Howdy Partners
Eurgh, it feels like Friday today, even though its only Thursday which kinda sucks. I was looking forward to sleeping loads over the weekend. Loads of people have actually said it felt like Friday today, perhaps it was actually Friday and everybody had just gotten it wrong, but subconsciously we all knew it was indeed Friday, hence the feeling of it being Friday? Who knows, maybe it was just a glitch in the Matrix.
Back to today, whichever day it indeed turns out to be. I started off with everything being waay too loud and waay too bright. I have no idea why, my brain just decided it was going to make my ears and eyes super sensitive. I suppose on the plus side I could have passed it off as a brief period of having super powers, I would be an awesome super hero. I think my arch nemesis would be the evil Dr Bedman, who has the power to make anybody super tired and unable to get out of bed. Actually, super sensitive eyesight and sound-sight? would mean I would never be able to beat Dr Bedman. Hmph, what a conundrum.
Wow, that was really off topic.
But yes, today started with me grumbling out of bed and into school, not immediately by the way. There was a gap of about 2 hours between the two. Just thought I'd clear that up. So yes, school started learning about electron beams and such in Physics. Finally some quantum physics that I actually understand. Then I had a Chemistry practical exam which went brilliantly. Well, I think it went well, to be honest it could have gone atrociously and I would never know.Well actually, I will know next week at some point. But yes, then I had a free, during which I went to Sainsburys, bought some food, ate said food, learnt about awkward animals and awkward flags. Then we had History which was interrupted by a fire bell. I do love the fact that the further you progress through the school, the more you begin to resent fire bells.
Year Seven: "Wooooo, we get ten minutes out of lessons to run around and be annoying"
Year Eight: "Awesome a fire bell, less time in lesson"
Year Nine "Cool"
Year Ten " Thank God for that bell, I haven't done my homework"
Year Eleven "Oh bloody hell"
Sixth Form "Miss, do we have to go? It effort"
I hope you enjoyed my massive stereotyping of our school years.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 31 March 2011
A Glitch In The Matrix
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Pizza Box Wearing Spider Man
Hey Ho People Of The Interwebz
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my Dad decided to randomly unplug the router meaning I couldn't post or facebook or twitter or youtube or msn or any of the other internety things I like to do with my evenings. Yes, that is indeed how I roll. So I guess todays post will also have to sort of double for yesterdays as well. Yesterday mostly consisted of me going to down to the local university for some higher education fair thing. Basically I just picked up hundreds of prospectuses from universities that I have no intention of going to. Then we went to some annoyingly vague lectures about different subject areas.I have to admit that the highlight of my day was seeing two guys dressed as Spider Man wearing giant pizza boxes standing outside Dominoes trying to drum up custom. I tried to snap a picture but the bus was going to fast and all I got was blur. Never mind, I'm sure you can imagine the ridiculousness of the situation without a visual aid. I think that was about it for yesterday.
Now on to today, so I said I was ill with the flu a couple of days ago and it had appeared to have mostly disappeared yesterday, but alas, this morning it was back with avengance. So I stayed home from school wallowing in my own self-pity and watching Kick-Ass. Both things made me feel much better. That and my Mum coming back from work laden with more sugary treats.
And that was about it for the past too days. Sorry it hasn't been more interesting but alas, that is my life.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 27 March 2011
A Pumpkin Called Gerald
Sup Peeps
So the clocks went forward today, now most people would go into a big long rant about how much sleep they lost out on and how unfair it is. But to be honest, it didn't really affect me at all. I woke up at 10:30 instead of 11:20, either way I still had a 11-12 hour sleep which I'd say is pretty good.
So I woke up this morning and discovered that it was rather warm and sunny. Good Times. But I still have the flu. Bad Times. But I wasn't going to let that stop me. Stop me from what, I wasn't sure, but stop me it wouldn't. As it turned out the flu didn't stop me from having to do my two History essays. That wasn't particularly fun, but I still managed to do one and a half of them. I think I'll save the second half of one of them for tomorrow.
So while I started on the essays, my parents went off to the garden center and came back having bought me loads of Lucozade, Chocolate milk, chewing gum, Galaxy chocolate and a pumpkin plant that I named Gerald. Aren't my parents great?
