Tuesday, 31 May 2011

I Don't Believe You

Prepare to be totally and utterly fan-girled.

So today is the day which I've been counting down too since about February I think. OK so I wasn't exactly counting down to it like some crazy internet predator, I was just sort of excited for it's arrival. Today Greg Holden's new album "I Don't Believe You" came out on iTunes and for order of the physical copy. After ages of arguing with myself this morning I decided I wanted a copy of the physical copy so off I went to Greg Holden's website and proceeded to click "Add To Basket" and then off I went to the metaphorical checkout only to discover that they wanted to charge $32 for postage. This was more than three times the cost of the CD! So I gave up on that idea and headed over to the ever trusty iTunes and downloaded it there. Seriously, it's now my favorite album I currently own. It's been on repeat all days and I know like half the words already. You can really tell that Greg put his heart and soul into these songs and it really pays off. I am totally in love with this album and I'm pretty sure it's going to be the soundtrack to my summer. You should go out and buy the album this very moment and if anybody would like to give the combined $40 to buy the physical copy well, that would be just swell.

On another note Tom's video "Confusion" came out this morning too, I helped film some of it so you should go and watch that too.

Good Night

Monday, 30 May 2011

Landaaan Innit

As I mentioned yesterday I spent most of today toodling around London doing the typical touristy things with the parents.. We parked near the Ritz which was all being renovated and stuff so we didn't see inside much. Still managed to snap a picture of their name in lights. Then we walked off down to Regent Street then Shaftsbury Avenue. We ended up walking across Piccadilly Circus down to Covent Garden where we saw a load of street performers, the best was the one that was so still no one was actually paying any attention because we all just assumed was an actual statue. Then we had a nosey around the Jubilee Market which is full of little trinkets and stuff. It's a proper old style market where you have to haggle for everything. I didn't actually buy anything because I'm trying to save money for my holidays. Nevertheless, it was really great. Then we had lunch in a restaurant on the roof which was really nice. Then we meandered over to Trafalgar Square where we had saw Nelsons Column, the 2012 Olympic clock and then had a look around the National Gallery. Was it weird that when I looked at The Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gough, all I could think of was the episode of Doctor Who, "Vincent And The Doctor"? Then we went to China Town which smelt absolutely bloody gorgeous. It was a total nosegasm, they should bottle that smell and sell it, they would make a fortune honestly. Then we went home and sat on telly. Anyway, I thought I'd show you a few pictures I snapped along the way. Sorry for the shoddy quality, the camera on my phone sucks.

This is the theatre which is currently showing Shrek The Musical, it was right next to where we had lunch and I thought it looked really cool.

Heres good old Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square.

Here are the lions at the base of the column with Big Ben in the background.

This is the 2012 Olympic countdown clock that famously broke after three hours of being turned on.

I dunno if you can see, but this street was called William IV Street and I though that was pretty cool :)

Good Night xxx

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Being A Film Producer

Right so I literally just got back from helping film a video with the wonderful Thomas. It was a horror/thriller film typer trailer. It looked really good from what I saw, unedited. So I promise I'll show you all that when Tom releases it. To be honest I'm not envious much. He has like weeks worth of editing to do in the next few days. But it was good fun to film with Sophie and Tom's brother Matt. We even managed to get a three stunt sequences in, I know, impressive eh? I was going to show you some pictures from behind the scenes but my laptop is being silly.

Apart from that I haven't really done much apart from sitting around watching telly and not doing any revision for my last exam. But tomorrow I'm going to London to do all the touristy type things and generally have a poke around so expect me to be gushing about how awesome London is tomorrow.

Good Night xxx

Saturday, 28 May 2011

The Almost People

Sorry I haven't posted in a week, it turned out my clock was slightly wrong and I did actually get raptured. Bit of a bummer really. Turns out heaven doesn't have wi-fi hence no blog.

Nah, just kidding I actually had a heap tonne of exams this week and hence was spending my evenings revising for them. But they're all done now apart from Physics which is like a week away, so got plenty of time to revise for that now. None of the exams were particularly hard, my Biology exam even had a question that could have been answered by a year 9. But I wont bore you with the details of the exams because, well, exams suck. 


I just got interrupted by Doctor Who so beware SPOILERS!!!!

