Allons Y Allonso! Sorry yesterdays post was a bit pathetic. I'll try and make it up to you today.
So for the majority of yesterday consisted of my friends Jonny and Josh coming over to revise. They actually got quite a lot done. I just sat there and drew a scary face. Actually I did end up getting some revision done between watching YouTube videos about Harry being a wizard. It's bloody hysterical you should go and check it out
HERE!!! Must warn you first. Some of the language in it is atrocious and not suitable for those of a sensitive disposition. So we sat around and did quite a lot of revision, as you can probably guess from the mountains of books and paper covering my bed. Ignore Jonny being weird, he always does that...
Once we had done about four hours of revision we migrated into the lounge and watched Doctor Who. That episode was seriously awesome. I loved the portrayal of the Tardis as a woman, Suranne Jones (the actress) played here brilliantly. The whole getting tenses mixed up and quirkiness were brilliant. "I like bitting. It's like kissing but theres a winner". There were loads of little quotes that I thought were really funny.
Amy: She’s the Tardis?!
Doctor: And she’s a woman. She’s a woman and she’s the Tardis.Amy: Did you wish really hard?
Anyway, I'll stop my fangirling now. After Doctor Who had finished me and Jonny headed off to Tom's for his Eurovision party. To be honest all of the acts weren't as bad as they usually were. There were no random glittery transvestites and no pathetically poor singers. Once the votes started coming in UK were doing quite well. Actually for a few minutes we were even at the top of the leader board. However after that it was all down hill. I think we ended up coming something like 14th. I'm still going to cling to the fact that we were winning at one point.
Anyway, thats what I got up to yesterday. Wasn't it interesting? Today was the complete opposite. It just consisted of me doing loads of revision and that is literally it.
Good Night xxx
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