now. I swear theres either a dead body buried under my room or I've invoked a plague from God. Either way I'm pissed.
Unfortunately this morning didn't begin with a bacon sandwich as it did yesterday. Actually there was a sever lack of bacon at all this morning. I mean, there was bacon in the house, I just lacked the energy to cook it. Meh, maybe I'll have some tomorrow. Yes, that seems like a good idea. Maybe I should have bacon every Tuesday. Actually, if I'm going to have a bacon day I should probably make bacon day every day. Boy do I love bacon. *drools*
Enough about bacon, although I don't know if it's possible to have enough bacon, unless your vegetarian or its against your religion to eat bacon. But otherwise...
Anyway, so after waking up to a severe lack of bacon and getting on with getting up and such, I got on with that activity from which I am currently refraining from talking about. That went OK actually but for the purposes of being interesting I shall not go into detail. After getting bored of that I went off with my brother to take some stuff to the tip which was unusually busy for a Monday.
Wow, my life is so interesting, how do you put up with this drivel. Honestly, it bored me just writing that, I can't imagine how its making you feel.
I'm going to go and try and think of something to make tomorrows post more interesting.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 17 April 2011
So I noticed today that I seem to spend a lot of my time talking bout revision these days. I know for certain that it sucks for me and I guess it must also suck for you to read about it. Therefore, I promise that I will not mention revision in this post, although I suppose this paragraph explaining the lack of revision based nattering kind of negates that statement. Oh what a conundrum. I suppose that I shall just have to declare that from the end of this sentence, this post shall be a revision free zone.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Britain's Got Talent
Bonjour Mes Amis,
For those of you who aren't fluent in French, as I am *shifty eyes* that meant hello my friends. I think that is the most I've used my French GCSE since I actually took the exam. Well that was worthwhile.
Anyway, so today I actually have something to talk about, other than revision. And that something would be Britain's Got Talent. Now, I'm quite a big fan of Britains Got Talent, especially the early stages when you get the proper nut-cases on who think that rolling around on the floor constitutes talent. I'm not saying thats a bad thing, it is hysterically funny. In fact I've just noticed that #bgt and #britainsgottalent are both trending on twitter world wide. Thats actually quite impressive. I'm also loving having Michael McIntyre as one of the judges, he's not too soft on the weirdos but some of his put downs are bloody amazing. David Hasselhoff I'm not so keen on. He's got that dad sense of humor. Y'know, where he tells jokes that nobody gets and it just gets awkward. But I suppose he's better than either Simon Cowell or Piers Morgan. They're both bloody annoying as hell.
Anywho, I won't go on about BGT too much, I did do other stuff with my day.
I did some revision. I carried some sand down the garden. I ate an ice lolly.
Wow, that wasn't much was it?
I think I'll run away and leave you now.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 15 April 2011
Instantaneous Reading
*In the voice of Stephen Fry* Gooooooooooood Evening, Good Evening, Good Evening, Good Evening Good Evening
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Sup Guys
Well, you'll be pleased to know that I did absolutely no revision today, therefore I wont be complaining about it today. HURRAY!!!!
So today I woke up relatively early this morning and lounged in bed for ages before finally getting up the courage to actually get out of bed. After I got up I wandered into the lounge to discover that my brother was watching Scream. Now, normally I don't like horror movies, they're generally a bit too sadistic for my nature. But Scream is nearly comical. I mean how can you take a serial killer seriously when he looks like this:
I mean if he came at me with a knife, I would have already died of laughter before he even got close. He looks more depressed that psychotic. While I was watching I also had an epiphany. WHY ARE PEOPLE IN HORROR MOVIES SO DAMN STUPID?!?!! Like, you see a serial killer in your house and what do you do? Yes, thats right, you run back inside the house. Grrr those people really piss me off.
Oh and by the way, why is it so hard to kill people in horror films? There was one guy in the film who got stabbed like five times in the chest and shot and still didn't die, even getting shot in the head only just managed to kill him. I could make a much better horror film, if only I didn't like horror films.
For the rest of the evening I sat down to watch Legion. It's a strange film, but it was actually quite good. Go watch it.