Oh my actual days, the main bit of the episode was pretty damn cool and then the end bit just blew it into a whole new dimension of awesomness. My fan girl glands are going absolutely mental at the moment. I mean, Amy was a ganger, how cool is that. Oh Steven Moffat is so badass, he should write every TV show ever. I don't think anyone could have ever seen that coming. The only thing I thought was a bit weird was when the Doctor told Rory to step away and he willingly obliged. This is a guy who waited 2000 years for Amy, and when shes in pain and the Doctor says hes going to do something to her "humanely" without explaining why you would have thought Rory would have protested a bit more and tried to protect her. But still, it was so freaking awesome. Ah I'm going to go now and fan girl a bit more.

It's good to be back.

Good Night xxx

Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Rapture!!!!

So the world ended today. Did everyone have fun? Anybody get taken up to heaven? Nope? Well thats a disappointment.

Oh right, I have just been informed that the rapture isn't happening until 6pm EST not 6pm GMT as I previously thought. So actually I have a while left before the good ascend to heaven and demons pour from the depth of hell to torture and torment all the sinners for five months before we eventually get taken by the Devil and suffer eternal torment in the bowels of hell. Can't wait.

I loved how when someone predicts the end of the world, the entire internet turns into one giant sarcastic prick, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, on the contrary, I thought it was bloody awesome. I mean people were making jokes about it like there was no tomorrow*. I know it's not going to happen, but I couldn't help but make plans for what I'm going to in the eventuality that the rapture does actually happen. It sort of involved me using my baseball bat and my claw hammer to batter my way to school where I pick up the sword and some of the armor thats in the History cupboard before heading down to Church. I figured that it would be hallowed ground and therefore the demons couldn't get to us. Even if it's not, a church is still a pretty strong building with thick walls and pretty defendable. Is it weird that I've but that much thought into planning for an event that is almost certainly not going to happen? Well, at least it made the hours of Physics revision a bit more bearable.

Because that is literally what my day consisted of. Hours and hours and hours and hours of revision for my Physics exam on Tuesday. I can also look forward to hours and hours and hours and hours of Chemistry revision tomorrow for my exam on Monday (that is if the world doesn't end tonight). Oh what joy.

Anyway, I'm going to kick back and relax before the rapture arrives and the war begins.

Good Night xxx

*I crack myself up sometimes.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Deer God

Deer God I'm tired. I haven't actually done much this week but I'm still absolutely shattered. I've only had one exam as well. Eurgh, I'm going to be a right grumpy sod next week, I've got four exams in five days. I think by the end of it my brain will be dribbling out of my nose. I'm thinking I may have to just stock up on loads of red bull and live off a permanent sugar rush for the rest of the exam period. That wont have any negative consequences will it?

Although I didn't have any scheduled exams today, I did have a Biology mock which actually went reasonably well, despite the fact that I spent the two free periods before hand playing Angry Birds instead of actually revising. I REGRET NOTHING!!!!

Also, the stalkers more observant among you may notice that today is Friday *insert obligatory Rebecca Black quote* and in this house it means that it was my turn to cook. Tonight it was a rather scrummy spaghetti bolognaise with like herbs and spices in it and even a slug of red wine. I know right? Well professional. To be honest I only did it because I saw someone on YouTube say to do it. I seem to do a lot of stuff YouTube tells me to do. Individuality ftw. But still my culinary skill payed off and it was rather yummy.

OK I have literally just been informed that I left the hob on after I dished up the food like three hours ago. This is the second time I've done this, but you know what, screw the planet. If I want to leave my gas hob on for three hours I should be able to*.

Right, I'm going to go  and watch about four days worth of YouTube videos before Graham Norton comes on.

Good Night xxx


Thursday, 19 May 2011

Clostridium Botulinum

Sorry no post yesterday, I had a massive headache when I got back from school and then I fell asleep for like 5 hours which then led to me having very little time to revise for my History exam which was today. Therefore I spent like the whole of last night watching the Apprentice revising for the exam. Speaking of which it actually went OK, the questions were about easy things and just generally good. Then I had a bit of waiting around for stuff and then other stuff. Then we had a Physics lesson which probably should have been dedicated to revising for our exam next week, but instead I destroyed Nick in an argument. I said that botox was the most toxic substance known to man (my biology A-level supporting me) and he was adamant that cyanide was more toxic (no evidence supporting him whatsoever). Then our teacher Googled it and proved me to be right and Nick therefore wrong. Oh the taste of victory is so sweet. Excuse me while I go and bask in the glory of being right. Ahhhh it feels good.                                                                  

Sorry. I'll stop now.

