Friday, 8 April 2011

Night Time Skittle Alleys

Hey Ho People.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Schools over! *Performs celebratory dance*

In case you hadn't guessed I'm kind of stoked about it. Not that I don't like school, its OK, it's just I prefer to sleep and hang out with friends. This weather we're having also seems to be pretty amazing and I bloody hope it lasts for the whole of the holidays. Actually, if I'm wishing for weather patterns, I'd wish that it stayed sunny till the end of summer. That would probably better for everyone. Apart from vampires, they might think it sucks. But for the majority of people, it would rock.

As I've already mentioned, today was the last day of school and as normal, it was the usual confused mess of what time lessons start and finish and stuff. I ended up getting shouted at in History because I was five minutes late. Then we learnt about the suffrage movement and women in wartime for a bit. It wasn't particularly interesting. Then I had a free period during which I dossed about in the sixth form center and then going to loiter menacingly at the station with the two Alexs. After those two buggered off to Sainsburys, I went and loitered menacingly on the other side of the platform with all the people who got to go home at 11:20. It suffices to say that I was jealous seeing as I was still supposed to have another lesson. But alas, my teacher was off ill again, which should have meant that I got to go home early but due to our other Biology teacher being annoying and demanding that we stay until the beginning of the next lesson so she could register us. Therefore I had to sit and wait for another hour in the sixth form center. It wasn't all sitting, I did help one of the Technology teachers carry the remains of a skittle alley from last night out of the back room. Strange things happen at our school over night.

What did suck  about today was that if I had known that my teacher wasn't here and I could have persuaded my Biology teacher to let me go, I could have left school at half 10. Which would have been great.

After finally getting registered I got to go home and slouch out for a bit. Watched a bit of telly and a bit of YouTube before heading over here to natter inanely at you all.

Anyway, Good Night xxx

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