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Nothing Happened Today Ever
Greetings Subjects.
How are we this fine day?
Well, actually today wasn't particularly fine. Well, it looked fine, but looks can be deceiving. It looked really nice and sunny and stuff outside, so I went to open the patio door to let some fresh air in and discovered that it was absolutely freaking freezing. At that point I decided that I was going to admire the sunny-ness from my centrally heated house. To cheer myself up after being assaulted by the cold I decided to make a bacon sandwich for breakfast. I also made my brother one which seems to have become a recurring theme over the past few days. Somethings wrong here. Still, it didn't stop it being absolute noms.
Then the revision began. Eurgh, I really don't like revision. Actually, does anybody? And if you do, whats wrong with you? Anyway, my revision took up most of the day, learning definitions and stuff. Wasn't very interesting to be honest.
Since I've already used the whole questionnaire thing I'm at a bit of a loss of what to write about today. Would you excuse me for one moment while I go and ask Google.
OK, that didn't help at all, there was lots of random war stuff happened on April the 13th but that is literally it. No one of interest was born today and no one of interest died today. Hmph, what to do now. Oh I know,
I'll leave
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
So. Many. Questions.
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Blog We Go
Well today has been one big barrel of laughs. I finally got around to starting my revision by cutting out some revision cards and doing some homework. Since I found it utterly dull, I doubt you will find it very interesting, so naturally I wont talk about it.
Since nothing worthy of mention happened today I thought I'd do one of those random note things that crop up all over facebook so you can get to know me a bit better. (BEWARE EXTREME SARCASM)
Do you usually sleep with your wardrobe door open or closed?
Closed, if I left it open the monsters might get out and eat me.
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Judging from the fact that we still have shampoo from Disneyland Paris like 10 years ago, I think I do.
Where is your next vacation?
Greece, this Summer, its going to be freaking awesome.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Cant say I have, but I would like to
Do you have a calendar in your room?
No, I just rely on other people telling me the date
Where are you?
What's your plan for the day?
Seeing as most of today has already been and gone, I'll do tomorrow instead. Well, waking up, eating breakfast, prepare to revise, revision break, revision, revision break, hours on Facebook, dinner, Facebook, Bed
Are you reading any books right now?
Well I'm sort of reading The Vampire Lestat, but I sort of stopped because nothing happened for like ages, but I will get around to reading it again at some point.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Not really, although I have tried to count how many steps it takes to get home several times, but I always loose count.
Have you ever peed in the woods?
No, I have never felt the urge thanks.
Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
Yes, I believe the occasional rave break is good for the soul.
Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Not really, although I tend to do it more when I've borrowed other people pens before I realize that it's socially unacceptable.
What is your "Song of the Week"?
Ballad Of The Mona Lise by Panic! At The Disco
Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Yeah, I guess it's OK, I actually own several pink thongs t-shirts.
Do you still watch cartoons?
Not really, I've usually gone to school before they've started or woken up too late for them :/
What's your favourite love movie?
I suppose Sweeney Todd is technically a love film, so yes, Sweeney Todd.
What do you drink with dinner?
Apple juice or cider, actually, anything appley.
What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?
Ketchup if there is any, nothing if there isn't any. Come to think of it, I haven't had chicken nuggets in like forever. Awh, your question gave me a sudden craving for chicken nuggets now.
What is your favourite food/cuisine?
Pizza, it's like major noms
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
- V for Vendetta
- Sweeney Todd
- Lord of the Rings
- Harry Potter
- Toy Story
Last person you hugged?
Jo yesterday I think.
Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Nah, I was an anti-social little bugger when I was a child
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
What do you think i do for a living?
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Oh, I wrote loads of post cards last summer, too many for me to remeber.
Can you change the oil on a car?
No, but I am the resident car-oil-checker in our house because I'm supper brilliant at everything as your are well aware of.
Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
No, unfortunately I cannot drive atm, I have to wait like 4 months until I can even start learning.
Run out of gas?
Again, I cannot drive so cannot run out of petrol.
Favourite kind of sandwich?
Chicken and bacon caeser wrap. NOM
Best thing to eat for breakfast?