After I got home I knew I should be revising for my Biology mock tomorrow but, now I've done one exam I feel I don't need to do any more revision. It's weird and probably not a good idea but I think I'll give myself one night of relaxation.

I also managed to find something to put in a photoframe that I've had for ages. It's cut up cans of stuff. It was surprisingly difficult to saw your way into a can without crushing it. Nevertheless I still managed it and I'm quite pleased with the result. Now all I need to do is find a place to hang it.

I think Ima go do that now.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

History Overload

I'm going to use this brief respite from my History revision to quickly knock out a post. I was kind of aiming to finish my revision on the Crimea yesterday and then do the Boer War tonight and then the First World War tomorrow. Alas that didn't happen. I spent all of yesterday doing the Crimean War and all of tonight as well. I think I'm just going to have to ignore the Boer War and start World War One tomorrow. This is getting awful stressful it is! I think in the middle of my exam my brain is just going to overload on History and the time vortex will start pouring out of my brain and into the paper until everything that has happened and ever will happen has been permanently inscribed onto my exam paper. I think that would be worthy of at least a B. At lest in just over a week it will mostly be over, and then two weeks after that it will actually all be over for another year. I do find it funny all the year 11s complaining about their work load. OK to be fair to them, they are having about 16 exams over the course of about three weeks. But relative to A-levels, the stuff they need to know is pretty basic. OK I may be being a bit biased here but still, there is a lot more work in A-levels than there ever was for GCSE's. Nevertheless, good luck to all of you that have exams at the moment, be it GCSE's or A-levels.

Right, I think I'm going to dive back into the 1850's before I get too distracted by the internet.

Good Night xxx

Monday, 16 May 2011

Revision Revision Revision

Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision

That's all my life seems to consist of at the moment. Hours and hours of learning stuff that after the exams I'm probably going to forget or never use again. Bleh it's getting kind of boring. Nevertheless I won't let that get me down. I'm looking forward to the summer, although to be fair, I've been looking forward to the Summer since about September last year. It's going to rock some serious socks (pictured). I've got two weeks in Greece for the last two weeks of July and then some serious jamming around with friends is needed. It feels like I haven't gone out in ages. OK I went out two days ago. BUT STILL. You know what I mean. By the way, you can expect me to be spreading all over the internet like chlamydia once the holidays start. Like seriously, every form of social networking known to man (and several known to chimps) will soon be graced by my presence. I'm also thinking I may have to start writing letters to people. I don't know why I just want too. I like snail mail , it's funky. Also I have some really cool Harry Potter stamps that I've been desperate to use for a while.

Anyway, I'm going to go and babble nonsensical rubbish at the wall as a way of escaping the monotony of revision for a few minutes.

Good Night xxx

Sunday, 15 May 2011

"Did You Wish Really Hard?"

Allons Y Allonso! Sorry yesterdays post was a bit pathetic. I'll try and make it up to you today.

So for the majority of yesterday consisted of my friends Jonny and Josh coming over to revise. They actually got quite a lot done. I just sat there and drew a scary face. Actually I did end up getting some revision done between watching YouTube videos about Harry being a wizard. It's bloody hysterical you should go and check it out HERE!!! Must warn you first. Some of the language in it is atrocious and not suitable for those of a sensitive disposition. So we sat around and did quite a lot of revision, as you can probably guess from the mountains of books and paper covering my bed. Ignore Jonny being weird, he always does that...

Once we had done about four hours of revision we migrated into the lounge and watched Doctor Who. That episode was seriously awesome. I loved the portrayal of the Tardis as a woman, Suranne Jones (the actress) played here brilliantly. The whole getting tenses mixed up and quirkiness were brilliant. "I like bitting. It's like kissing but theres a winner". There were loads of little quotes that I thought were really funny.

Amy: She’s the Tardis?!
Doctor: And she’s a woman. She’s a woman and she’s the Tardis.Amy: Did you wish really hard?

Anyway, I'll stop my fangirling now. After Doctor Who had finished me and Jonny headed off to Tom's for his Eurovision party. To be honest all of the acts weren't as bad as they usually were. There were no random glittery transvestites and no pathetically poor singers. Once the votes started coming in UK were doing quite well. Actually for a few minutes we were even at the top of the leader board. However after that it was all down hill. I think we ended up coming something like 14th. I'm still going to cling to the fact that we were winning at one point.

Anyway, thats what I got up to yesterday. Wasn't it interesting? Today was the complete opposite. It just consisted of me doing loads of revision and that is literally it.

