"Ohms Law states that the current in a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends, provided its temperature remains constant" aaaaand *HEAD-DESK* Eurgh I'm getting kind of bored of revision now, it does get a tad boring making pages and pages of notes and then realizing that you haven't actually absorbed any of it. Nevertheless I shan't be deterred. On wards and upwards is my motto. Well, actually it's "don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon. That was until that bitch melody on the Apprentice stole it. Grrrr. Now I'm going to have to change it. Hmph.
I'm pretty sure my phones got the flu. It got really hot today, like unnaturally hot. And now it's gone to sleep and wont wake up. Can phones die from the flu? Meh, it's a pretty bad phone anyway and it's due for an upgrade soon. It did feel really weird knowing that my phone wasn't working, I wasn't like completely freaking out like some people I know would be, but still it was an odd feeling knowing that if I needed to contact someone I couldn't. I think I'll just let it recuperate for the evening before seeing if it's well enough to come with me to school tomorrow. If not I think I might cry.
Anyway Good Night xxx
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