Friday, 11 March 2011

"Are You My Mummy?"'

Hey Guys and Gals

So the Cold War going on between my readers has stopped : / all the Russians have stopped reading, but on the upside that kind-of-not-really-but-still means that capitalism beat communism. Hurray!

Actually, speaking of wars, I had a History trip into London to see the National Army museum. Now normally the best part of these sort of trips are the awesome coach rides. Unfortunately this wasn't the case as Tom (who was sat next to me) decided to be incredibly unsocial and sit and listen to music instead of devoting 100% of his attention to me. Look:

How anti-social is that? You should go and shun him. Hes a very bad man.Oh I'm only jesting. I love him really.

The music on the radio was actually quite snazzy, plenty of awesome rave tunes ans such, I was even tempted to bust a move every time a particularly good song came on. But that's just me being my usual amazing self...

When we actually got into central London he emerged from his acoustical cocoon and we began pointing out houses that we would like to live in. They were mostly big seven story ones that would cost a fortune, but still it can't hurt to dream eh? So when we finally got into the museum  we had a talk on the evolution of technology and warfare. I know it sounds dull but I liked it and we even got to play around with all the old guns, swords and gas masks. There's a picture somewhere of me in a gas mask like all "are you my mummy" style. Since Tom isn't online to send it to me (SHUN HIM MORE) I'll just have to send you this picture from Dr Who of what I looked like.

Then we had lunch where I constantly insulted Toms mother to make up for him blanking me, I was being incredibly funny if I do say so myself...

Then we came home and I had to go to a job interview at Sainsburys which I think went quite well, or at least I hope it went well. Oh well, I'll know soon if I got the job or not.

That about all for today, I hope you enjoyed it.

Good Night xxx

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