Friday, 20 May 2011

Deer God

Deer God I'm tired. I haven't actually done much this week but I'm still absolutely shattered. I've only had one exam as well. Eurgh, I'm going to be a right grumpy sod next week, I've got four exams in five days. I think by the end of it my brain will be dribbling out of my nose. I'm thinking I may have to just stock up on loads of red bull and live off a permanent sugar rush for the rest of the exam period. That wont have any negative consequences will it?

Although I didn't have any scheduled exams today, I did have a Biology mock which actually went reasonably well, despite the fact that I spent the two free periods before hand playing Angry Birds instead of actually revising. I REGRET NOTHING!!!!

Also, the stalkers more observant among you may notice that today is Friday *insert obligatory Rebecca Black quote* and in this house it means that it was my turn to cook. Tonight it was a rather scrummy spaghetti bolognaise with like herbs and spices in it and even a slug of red wine. I know right? Well professional. To be honest I only did it because I saw someone on YouTube say to do it. I seem to do a lot of stuff YouTube tells me to do. Individuality ftw. But still my culinary skill payed off and it was rather yummy.

OK I have literally just been informed that I left the hob on after I dished up the food like three hours ago. This is the second time I've done this, but you know what, screw the planet. If I want to leave my gas hob on for three hours I should be able to*.

Right, I'm going to go  and watch about four days worth of YouTube videos before Graham Norton comes on.

Good Night xxx


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