I also spent a while sat in the garden stuffing my face with Galaxy Counters. They're like Minstrels but not crunchy. They're rather lovely to eat with a sore throat. So I was there sat in the garden trying to decide where to plant Gerald when I suddenly noticed that how bloody hot it was. It's only march and it feels like shorts and t-shirt weather. I think it's going to be seriously hot this summer. I'm looking forward to it muchly.
Anyway, I need to go and look up bus times for tomorrow, I'm going to a higher education convention which should be cool I guess.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Today Sucked
Hey All
Sorry I didn't post last night was all sick and stuff. Still am ill in fact.
Today sucked, like majorly sucked. Don't want to talk much.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Cheesey Balls and History Homework
Allo Allo
What's goin' on here then?
Ignores the sorry excuse for a cockney policeman's accent. It doesn't really work when it's written down.
So I started off today waking up and then just sort of laying there for a while. It was nice. But alas, I soon had to get up and go to school and stuff. That wasn't helped by the disappearance of the sun behind a thick veil of fog. But still that was only temporary and by the end of second period the sun was out again. I swear it's not just plants that photosynthesize, because everything seems to be a lot more energetic in th sun. Tis rather enjoyable.
So school started off with form which consisted of a conversation about Friday by Rebecca Black which somehow turned into a water fight using the taps. Who said Sixth Formers had to be mature? Then I had Chemistry learning about catalysts and how they work. I actually understood most of it which I was pleased with. I went to Sainsburys in my free and bought some chessey balls (stop laughing) some chocolate buttons and some lemonade. That kept me going until Physics where we learnt some irrelevant crap and then I had yet another free, revolving around
copying doing some History homework before going to Sainsburys again with Tom and Nick. Then we actually had the lesson for which the homework was for and sat through that. Then I buggered off home.
After an abnormally large amount of procrastinating I finally got around to making another Chemistry poster and coloring that in. If only all of my A-levels were like that. Then I did a bit more homework and stuff before coming over onto this here website and blogging for you all.
I'll see you all tomorrow.
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Hey Guys and Girls
Sorry I was in such a bad mood last night, I'm feeling much better tonight so I should be a bit more interesting.
So I woke up this morning to the freakish sight of sun coming through the window. As you can imagine, this put me in a quite a good mood to get up to. So good a mood indeed that I forgot to actually get out of bed for another 45 minutes. So I got up in kind of a rush and decided that today, March the 23rd I wasn't going to wear my coat to school. This is actually the first day of the year that it's been warm enough for me to not wear a coat. It was awesome.
So when I did eventually get to school I started off with a Chemistry practical titration. Wasn't the most interesting practical in the world but I was quite chuffed that I managed to get a lab coat that actually fitted. Normally I have to make do with one that belonged to a year 7 and hence results in a severely restricted field of motion. So I did that and then toodled off to Physics learning about electricity or something, to be honest very little learning was done, our teacher managed to not teach us but got a text book to not do it instead. He doesn't like me very much and I don't like him very much either so I guess I'll just have to find another way to learn everything.
Anyway then we had a History lesson where we actually started the First World War, WOOOOO!!!! I like the World Wars, they're a lot more interesting than other wars. So I was kind of chuffed about that until we were given our homework to read and highlight a massive bundle of paper. Fun times.
That was it for my school day so I buggered off home, stopping off at the post office for my Mum to post some letter and to buy me some funky Harry Potter stamps. I don't even collect stamps but they are pretty damn cool. Now that I think about it I have actually manged to collect quite a few interesting stamps without realizing it. I've got Spanish ones, Seychelloise ones, American ones and Australian ones. All attached to postcards from my awesome friends.
That made me sound really cool didn't it?
I'm going to cut my losses my losses and make myself sound like a douche even more.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Hey Guys
Sorry I didn't post last night, I had just been to parents evening and been absolutely slaughtered by pretty much all of my teachers so I wasn't in the best mood to write anything. I was kind of lucky that my Dad was so disappointed he didn't even give me the "you can do better than this" lecture. Of course he saved that for today, whilst supplying me with a list of Universities that accept C's and D's. How supportive is that? In case you didn't get that, I was being heavily sarcastic.
I'm feeling pretty rubbish at the moment and it isn't helping that all of my homework appears to be freaking impossible. Never mind eh?
