Saturday, 19 March 2011

Super Moon To the Rescue

What Up Dawgs

So today it appears our friendly neighborhood Super Moon has struck again. Well, I say again, it hasn't been this big since Bruce Nolan wanted to impress his girlfriend (Bruce Almighty FTW!!!). If you didn't know the moon tonight is really massive and super bright due to it's orbit bringing it closer to the Earth. I thought I'd have a go at explaining it.

Here goes!

Basically, the Moon doesn't orbit the Earth in a perfect circle but in a sort of oval type shape. This means that at different parts of the Moons orbit it is close to the Earth than at other times. The Moon is currently it's closer part of the orbit. So it's bigger than at any other time of the month. That in itself wouldn't make it a super moon, but combined with the "Moon Illusion" it looks bigger than it actually is without changing its size. I consulted Wikipedia about the "Moon Illusion" but it wasn't very helpful as I couldn't understand any of it. Never mind, all I really care about is that it looks pretty and it wont cause any really terrible natural disasters, because it wont.

Understand that? Good, because I'm not repeating myself.

Oh yes, sorry for no post last night, I was at the wonderful Tom Joys watching Comic Relief all evening. There was some hysterically funny stuff on and if you didn't watch then I suggest you go to YouTube and watch the highlights.

So since I stayed up till half two watching it I didn't wake up this morning until about twelve-ish. Since it was already so late I decided it was too late to start any homework and just sort of chilled out all day stalking Twitter and stuff. Fun no?

Right I'm going to go and stuff my face full of grapes now.

Good Night xxx

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