Friday, 22 April 2011

My Old Bedroom

Gah, I'm so tired right now, I really have no idea why though. I slept for twelve hours for the last two nights. Don't you really hate it when you get really tired for absolutely no reason. Hmph, I may have to go and get an energy drink of some sort. Actually no I just remembered that we don't have any in our house, so if I wanted one then I would have to walk all the way down to the shop and buy one there and to be honest I'm just too tired to do that. Meh, I suppose I'll just sit here in a semi-conscious state of bliss aimlessly rambling on in this here blog in the hope that it stimulates some form of pleasure in all of your heads. That would be just swell.

So anyway, I'm currently sat up in my old bedroom. Actually, its my old old bedroom. Its basically the room in which I spent about 10 years of my life living in before moving into my old bedroom and then my current one. But now that my grandparents have come to visit I've been demoted to sleeping in here, it's weird I've never actually realized how small it was. It always seemed so much bigger when it was my room, I guess that's because I was so much smaller then. Seriously I have no idea how I would ever be able to get all of my stuff in here now. I literally don't think I would have enough room to breathe let alone sleep. I shan't complain, it is only one night after all and to be honest the only thing that I really need right now is my laptop and my phone. Actually I doubt I even 'need' them, I could get on perfectly well without them. Although I did read an article a while ago about teenagers becoming addicted to technology. They conducted a study and made a group of students from all over the world give up all forms of technology and social media such as computers, phones, televisions and I-pods for a week. Some of the students actually suffered withdrawal symptoms and feelings of stress and anxiety. I'm sorry but you have a problem if you are that obsessed with technology. I mean, I spend a fair few hours a day on the Internet and watching  telly, but if you took them away, I could quite happily pick up a book or go and do something productive without feeling too stressed about the whole ordeal. In fact I have actually spent days so engrossed in a book that I don't pay any attention to modern technology.

I think I'll stop ranting now and leave you to your nights.

Good Night xxx

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