So today started pretty well, my form tutor is going off on some Biology field trip with the year 13's so we won't have her teaching us until next week. It's kind of a shame really because she was one of the teachers who didn't completely destroy me. But still I guess its OK. Then we had another Biology lesson with our other teacher learning about natural selection and all that jazz. Then we had 'Enrichment' which amounted to me trying to do some Chemistry homework whilst the rest of my form hurled red noses at each other. Then I had another free where I did nothing as usual. Then finally we had a Chemistry lesson where we boiled up some orange peel to get some orange oil stuff. It smelt nomful.
My Mum then picked me up from Sainsburys and we went into town to buy stuff to help me revise. It consisted of a pack of Sharpies and a load of A3 paper which I used to make this rather snazzy poster this evening. I also got my Mum to buy me another proper "Keep Calm" poster.
After I finished the poster I attempted some homework, gave up on said homework, attempted it again, got fed up, went on Facebook, got told of for going on Facebook, Blog.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Shifty Eyes
Bonjour People
Did you all see the super moon yesterday? Wasn't it cool?
So I woke up this morning as most people do and then stayed in bed for about an hour just staring into the ceiling. I'm not sure why I didn't get up and do something productive but when I noticed the massive Daddy Long-legs abseiling down from the ceiling I was forced to get up and dispatch of it with a big old book. I was quite chuffed with that because that spider has been residing in my room for about a week now, just giving me a glimpse of him before running off and hiding before I can find something to kill him with. So once I was up I really couldn't be bothered to get back into bed so I got up and got dressed.
Then I had some homework to do which took me far longer than it probably should have, what with Facebook and Twitter distracting me every five seconds. Despite that I got it all done leaving me the rest of the day free to do... well not much actually but still, had I wanted to I could have gone out and been social. I just didn't have the inclination.
Lets move away from my social ineptitude and back to my severe lack of videos recently.Sorry about that, I've just been crazy busy *shifty eyes* but I did plan out the next video last night and hopefully it will be in better quality what with my Dad buying a new awesome camera that I may have to steal. So good times are on the way people and you will be the first to know when they arrive. Well actually, Facebook and Twitter might know first but you will definitely be the in the top three websites to know about it.
Anyway, I'm off to go and slay a dragon.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Super Moon To the Rescue
What Up Dawgs
So today it appears our friendly neighborhood Super Moon has struck again. Well, I say again, it hasn't been this big since Bruce Nolan wanted to impress his girlfriend (Bruce Almighty FTW!!!). If you didn't know the moon tonight is really massive and super bright due to it's orbit bringing it closer to the Earth. I thought I'd have a go at explaining it.
Here goes!
Understand that? Good, because I'm not repeating myself.
Oh yes, sorry for no post last night, I was at the wonderful Tom Joys watching Comic Relief all evening. There was some hysterically funny stuff on and if you didn't watch then I suggest you go to YouTube and watch the highlights.
So since I stayed up till half two watching it I didn't wake up this morning until about twelve-ish. Since it was already so late I decided it was too late to start any homework and just sort of chilled out all day stalking Twitter and stuff. Fun no?
Right I'm going to go and stuff my face full of grapes now.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Patriotism and Stuff
Hey Guys and Gals
Happy St Patricks Day to everybody, Irish or not! It is a real tribute to the Irish mindset that the day of their patron saint is an excuse to wear green and get as rat arsed as possible when the English, Welsh and Scottish just let their patron saint days go passed, barely noticing. To be honest I think its a bit of a shame that we don't celebrate our National Identity very often. Like, most countries have national holidays where everybody gets wasted and lets their hair down a bit. I think that would make England so much more awesome if we had that. Actually now I'm thinking about it the next few years are going to be full of very patriotic stuff like the Olympics, the Royal Wedding and some other stuff which I can't think of now I want to think of, how embarrassing. As you can imagine I myself am quite patriotic, I even have a Union Jack pillow on my bed.
Anyway, so yes, an interesting sort of day today. Started off having to go straight to a Physics practical skills assessment which wasn't to bad, just my calculator took a pounding. Then we had a Chemistry lesson learning about dynamic equilibrium. SUCH FUN! But really, it wasn't too boring. Then we had another Chemistry lesson learning about geometric isomers. That was actually really boring. Then we had History which wasn't too bad actually, our teacher was in a good mood, for like the first time in forever. It was nice to see and quite funny. Then I buggered off home for the afternoon and accomplished very little to be honest.
