Sunday, 24 April 2011

Time Traveling Detective

So, I've just written one long rambling post today, but be prepared for another.

Yesterday saw the broadcasting of the first episode of the new series of Dr Who. Unfortunately I was at the rugby so had to record it and watch it today. My what en episode it was. I really loved it, I think Steven Moffat really does love playing with multiple time streams and watching them interact. I wont go into too much detail because I fear if I start I wont be able to stop myself and will end up unleashing a stream of spoilers. Anyway, the episode got me thinking about what it would be like to be the Doctor's companion and where I'd go if I had a machine that could travel in time and space. So allow me to present to you, my top 5 places in time and space to visit (They're not in any order)

1. Another Life Bearing Planet- That's obvious I'm desperate to find out if we are the only life form in the universe and I think it would be utterly fascinating to discover what they look like and what (if any) their society is like. Also it's also for a more selfish reason, imagine being able to say, that you were the first ever person to meet and interact with and alien species.

2. The First Contact Between Humans and Aliens- That is, if it ever happens. I really hope it does, however I am a bit skeptical of witnessing it. Given our essentially dominant nature and combined with what could be an equally war like species,  the first (that we know of) inter-galactic war could begin. Hopefully that wont happen and our 'First Contact' will be a monumental moment in the history of mankind. It would be truly mind blowing to know how far our race has come, from hunter gatherers living in the wilderness, to great space traveling beings. Wow, that would be simply amazing.

3. The Day I Die- I know it sounds a bit morbid, but my reasons aren't all like that. I mean I'm curious to know how it happens and all that. But mostly I want to know how far this world has progressed just in my life time. Because I know that technology has come a massive way just since I was born with computers and phones getting smaller and smaller just in 16 years. Imagine the change that will have taken place in 80 years (MORBIDITY ALERT! given that I live that long).

4. Earth In 1 Million Years- This is much the same reason as the previous destination. I really want to know how far humanity has advanced in that time. I'm sure the technology would be simply mind-boggling.

5. The Construction Of Stone Henge- Stone Henge has always been a place that's fascinated me, a monument constructed from enormous rock dragged hundreds of miles from Wales and for what purpose? With all of the mystery and folk lore surrounding it I'm desperate to know why it was created and for what purpose it was used for. To be honest, any sort of historical mystery is high up on my list, I think that if I were a time traveler, then I'd be just like the doctor, zooming around solving mysteries and puzzles.

So where would you go if you had the opportunity?

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