Good Night xxx

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Barely A Post

Wow, it's late. I've been at a Eurovision party tonight and it's late and I'm tired so I'll tell you more about it tomorrow because I'm really tired. Good Night xxx

Friday, 13 May 2011

Josh Is Weird

Gotta write this post since the internet has been on its last legs recently. Blogger wasn't working at all last night and is only just starting to work again and I'm worried that it may die again soon. On top of that, YouTube also managed to mess up, leaving me unable to comment, like or subscribe to anything and then Twitter decided to be 'over capacity' which left me with only Facebook to communicate with and naturally everybody I knew chose that moment to leave  and do something else. So alas, I was forced to turn my attention back to revision.

Oh, also today was the unofficial muck up day for all of those year 11s who have now broken up for their exams and for those who don't come back for sixth form next year is their last day of school. I really can't believe that it was only a year ago that I was in the same position. I would say time flies when your having fun, but to be honest no one is going to believe that A-levels are fun. But still the point still stands.

So today was an OK day. It started off with a History lesson learning about exam techniques and stuff. Was actually really helpful. So on that surge of enthusiasm for History I decided to head over to the library and attempt some exam questions. Well, that was the plan, it ended up with me discovering that I didn't have the sources for any of my past papers and all of the questions in my text book, I had already done. I sort of gave up then and went to Sainsburys to buy some gum. Then I had more lessons until eventually I had Chemistry which somehow dissolved into us discussing how much money we would have to be paid before we had sex with a donkey. My friend Josh said it would only take £1000 which we all thought was way too low a figure. Even £100,000 wasn't enough for most of us. So in the end we just resolved to agree that Josh is a bit weird and that was the end of that.

Good Night xxx

Thursday, 12 May 2011

My Phone Has The Flu

"Ohms Law states that the current in a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends, provided its temperature remains constant" aaaaand *HEAD-DESK* Eurgh I'm getting kind of bored of revision now, it does get a tad boring making pages and pages of notes and then realizing that you haven't actually absorbed any of it. Nevertheless I shan't be deterred. On wards and upwards is my motto. Well, actually it's "don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon. That was until that bitch melody on the Apprentice stole it. Grrrr. Now I'm going to have to change it. Hmph. 

I'm pretty sure my phones got the flu. It got really hot today, like unnaturally hot. And now it's gone to sleep and wont wake up. Can phones die from the flu? Meh, it's a pretty bad phone anyway and it's due for an upgrade soon. It did feel really weird knowing that my phone wasn't working, I wasn't like completely freaking out like some people I know would be, but still it was an odd feeling knowing that if I needed to contact someone I couldn't. I think I'll just let it recuperate for the evening before seeing if it's well enough to come with me to school tomorrow.  If not I think I might cry.

I think I'll leave you with this funky picture of the moon I took today. I'm pretty sure the moon has been out all day and in the exact same place. Does that mean the Earth has stopped spinning? I hope not, because thats a pretty vital part of our planet.

Anyway Good Night xxx

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Bad Drivers

AHHHHHHHHHHH Only 8 days till my first exam. That is like seriously close now, it's kind of scary. Despite that I'm not going to use this time to revise I'm going to write this post and then go and watch the Apprentice because, y'know it's such an amazing show and all the people in it are super talented.

So back in my super exciting I've had another revelation. Well it's not really a revelation, more of a thought but revelation is a far more dramatic phrase. Anyway, today I realized that the closer I get to learning to drive, to more critical I get of other peoples driving. It's not even particularly bad driving, it's just small things that bug me, like people not giving the thank you wave when someone I know lets the person out.  Bad drivers really piss me off. I really hope I can drive well when I pass otherwise thats a tad hypocritical.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

When The Bus Is Late

Don't you just hate when the bus is late? It happened to me today. It was actually over half an hour later than it should have been. At first I was kind of pissed off, I mean how hard is it to leave the bus stop at the right time, it's not as if there could have been traffic, I was at the second stop. Ah thats not the point I was supposed to be making. Waiting at the bus stop for a while gave me a good opportunity to just sit and watch the world go by and see people go by doing their own thing that I will probably never know about. I did see some rather hilarious things that I though I'd share with you.