Anyway, Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Woke, Lived, Bed
Hey Guys
This is going to have to be a speed post because I'm tired and want to get into bed soonish.
So I woke up this morning and wondered upon my epic bedhead (unfortunately no pictures). Got to school, went to assembly, assembly was cancelled, wandered around a bit, went to Chemistry. Burnt some stuff, mixed some stuff, exploded some stuff and then bell went. Next lesson History, learnt about media and the effect World War I had on the media in Britain, got completely off topic, chatted about why you cant just create a royal family, labeled Tom's parents as Daily Mail readers, bell rang. Next lesson critical thinking, talked with tutor, told I was really bad at Chemistry and Physics, did Chemistry homework, talked and then the bell went. Next lesson Physics, learnt about current/voltage characteristics, died of boredom, bell went, home.
Got home, found package arrived, opened package, Alex Day playing cards arrived and DFTBA badges too, flicked through cards, laughed, food, telly, food, Pokémon, Facebook, new comment sending button, celebrates, telly, Pokémon, blog, bed.
Good Night xxx
p.s. BOOM! Two minute blog post ftw!!!
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Why Hello there Children
That sounded less pervy and weird in my head, honest.
You may have to excuse me if I occasionally have to pause for a dance break since I'm listening to some serious rave tunes at the moment. I do like to bust a move every so often. I even got laughed at in Physics today for dancing in my seat to some random bad music that someone played over the speakers.
*boogies on down to Jessie J*
All in all I think that assembly did it's job and got me thinking, so kudos to Mr Jordan.
Anyway, then we had a lesson in adaptation and variation which was... fun... Then we had a practical skills assessment which was a bit of a drag, we were sat pouring clear stuff into milk and seeing what happened. Then came lunch where I think something cool happened but I'm not really sure. My memory really sucks doesn't it? Then our Physics teacher was off doing something so we sat about and got really confused about the work but eventually got it done (with the help of the answers in the back of the book). Then I came home and didn't attempt any homework, I'm such a good student.
That's about it for today,
Good Night xxx
Monday, 14 March 2011
Herro Raggy!
Gota love Scooby Doo greetings. I think I may have to make that a permanent feature instead of the usual "Hey Guys" thing because I only realized today how much that bugs me. I actually do quite a lot of things that bug the hell out of me. Like me having a room thats generally quite untidy and folding the corners of pages down because I cant find a book mark. Also I hide stuff from myself quite a lot which annoys me. Not intentionally but still it bugs me, I also have a habit of repeating myself and repeating myself and repeating myself (sorry couldn't resist) without realizing it. I've also discovered that one bugs other people too. Finally the fact that I never take stuff out of my room is really irritating, check out all the bottles of water that have accumulated in my room and thats considering I completely reorganized my desk like a week ago and cleaned it.
I think I may have to make a video about my pet hates and stuff. Good idea or not?
Anyway, I'll get onto that. But first, today was a Monday, as I said yesterday it is the festering turd of the week. But still it wasn't too bad, started off with a free, discussing the Japanese earthquake and electric cars which my friend Nick doesn't want because he would much rather see the world die apparently... Then we had Physics where we learnt about something or other. Thats the same story for "Enrichment", something about University I think.
Right, I'm off to see how Bebo is doing these days.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Sneaky Psyducks
Hey Guys and Gals
Did you all enjoy your Sundays? Are you all dreading Monday? Thought so.
Wow, that was a little condescending wasn't it? I promise I wont do that again.
So Sundays, they're like really tasty gonorrhea medication. I mean they make you feel good because they taste really nice but then you remember that you still have gonorrhea. I probably could have put that more eloquently but where would the fun be in that eh? So yes Sundays are a bit of a diamond encrusted turd, I mean that they're good and all (the diamonds) but you still have school and work the next day (the turd). I think that's enough talk about gonorrhea and turds for now.
