So I noticed today that I seem to spend a lot of my time talking bout revision these days. I know for certain that it sucks for me and I guess it must also suck for you to read about it. Therefore, I promise that I will not mention revision in this post, although I suppose this paragraph explaining the lack of revision based nattering kind of negates that statement. Oh what a conundrum. I suppose that I shall just have to declare that from the end of this sentence, this post shall be a revision free zone.
Phew, crisis averted.
Anyway, so today started with my wonderful mother waking me up to ask if I wanted a bacon sandwich. That has to be one of the best ways to wake up ever invented. Although, I'm not sure if there are many other ways to wake up apart from just urm.... waking up? So as you can imagine I nommed that bad boy in record time. I really love bacon a lot. I've actually had quite a lot of bacon since the holidays started. If I wanted I could quite easily live off of bacon,. Alas, if only vegetables weren't necessary for survival. *daydreams about bacon*
While I stuffed my face with bacon, I sat and watched the Grand Prix and discussed various tactics with my dad. I actually had no idea what I was talking about but I can blag pretty well. Sadly I had missed all the exciting crashed and breakdowns and stuff. BUMMER. It was still quite a good race with Lewis Hamilton winning it. WOO Go British people!!! Yes, I am being a bit of a glory hunter here but who cares, if your British then your with me and if your not then your just jealous that we beat your sorry arses.
After the Grand Prix finished my parents went off to watch my brother play rugby. Me, being the hardcore sports lover that I am, was heartbroken that I had to stay home and perform an activity of which I have banned myself from mentioned. However I actually spent most of my time chasing around these massive flies that have invaded our house and refuse to leave. I swear they are actually sentient and have the ability to land in places where it is impossible for me to brutally kill them, like on the telly, or in dark corners where my news paper wont reach. One even managed to fly into my bubble gum while I was blowing a bubble. I wasn't
Oh bloody hell, theres one in my room as well now.
Good Night xxx
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