Sorry no post yesterday, I had a massive headache when I got back from school and then I fell asleep for like 5 hours which then led to me having very little time to revise for my History exam which was today. Therefore I spent like the whole of last night
watching the Apprentice revising for the exam. Speaking of which it actually went OK, the questions were about easy things and just generally good. Then I had a bit of waiting around for stuff and then other stuff. Then we had a Physics lesson which probably should have been dedicated to revising for our exam next week, but instead I destroyed Nick in an argument. I said that botox was the most toxic substance known to man (my biology A-level supporting me) and he was adamant that cyanide was more toxic (no evidence supporting him whatsoever). Then our teacher Googled it and proved me to be right and Nick therefore wrong. Oh the taste of victory is so sweet. Excuse me while I go and bask in the glory of being right. Ahhhh it feels good.
Sorry. I'll stop now.
After I got home I knew I should be revising for my Biology mock tomorrow but, now I've done one exam I feel I don't need to do any more revision. It's weird and probably not a good idea but I think I'll give myself one night of relaxation.
I also managed to find something to put in a photoframe that I've had for ages. It's cut up cans of stuff. It was surprisingly difficult to saw your way into a can without crushing it. Nevertheless I still managed it and I'm quite pleased with the result. Now all I need to do is find a place to hang it.
I think Ima go do that now.
Good Night xxx
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