So I woke up today quite earlier to hear my mother badmouthing me down the phone, saying that she was going to have to wait ages for me to get up. Well I definitely proved her wrong. Fair enough to her she did apologize about it. So then she took me shoe shopping. Something which I whole heartedly detest, but now I have developed a tactic, I find the first pair that look vaguely normal and buy them. That mean we were in and out of town in about half and hour. SUCCESS!!!! Since there was rugby on telly today, the entire house went into lock down and nothing else was allowed too happen until the game had finished. I soon whiled away the 80ish minutes playing Pokémon blue, on which my Psyduck managed to evolve without me noticing, that sly little bugger. But I suppose Golduck is so much cooler and more sophisticated. That makes me sound like such a child doesn't it? Meh, that's probably because I am.
I think I'll leave it at that now.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Japanese Earthquake
Hey Guys and Gals
But that really is a testament to the brilliance of human nature, almost every human being showing compassion to those affected by this devastating natural force. Tweets containing links to places where you can donate to the Red Cross and other rescue efforts have been circulating all day.
Friday, 11 March 2011
"Are You My Mummy?"'
Hey Guys and Gals
So the Cold War going on between my readers has stopped : / all the Russians have stopped reading, but on the upside that kind-of-not-really-but-still means that capitalism beat communism. Hurray!
Actually, speaking of wars, I had a History trip into London to see the National Army museum. Now normally the best part of these sort of trips are the awesome coach rides. Unfortunately this wasn't the case as Tom (who was sat next to me) decided to be incredibly unsocial and sit and listen to music instead of devoting 100% of his attention to me. Look:
How anti-social is that? You should go and shun him. Hes a very bad man.Oh I'm only jesting. I love him really.
The music on the radio was actually quite snazzy, plenty of awesome rave tunes ans such, I was even tempted to bust a move every time a particularly good song came on. But that's just me being my usual amazing self...
When we actually got into central London he emerged from his acoustical cocoon and we began pointing out houses that we would like to live in. They were mostly big seven story ones that would cost a fortune, but still it can't hurt to dream eh? So when we finally got into the museum we had a talk on the evolution of technology and warfare. I know it sounds dull but I liked it and we even got to play around with all the old guns, swords and gas masks. There's a picture somewhere of me in a gas mask like all "are you my mummy" style. Since Tom isn't online to send it to me (SHUN HIM MORE) I'll just have to send you this picture from Dr Who of what I looked like.
Then we had lunch where I constantly insulted Toms mother to make up for him blanking me, I was being incredibly funny if I do say so myself...
Then we came home and I had to go to a job interview at Sainsburys which I think went quite well, or at least I hope it went well. Oh well, I'll know soon if I got the job or not.
That about all for today, I hope you enjoyed it.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Cold War Unicorns
Hey Guys and Gals
So I logged on to my computer and discovered that I had over 50 views from America just today. Normally I would just giggle to myself and then get on with my life. But then I remembered that yesterday I had a similar number of Russian viewers of the blog. It reminded me off the Cold War, but you know, without the treat of all out nuclear war. Which I guess I'm OK with. Is it OK to joke about the Cold War or am I going to get abducted by the CIA or the KGB and end up in a work camp somewhere mining uranium for a super secret weapons program intended to enslave the entire world, leading to a new dark age where every country has to serve under one almighty mother state?
So I just googled Cold War to find a suitable picture to put in and instead I found these:
Is that, or is that not the most amazing toy in existence? I love when you Google something and it brings up results way more awesome than what you originally searched for making you instantly forget what it was you originally were looking up.
Anywaaaayyyy, I got slightly off topic there didn't I? That tends to happen quite a lot.
But back to business. I guess the important thing about today was that I got my exam results for the exams I took in February. They actually weren't too bad, and A in History, a B in Biology and C's in Chemistry and Physics. So as you can imagine there was a lot of results related conversations going on today. I also had a rather awesome conversation with Tom and Paul about social injustices and what happened on Waterloo Road last night. I do like having long rambling conversation where we sit down and sort out all of the worlds problems and then diving head first into the world of popular culture in one conversation. In fact I like any chats about anything to be honest.
What else happened today?
Not much I don't think just a bit of life, but that tends to take up most of my time.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Hey Guys and Gals
So on this day in 1959 the first ever Barbie doll was unveiled in America. Wasn't that interesting eh? Who knew that March the 9th was so awesome eh?
