Hey Guys and Gals
How are we all today?
Since you cant actually reply I'm going to just assume you said "Good thanks" and be done with it.
So I had the day off school today due to some random teacher training day type thing. Unfortunately we were informed on Wednesday that due to the gas works going on outside our house 1) We would have no gas in our house and 2) Since our boiler uses gas somehow, we wouldn't have a boiler all day either. I also had to wait around the house all day in case the boiler man showed up to do something in our house. So fun times all round. Rather than doing something productive with my day I decided I was going to play Prince of Persia on my PSP whilst eating a cheese toasty because that how I role. I also spent some time folding an old duvet into a little sleeping bag for my dog.
I think he likes it :)
Also I noticed a lot of people talking about the new Pokémon games coming out today and its days like these that I wish I had a nintendo DS. But then I got over it by digging out my old GameBoy Colour and playing Pokémon Blue on it. I'm so badass I know.
Anyway, I also spent a good portion of the day playing John Greens "Sheen of Gaddafi". Basically he made a video where you have to guess who said a certain quote, Charlie Sheen or Muammar Gaddafi. Its harder than you'd think considering they're both stark raving nutcasses. I only got one quote correct. Its a really good game and I suggest you check out the video HERE!!!!
Anyway, I'll leave it at that now
Good Night xxx
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