What is your usual bedtime?
Since I'm on holiday, it's about 1-2 in the morning. But otherwise I tend to drift off around half 10-ish
Are you lazy?
Incredibly. Wait for this weeks video. Thats if I ever get off my fat arse long enough to film it.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Oh loads of things: A Werewolf, a Vampire, the guy from the Scream films and although not for Halloween, I have a Mad Hatter Costume
Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Indeed I do, I have a weekly subscription to The New Scientist.
Which is better, lego or lincoln logs?
What are Lincoln logs? But whatever they are, they can never beat the sheer awesome-ness of lego
Are you stubborn?
I dunno, I can be when I want to be.
Afraid of heights?
Sort of, but not so afraid that I wouldn't do a bungee jump or a sky dive.
Sing in the car?
Once I have my own car most definitely yes.
Dance in the shower?
Nah, my shower cubicle is too small to bust a move adequately.
Dance in the car?
Only the "This-Music-Is-Awful" sarcastic rave
Ever used a gun?
I've shot an Air Rifle and have actually held a proper pistol before, but didn't shoot it.
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Yes, but isn't that the idea?
Is Christmas stressful?
No I'm like a major Christmas nut.
Major annoyance right now?
The length of this bloody questionnaire
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Either a Wizard or a Dolphin trainer. To be honest, those are still my aims now
Do you believe in ghosts?
Not really, I just think they're the mind making people see what they want them to see
Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
Yeah, all the time. It's really distracting
Do you take a vitamin daily?
Only my daily dose of awesome sauce.
Wear slippers?
Only when my feet get really cold.
Wear a bath robe?
Yes because I'm too lazy to get dressed straight after the shower
What do you wear to bed?
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Neither, I cant stand that rabbit food.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Cant say that I have
Can you curl your tongue?
Yes, we spent ages in Biology learning about it.
Ever won a spelling bee?
No, because I'm English and therefore don't need to be praised for being literate.
Ever cried because you were so happy?
At the end of Toy Story when all the toys survived the incinerator
Ever been in love?
Only with you *winks slowly*
Hot tea or cold tea:
I don't really like either, but I prefer cold tea because it doesn't burn all the tastebuds off my tongue.
Are you patient?
Yes, although I am beginning to lose my patience with this bloody question thing.
Ever had plastic surgery?
I suppose I've technically had a nose job after I broke it. But they didn't do a very good job.
Which are better black or green olives?
Neither, they're both foul.
And thats it folks
Good Night xxx
Monday, 11 April 2011
Ninja Fly
Why Hello There Mysterious Person
So alas, today turned out to be rather a cloudy and cold day, breaking the long chain of wonderful weather we experienced over the last few days. Nevertheless that didn't stop me rocking out. I got up this morning and planned out my all of my revision for the rest of the holidays and I even started preparing to possibly maybe sort of begin revising kind of. That kind of didn't really happen. But that was mainly because I had plans later and didn't think I would be able to do any worthwhile revision before I had to head out. And besides, there was a really huge fly that needed to be dispatched before I could begin revision. Sadly, he bested me this day and managed to escape unharmed. CURSE YOU NINJA FLY! CURSE YOU!
Anyway, the afore mentioned plans were based around on the release of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows DVD today. My friend Jo, who is like a major Harry Potter fangirl, rushed out early this morning to go and buy the DVD so we could all watch it together at her house. So I went over to her house and sat and watched all the random extended features while the late comers made their way there. Some of the deleted scenes were really odd, but some where like awesome and really should have been included in the film. But once everyone had showed up, we shut the curtains and pressed play. I think I've already expressed my love for the film before in both a video and a previous post which I can't be bothered to dig out of the archives for you. So if you want them you can do it yourself. But the second time around I felt all of the same things as the first time. However, this time around, (SPOILER ALERT!!!!) the death of Dobby wasn't as sad as it was the first time. That may have something to do with all of the girl simultaneously squealing in perfect synchronization, which was pretty damn funny.
After the film had finished we began a game of Articulate. Now, I've never played Articulate before and I have to say it is pretty damn epic. Naturally, the pure win and awesome coursing through my veins ensured my teams ultimate victory.