Whats also interesting is that it's impposible for a real human to have the same body to Barbie because here boobs would be out of proportion to her body and she would be unable to support them, meaning she'd fall over a lot. She would also be incredibly skinny. If you think about it Barbie is actually a bit of a freak.
Wow, all this talk of Barbies makes me feel so manly. But then again I'm not the most manly man in the world am I? Although I am far more manly than either of the guys who sit next to me in History judging by what they were talking about today...
Oh yes, that reminds me today. Thats what I usually talk about isn't it, today! Well today was completely unremarkable, like the actual definition of being unremarkable. I honestly can only remember like 5-10% of what I actually did today.
Actually, one of the memorable things about today was turning on the computer today to discover I had a massive surge of Russian readers today, actually outnumbering the number of English reader. So hello to you guys, or привет in Russian. Where would I be without Google Translate eh? So I just wanted to say hey to you guys and hope you become regular readers because it did make me smile. And just so you don't feel left out hello to my readers all over the world.
So I hope I see you all again tomorrow.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Hair Cuts and Pancakes
Hey Guys and Gals
First off appologies no post yesterday, I got all caught up in Pokémon and completely forgot about it. But I'm back now.
So it's pancake day today. WOOOOOO!!!!! I bloody love pancakes and ate about 9 or 10 today. Major noms. Three were ham and cheese and the rest were either marshmallow and Flake or ice cream. I even mastered the art of flipping them myself with only two epic fails when they landed vertically turning into a crumpled heap. Never mind, you live you learn.
So the rest of today consisted of me jamming around in double biology and convincing my teacher that she didn't set us homework last lesson despite the fact that she had and I had actually done. It was just for poops and giggles really. Then I had enrichment where I managed to actually do some homework. Then I had a free and finally Chemistry where we were naming compounds by their skeletal formula. Fun no?
And I also came home and had a hair cut which is as short as I'v had it in quite a long time. The hairdresser even used the clippers which haven't been near my hair in nearly five years. I think I like it shorter actually although my head does feel a lot lighter than usual.
Anyway, I'll leave you to it now.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Camera Allarms
Hey Guys and Gals
OK, I'm going to have to keep this short because I want some sleep and I know I'm in danger of going off on one and ending up typing for hours.
So yes, this morning I woke up at about 4 o'clock in the morning face down on my desk with the Red Nose Day 24hr Panel show still going strong. I then shut down my computer, got changed and shuffled into bed. Woke up again at about 10ish got showered and dressed and then watched Davis Walliams complete his 24th hour on Never Mind The Buzzcocks. I really admire him, not only for staying awake for 24 hours but also managing to still be funny throughout the whole thing. I mean, I get grouchy after barely 12 hours without sleep.
So after I finished watching that I went off to go camera shopping because we gave our old one to my brother to take down to uni with him. We were looking at like a cross between an SLR and a normal camera. We looked at a few in Comet but then had to leave because none of them had batteries in and the guy serving us couldn't find any batteries. What also really annoyed me was that whenever you so much as looked at one of the cameras the alarm went off. I really don't see the logic behind having an alarm that goes off whenever someone touches a camera, if you want to buy a camera surely you want to hold it beforehand to see if its not too heavy and stuff. Gah these shops really annoy me.
Anyway, then I came home and attempted my History essay that was borderline impossible. I gave it a go but I know I'm not going to get an anywhere near half decent grade. So yes, that was fun.
Then I just sort of jammed for a bit and now I'm here talking to you.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 5 March 2011
24 Hour Shows
Hey Guys and Gals
Wahooooo!!!! Three day weekend! I woke up this morning at like 11 o'clock feeling a bit sad that it was school tomorrow. That was until I realized that its only Saturday. I really bloody love three day weekends and quite frankly I think they should be introduced full time.
Today was also rather cool since there were two 24 hour charity shows happening on the internet. One was ByeByeBryBry (HERE!!!!) which is a sort of farewell gigathon to raise money for Brian O’Reilly's YouTube series "Things To Do Before You Die" and to raise money for the Ross Nugent Foundation which is a really good cause. It's full of musicians and stuff doing things for the charity. So I started watching that until my internet decided to pack up and keep interrupting the stream. That was when I went over to the Red Nose Day 24hr Panel People (HERE!!!!), which is basically David Walliams appearing on 24 hours of panel shows. For some reason my internet allowed that one. So I watched that instead of doing my technically impposible History essay. Time well Spent.
