Saturday, 12 March 2011

Japanese Earthquake

Hey Guys and Gals

So yesterday, I forgot to talk about the earthquake in Japan which is absolutely awful but it is a testament to the architectural security of Japanese buildings with many managing to withstand the force of an earthquake 1000 times as powerful as the one that struck Christchurch. Unfortunately many still died and my thoughts and prayers are with them. That's actually something else that I wanted to talk about. On twitter today there were arguments raging as to why "#prayforjapan" was trending as opposed to "#helpjapan". Many were saying that prayers don't do anything and if they really wanted to help they should donate which I partly agree with but people assess their own ability to realistically help, and pray/hope regardless and since there is very little we can do at the moment considering it will be a while before any donations actually make their way to Japan. I guess that's all we can do until a coordinated rescue effort can be established.

But that really is a testament to the brilliance of human nature, almost every human being showing compassion to those affected by this devastating natural force. Tweets containing links to places where you can donate to the Red Cross and other rescue efforts have been circulating all day.

Good Night xxx

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