  1. There was a guy cruising along the street in his pimped out car with the dropped bumper and ridiculous purple paint job. The typical 'gangsta' looking guy. I'm sure you know the type. I actually heard him before I saw him, he had his base pumping out of his speakers so loud I heard it from about 100m away. Now, the music was pretty uninteligable at first but as it got closer I began to recognize it. It was Westlife. *facepalm*
  2. This guy was the stereotypical douchebag with his low-rider jeans and flat cap cycling past. At the time there were a couple of girls waiting for the bus and this guy, being the arse-hurt that he undoubtedly was, tried to be all cocky and arrogant by pulling a wheely. So he was doing that flying down the road when he suddenly lost control and started wobbling all over the place. He freaked out and slammed the bike back to two wheels while the two girls were almost wetting themselves at the bus stop. I've never seen someone look that ashamed. It did bring a smile to my face.
  3. This final one did pull a big cheesy grin across my face. A little Renault Clio was sat in the queue in front of my and I casually looked through the drivers window to see a middle-aged woman (probably mid 40's) performing an amazing air drum solo. I mean she was proper going for it. Gotta love people like that.
So they're the highlights of my day. What about yours?

Good Night xxx

Monday, 9 May 2011

Please Sign This Petition

First things first. Would you guys all mind going over to this PETITION and giving your signature. It's an attempt to stop the Ugandan government from making homosexuality a crime punishable by death. This isn't even a joke the Ugandan government are actually THAT sick. I mean it's 2011, I would have thought that the human race would have evolved far enough so that this form of barbarism would have disappeared. Unfortunately not and we have to take a stand against it, over 100,000 people have already signed it and loads of high profile people are asking people to sign it. So I just want to ask you if you would. Thanks.

So back to today. It was the first Monday I've had in quite a long time. It wasn't the best. It started off with a really bloody difficult Physics practical. The practical itself wasn't hard at all, it was just the questions that we had to answer about it which were really difficult. Then I sort of waited around for another three and a half hours of no lessons until the end of the day when I had a Biology practical which made up for the atrocious Physics one. It was a really easy practical and the questions after it were easy as well.

Anyway, I'm going to head off to bed now.

Good Night xxx

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Thoughts From The Future

I done one of those moving picture type things that I occasionally post on the internet. You can watch it on my channel which is HERE!!! Or you can stay here and watch it. I actually advise the second option. Simply because it means that you stay here and continue reading rather than getting distracted and leaving now.

So I did that. It gives you a little chance to have a nosey around the room from which these posts materialize. It also let me show off my new camera and the fact that I can now move around with it. I kind of like that style of vlog, where you move about and see new things rather than just a static picture. I'm also thinking that I may have to do some outside vlogs during the summer because I'm planning lots of trips and stuff to places. Those videos may also turn into thoughts from places style videos so that should be cool. Oh, and expect a heap of footage from Greece because I'm going there in July for two weeks so I'm thinking I should be able to film a couple of videos there.

On a similar note. I don't think I'll be able to make any videos for a while due to exams and having to devote every waking minute to revising for them. I really despise the exam season. 

Anyway, I'm heading back to do some revision now.

Good Night xxx

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Piratey Awesomeness

So I cooked my own dinner again tonight. I have to say it was rather a success. It didn't really involve much skill (mainly putting in in the oven and then eating it) but it was still bloody lovely. It was a pasta-bolognaisey type cheese thing. Twas noms.

Oh, also how awesome was Doctor Who? It had pirates in it so it is automatically amazing in my books. I loved how they made it so incredibly stereotypically piratish. I'm sorry this is such a short post but ima go do a video now and get to grips with my new camera.

Good Night xxx

Friday, 6 May 2011

Improvised Cooking

Oh balls, I forgot to write a post last night, sorry about that. I was going to make up some lame excuse about me being busy doing something productive but I wasn't. I was sat watching telly and reading about interesting dead people (The QI Book Of The Dead, seriously go buy it, its awesome).

Eurgh, I'm like massively tired right now. I haven't had a single short day all week. Most of them have actually gone on longer than a proper school day should. Not happy.

Phew, its really hot in here and I have no idea why. None of the radiators are one and one of the windows is open. Hmm what a conundrum.

I'm kind of at a loss right now of what to write about. I have one idea but it will take ages for me to write it all out and its already later than I usually write a post so I think I'll just talk about my awesome cooking improvisation.

So my mum introduced this thing that every Friday I have to organize dinner, whether its ordering a take away or actually cooking something. This evening I had a rummage in the fridge and found some meatballs and pasta. For most people that would be fine. But I wanted something a bit different, so I just ended up putting as many different herbs and spices and things into it. There was salt, pepper, chopped tomatoes, traditional Chinese stir fry vegetables, peas, tarragon, mixed herbs, Parmesan, celery and a bit of cheddar just to make sure. It actually turned out to be rather scrumptious. I'm thinking I should improvise in my cooking a bit more. Maybe next week I'll do something with chicken. Hmph a good idea methinks.