OK, my mouse has just broken and means I can no longer select any text on this page. Thats a tad annoying. But I think I've said all I wanted to today so I'll leave it at that :)
Good Night xxx
Friday, 4 March 2011
Sheen or Gaddafi?
Hey Guys and Gals
How are we all today?
Since you cant actually reply I'm going to just assume you said "Good thanks" and be done with it.
So I had the day off school today due to some random teacher training day type thing. Unfortunately we were informed on Wednesday that due to the gas works going on outside our house 1) We would have no gas in our house and 2) Since our boiler uses gas somehow, we wouldn't have a boiler all day either. I also had to wait around the house all day in case the boiler man showed up to do something in our house. So fun times all round. Rather than doing something productive with my day I decided I was going to play Prince of Persia on my PSP whilst eating a cheese toasty because that how I role. I also spent some time folding an old duvet into a little sleeping bag for my dog.
I think he likes it :)
Also I noticed a lot of people talking about the new Pokémon games coming out today and its days like these that I wish I had a nintendo DS. But then I got over it by digging out my old GameBoy Colour and playing Pokémon Blue on it. I'm so badass I know.
Anyway, I also spent a good portion of the day playing John Greens "Sheen of Gaddafi". Basically he made a video where you have to guess who said a certain quote, Charlie Sheen or Muammar Gaddafi. Its harder than you'd think considering they're both stark raving nutcasses. I only got one quote correct. Its a really good game and I suggest you check out the video HERE!!!!
Anyway, I'll leave it at that now
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Square Mentos
Hey Guys and Gals
So I'm going to attempt to write this post really quickly since the finale of Mad Dogs is on in 10 minutes. I am determined not to miss this finale because almost all television series' I watch I almost always miss the final episode and it really bugs me.
Before I start talking about today, I want to talk briefly about late last night. My parents came back from their trip to Barcelona and they came bearing gifts. They got me a Hard Rock Café T-shirt, some travel type stickers, a poster and some square Mentos which are freaking amazing.
Anyway, today was OK. Not too bad but not ecstatically good either it was cool. So I started off with a Physics lesson going through a test which I did a bit meh at. Then we had double Chemistry with a test during one of our lessons. Then some stuff happened and then History which was as History usually is.
I'm sorry I have to go now because Mad Dogs is on now
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Stuff Happened and then and Ood Showed Up
Hey Guys and Gals
So stuff happened today, it wasn't particularly interesting, apart from the fact I saw Dan today, he's an Ood and hes really awesome and cool.
I'm sorry this post is so short I'm just really tired right now and I really don't have the energy to write anything.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Hey Guys and Gals
So I woke up late again this morning. That really sucks. Since my parents have buggered off for a while and I don't wont to trouble my grandparents I'm having to get an early bus into town so I can get the train into school. Since I have to get a bus that leaves at 7:30 I have to leave the house at 7:15 which would be OK if my bloody brain would stop ignoring my alarm and waking me up half an hour late. This means I have to speed shower, get dressed, skip breakfast and pretty much run down to the bus stop. Thats not the sort of thing I want to be doing first thing in the morning. Never mind eh?
So got to school quite early and had to quickly write out a paragraph for my UCAS form that my form tutor asked for. It was a bit of a botch job but I guess it will have to do for now and it doesn't really matter considering I don't have to write the actual thing for another 6-ish months which is cool I guess. Although now that I think about it, in six months time I'll be starting to apply to universitys and stuff. Scary thoughts yo?
I'm really not gangster enough to use "yo" in a sentence am I?
Anyway, school happened and then Jonny appeared at school. For those of you who don't know, Jonny used to go to our school but left because hes a giant traitor and stuff. So yes, he came and chilled with me for a bit during my free period at the end of the day. Then we went to some random neuroscience talk thing where the people doing the talk had an actual human brain. It was so cool. We would have had the opportunity to touch it had we not had to catch the train and stuff. Never mind I can imagine what a brain feels like anyway.
And then I came home and ordered pizza from Dominoes for tea. Twas good
Anyway, Good Night xxx