Then I came home and carried on not doing any revision before tucking into muffins and custard.
Right I'll leave you to it now
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Play Dough and Pokémon
Hello You Wonderful People
So today started brilliantly sunny again. You know, I could get used to this whole sun lark, it's quite nice. I got up quite late and sat out on the swing seat in the sun and caught up on all the latest science news. Yes ladies, that's just how I roll. So I sat around in the garden for a while before I went over to Louise and Ben's house for their joint (they're twins) birthday barbecue thing. That was rather awesome seeing as I hadn't seen Louise in like forever. I've seen Ben quite a lot since he sits next to me in form but still. Happy Birthday to them both. So we sat around in the garden for while playing with Louise's hedgehog (no euphemism intended) and blowing bubbles. We're so hardcore.
Anyway, we ended up eating some burgers and some chicken and generally chatting for a while before heading inside to watch a film. I'm not really sure what the film was but it had Jack Black in and some stuff happened, but it was quite good. Once the film had finished and cake had been eaten, we did what all 16-17 year olds do at a party. We broke out the Play-Dough and began creating masterpieces whilst singing along to the Pokémon theme tune. It's amazing how easily a bunch of teenagers to regress to doing the things they did when they were 4 but I don't think I would have it any other way.
Anyway, that was about it for my day so I think I'll leave it at that.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Reminiscing About Flatpack
Hey Hey Kids
So today was yet another glorious day in our little corner of the world and rather than being lazy and boring, I decided to head out into the big wide world for a little excursion in the sun. I met up with Tom in town and we both toodled off into Reading. We had to buy some presents and stuff for people so we decided that we would go shopping first and then go find some food. That plan lasted long enough for us to walk from the station to the high street, where we promptly decided we were hungry and headed to the pasty shop. We had some lunch and had a bit of a bitch session about anything we could think of. So that was fun. After we'd finished we popped into the Early Learning so I could look for something but it got awkward when all of the parents started staring at us like we were sexual predators of some sort leading us to quickly evacuate the premises before the parental mob chased us out with pitch forks and burning torches. We carried on shopping for a while before we eventually had everything we needed and headed home.
Unfortunately for me I couldn't just slob out and do nothing once I got home. You see, while I was out, my parents had gone to the garden center and bough one of those big swing chair things (By the way, the one in the picture isn't the actual one we got) which was of course flat packed and required lots of assembly. Although most of the pieces appeared to be all identical, it turned out that they were each subtly different so we had to completely disassemble the entire thing about 8 times. Not fun. But still, I managed to get it all done and finished using my amazing flat pack skills which have helped me many a time, when the instructions have failed me. Oh the good old days *reminisces about flatpack*.
So that was about my day, I've wrapped all of the presents that I bought today and they're all sat behind me in a pile. All that's left is to give them to their intended recipients. I think that's it for today.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 8 April 2011
Night Time Skittle Alleys
Hey Ho People.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Schools over! *Performs celebratory dance*
In case you hadn't guessed I'm kind of stoked about it. Not that I don't like school, its OK, it's just I prefer to sleep and hang out with friends. This weather we're having also seems to be pretty amazing and I bloody hope it lasts for the whole of the holidays. Actually, if I'm wishing for weather patterns, I'd wish that it stayed sunny till the end of summer. That would probably better for everyone. Apart from vampires, they might think it sucks. But for the majority of people, it would rock.
As I've already mentioned, today was the last day of school and as normal, it was the usual confused mess of what time lessons start and finish and stuff. I ended up getting shouted at in History because I was five minutes late. Then we learnt about the suffrage movement and women in wartime for a bit. It wasn't particularly interesting. Then I had a free period during which I dossed about in the sixth form center and then going to loiter menacingly at the station with the two Alexs. After those two buggered off to Sainsburys, I went and loitered menacingly on the other side of the platform with all the people who got to go home at 11:20. It suffices to say that I was jealous seeing as I was still supposed to have another lesson. But alas, my teacher was off ill again, which should have meant that I got to go home early but due to our other Biology teacher being annoying and demanding that we stay until the beginning of the next lesson so she could register us. Therefore I had to sit and wait for another hour in the sixth form center. It wasn't all sitting, I did help one of the Technology teachers carry the remains of a skittle alley from last night out of the back room. Strange things happen at our school over night.
