Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Hair Cuts and Pancakes

Hey Guys and Gals

First off appologies  no post yesterday, I got all caught up in Pokémon and completely forgot about it. But I'm back now.

So it's pancake day today. WOOOOOO!!!!! I bloody love pancakes and ate about 9 or 10 today. Major noms. Three were ham and cheese and the rest were either marshmallow and Flake or ice cream. I even mastered the art of flipping them myself with only two epic fails when they landed vertically turning into a crumpled heap. Never mind, you live you learn.

So the rest of today consisted of me jamming around in double biology and convincing my teacher that she didn't set us homework last lesson despite the fact that she had and I had actually done. It was just for poops and giggles really. Then I had enrichment where I managed to actually do some homework. Then I had a free and finally Chemistry where we were naming compounds by their skeletal formula. Fun no?

And I also came home and had a hair cut which is as short as I'v had it in quite a long time. The hairdresser even used the clippers which haven't been near my hair in nearly five years. I think I like it shorter actually although my head does feel a lot lighter than usual.

Anyway, I'll leave you to it now.

Good Night xxx

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