Saturday, 28 May 2011

The Almost People

Sorry I haven't posted in a week, it turned out my clock was slightly wrong and I did actually get raptured. Bit of a bummer really. Turns out heaven doesn't have wi-fi hence no blog.

Nah, just kidding I actually had a heap tonne of exams this week and hence was spending my evenings revising for them. But they're all done now apart from Physics which is like a week away, so got plenty of time to revise for that now. None of the exams were particularly hard, my Biology exam even had a question that could have been answered by a year 9. But I wont bore you with the details of the exams because, well, exams suck. 


I just got interrupted by Doctor Who so beware SPOILERS!!!!

Oh my actual days, the main bit of the episode was pretty damn cool and then the end bit just blew it into a whole new dimension of awesomness. My fan girl glands are going absolutely mental at the moment. I mean, Amy was a ganger, how cool is that. Oh Steven Moffat is so badass, he should write every TV show ever. I don't think anyone could have ever seen that coming. The only thing I thought was a bit weird was when the Doctor told Rory to step away and he willingly obliged. This is a guy who waited 2000 years for Amy, and when shes in pain and the Doctor says hes going to do something to her "humanely" without explaining why you would have thought Rory would have protested a bit more and tried to protect her. But still, it was so freaking awesome. Ah I'm going to go now and fan girl a bit more.

It's good to be back.

Good Night xxx

1 comment:

  1. I see what you mean about Rory but, you have to think that, after everything they've been through The Doctor's never steered him wrong and always done what's best for them. Surely doing what The Doctor says straight away WOULD BE the best way to try and protect her.

    Just my thoughts :P