What did suck about today was that if I had known that my teacher wasn't here and I could have persuaded my Biology teacher to let me go, I could have left school at half 10. Which would have been great.
After finally getting registered I got to go home and slouch out for a bit. Watched a bit of telly and a bit of YouTube before heading over here to natter inanely at you all.
Anyway, Good Night xxx
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Ninja Holidays
Greetings Eartlings
How are we this fine April day?
Good I assume. I assumer so since it was sunny here today, however in your particular location it may not have been sunny. But either way I hope you had a good day.
Well, only one more school day until the end of term and quite frankly I cannot wait, not that I'm incredibly busy hanging out with friends but because I get one massive two week long lie-in. You can always tell how close the holidays are by how tired and lethargic everyone at school is. I have no idea how we're going to fair when we go out into the big wide world where we don't get massive holidays three times a year. I think it may not go well. But still, that a long way off and this holiday is much closer and more immediate. It actually managed to sort of sneak up on me, without me really noticing that the Easter holidays were coming up. Like I noticed the Easter Eggs arriving on the shelves and saw all the hot cross buns, but my brain just never made the connection that with chocolate eggs comes the Easter holidays. Strange that.
Anyway, enough of my philosophy of ninja holidays, although they're getting closer today is a much more relevant topic, considering today actually is the aforementioned day. So I woke up this morning to find yet more sun in the sky which instantly put me in a good mood. That really didn't last long once I remembered that I had a Chemistry practical first thing. As it turned out, it wasn't that bad. Just measuring temperatures and stuff and calculating stuff. I finished pretty early allowing me and Josh to pop over to Sainsburys whilst having a good old natter. Then I had a free period, discussing dubstep remixes of stuff. Then break, then a Physics practical, which didn't go as well as the Chemistry one, it was a really fiddly weird practical and I don't think I did very well. Then I had yet another free period which resulted in me pretty much running up to Sainsburys after Tom and Harry and nearly dying of heat exhaustion on the way. It was bloody hot. Anyway, we bought some food and drinks before heading back to school to sit on some benches outside and eat. Was really nice sitting in the sun, was a bit of a bugger having to wear a suit though.
Meh, I got over that once I got home and shoved on some shorts and t-shirt, before realizing my body still isn't acclimatised to warm weather and sat inside in the shade instead.
Right I'm off
Later Dudes and Dudettes xxx
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Sexy Legs
Good Evening And Welcome To Wednesday Night News
In the news today, stuff happened, now over to the weather with mysteriously similar other person.
Thank you also mysteriously similar other news person.
So as you can imagine today was rather warm and sunny with a very strong summery feel. I liked that, liked it a lot. It was also great that I finished school at half 12 so that I could go and jam for a bit in the garden. My Mum also a bought a fire bowl which is rather snazzy. I've been making fires in it all after noon. I'm not entirely sure why, since it was hot enough already, I guess I was just trying to fight fire with fire. Screw logic, who needs it?
But alas, before I could go and frolic in the bounties of Summer, I had to go to school *boo* *hiss*. That revolved around a bizarre assembly revolving around a builder who was clever to put some heavy stuff on a trolley thing so that it was easier to move, then I had Chemistry where I learnt like a massive amount again. Twas great. Then we had Physics which was a different story, I learnt absolutely nothing. Mainly because our teacher didn't really set any work, just sort of sat on his laptop, occasionally insulting someone. Finally I had History where I got an essay back and discovered I had written an excellent essay but had forgotten to include any of the sources provenance, meaning I couldn't get higher than a D. Woops. Then that was me done for the day. So off I skipped all the way back home, well actually I got a lift, but the principle is still the same.
I was going to then talk about what I did when I got home, but I already did that earlier. Three cheers for non-chronological accounts of stuff.
Hip Hip....
Fine, don't join in, be anti-social, make me feel bad, I don't care. Hmph.
Good Bye