Anyway I think I'm gunna leave it there for now. I have a video to plan.

Good Night xxx

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Philosophical Post Is Philosophical

Eurgh, today was so long, like longcat long. Seriously long. I mean I barely ever spend a whole day at school anymore and today my last lesson finished at half 12 unfortunately I had a Biology practical after school which meant I had to wait around school for like three hours. It wasn't actually too bad, I got a bit of Physics revision done with the help of Matt, so thanks Matt. It's actually getting kind of close now. Only 15 days until my first exam. Thats kind of scary. To be honest, it's not the actual exams that scare me the most, I don't mind the whole exam situation that much, it's not even the results. It's more what comes next. Once we finish sixth form we're all going to go our separate ways, going to university and going off to work. It means a whole new independence and all that. I'm immensely excited for it but also enormously apprehensive about the whole thing, I dunno, I've never really pictured myself out in the big wide world, I've always known it was coming but never really thought about it. It was just always a shadow that loomed in the distance, and I call it a shadow not because it's dark and menacing, but because its obscured and full of mystery, never really knowing what is concealed inside it. I really can't wait and I suppose that life is what you make it, so I'm going to make my life kick ass (excuse the Americanism, it just looked better). I know what I want to do at the moment but times change and life moves on, so I guess that in the future I might look back on my plans now and wonder how I could be so wrong about what I though my life was going to become.

Hmph, that was oddly philosophical. I hope I haven't scared any of you guys about the future too much. Actually, I think it's OK to be scared, but you can't let that fear dictate what you do. Go out and do what the hell you want. It will make you enjoy life so much more.

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it"

Anyway, I'm out.

Good Night xxx

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Internet Stalking

So, big news eh? Osama Bin Laden is dead. I just looked at the FBIs most wanted list to see who is the new number 1, for some reason its still Bin Laden. Is it just me or is having a dead man as the most wanted person a bit pointless? No? OK then.

In other news, I've been debating having a little move. Not physically, just my blog. I'm thinking I may have to migrate over to tumblr. Quite a lot of people I know seem to be making the switch around now. Also all of the people I stalk over the internet have tumblr so if I have it then it will be easier for me to stalk them.

That was my attempt at making you forget my embarrassing admission of internet stalking. Did it work?

Anyway, I'm not planning on making the move this instant, but in the future at some point. Maye after exams. Yes, I think I'll do that.

I also deleted my video from yesterday. Sorry about that, the whole out of sync thing was bugging me and I couldn't put up with it. Hopefully I'll get another one out this weekend.

I think I'll bid you adieu now.

Monday, 2 May 2011


Bleurgh, I'm so tired right now. I'm not going to say much but I will share with you this video I made. Sorry it's really bad, the black bars of doom appeared and movie maker is really bad at co-ordinating speech and pictures. But on the up side, you can now watch my face in HD so thats impressive.

Right I'll see you all tomorrow.

Good Night xxx

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Harry Potter Alliance

Wow, its late once again. I'm getting really bad at the whole blogging early thing. Don't blame me, blame the massive amount of days we've had recently. It just results in me being lazy and putting off blogging until right before I get in bed and watch Doctor Who again. Before you judge me it's research for a video. I hopefully should be filming it tomorrow and editing and stuff. I even have a like a whole load of notes for it. Just to warn you it will be an intense nerdgasm and unless you watched the first two episodes of Doctor Who it wont make any sense.

Sorry, I promised all you non-whovians that I wouldn't talk about Doctor Who today. I'll try not to for the rest of this post.

Instead of that I shall instead talk about Harry Potter. Well, not actually Harry Potter itself, but the Harry Potter Alliance. They're a charity that uses the Harry Potter fandom to make the world a better place and generally decrease world suck. Every few month they chose a 'horcrux', which is basically something bad in the world that they will focus their efforts on to help prevent. Previous ones have included low self esteem, bullying and low wages in third world countries. Today they announced their new horcrux which is child slavery. They have begun campaigning to stop large companies from being allowed to exploit children for profit. They're a really good charity and I think you should go and check them out. They have some great patrons namely John Green and Evanna Lynch. Speaking of which she wrote a really great post for one of their horcurxes which you can check out HERE!!!!

Anyway, I'll see you around.

Good Night xxx