Bonjourno Deano
Yeah, I just watched the Fosters advert. I like those adverts...
Anyway, I forgot to mention yesterday, that like two days after we got back from Greece we got a puppy.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Puppies and Books
Monday, 15 August 2011
I'm Baaaaack!!!!
Hey there strangers, haven't seen you in forever. Yeah, wow it's actually been a whole month. Sorry about that, I got home from holidays two weeks ago and just completely forgot about you. But yeah, I thought I'd fill you in on what I've been up to and stuff.
As I mentioned before I left, I buggered off to Greece for two weeks where upon arrival I discovered how freaking hot everything there is. We arrived at like 10 at night and it was still 28*C. The holiday didn't get off to the best start seeing as I neglected to put any sun cream on my shoulders on the first day and they just burned up. Seriously, it was the worst sun burn I've ever seen, it blistered and pussed and burst and then peeled before leaving my shoulder all pale and weird looking. Seriously it was gross. That sort of meant I had to spend the rest of the first week sat in the shade pointing at the sun and shouting "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT?!". Didn't really stop me from enjoying myself though, I went swimming with the fishes (in the literal sense, not the mafia sense), had a rummage around the castle of the Knights Templar, cruised around the Aegean on a yacht, climbed into an active volcano and even had time enough for a little bit of shopping. Bloody brilliant holiday all in all and now I'm now going to bombard you with pictures of stuff.
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Potter and Puppies
Hey, haven't seen you guys in a while.
Hows the missus? and the kids?
Good to hear.
Anyway, I was out last night at the cinema watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Oh My God! It was absolutely bloody brilliant, if you haven't already seen it then you should now. It was one of those films that are so good when it ended the whole cinema broke out into a round of applause. In fact, we broke into a round of applause whenever anything awesome happened in the film. Gah, I loved it so much, all the secondary characters became absolutely amazing, mainly Professor McGonagal and Neville Longbottom, who by the way now looks like this:
Yeah, I couldn't believe it was him either.
Anyway, today was equally epic. I started off going down to Staines to look at puppies and then we ended up putting a deposit down on one. I mean, how could we not? Look how cute he is.
And his name shall be Diggory Dumbledog Davison. We get to pick him up in two weeks once he's old enough to leave his mum and we're back from holiday.
Then after that I ended up waitering for a website which was loads of work but I made sixty quid off of it so it wasn't all bad. Now I'm going to sleep for ages.
I'm also going to take a little break from blogging because I'm going on holiday in a few days and I don't really have the time for it at the moment.
Anyway, Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Trock On!
Yeah been busy lately. Lots of personal statements and school tours, generally been too tired for blogging. Anyway, I'm pretty much sorted now so ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!!!!!!
Basically on Monday I spent all evening in the office with my dad writing my personal statement for my Uni applications. I'm actually quite pleased with it but it still needs a bit more tweaking and jiggery pokery before it's good enough to submit. So yeah, that took a good couple of hours to finish and by that point my brain was pretty fried and really didn't work.
Then yesterday I had volunteered to give tours of my school to parents of kids that are coming here next year. It wasn't too bad, I've given enough tours of the school by now for it not to be that big of a deal, it just took ages and people kept wandering off and tagging along to my tour. It wasn't a problem, just difficult trying to keep track of whos who and where they should be when but all done now so t'sall good now.
And now to today. It's been alright I suppose, nothing particularly interesting, although I did spend the whole of our assembly listening to Chameleon Circuit's new album, Still Got Les. It's awesome, I got the download last night and at first I wasn't a big fan but it's grown on me a lot. It's odd, although it's fundamentally a Trock (timelord-rock) it is like proper music, y'know stuff that could pass for like proper music and stuff. So yeah, go and check it out somewhere, it's all over the internet.
Good Night * disappears in a puff of smoke*
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Holister and Stuff
Appologise for no post yesterday, I was out a evening at TOM'S summer party, twas pretty damn epic, saw some good friends and made some new ones and what's more woke up completely hangover free. SUCCESS!
Before the party I'd spent most of the day in Southampton looking at the Uni, it was really sweet, the life sciences department was pretty much brand spanking new and looked so modern and cool. The uni was actually a lot better than I thought it would be and it's gone way up in my regards. The town itself aint half bad either. We had a wander around the big shopping center there and I got a load of clothes bought for me for the holidays. So I was pretty chuffed about that. Even managed to blag a Holister t-shirt. Holister is an odd shop. From the outside there was no signage or anything denoting what shop it was, just a tiled porch type bit. It was a bit odd. It was also really really dark in there, almost irritatingly so. Considering it's a clothing store, they're mannequins displayed a sever lack of clothes. I didn't get the logic behind that but perhaps that's just me...
Right, back to today. It hasn't really consisted of much, just chilling really. Also catching up on all the photos from last night which is always fun. I may even have to print some off and add them to my massive collage frame thingy. It'll be nice to have some photos that aren't all take in the dark.
Right, I'll see you all later then.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 8 July 2011
Hair Cut!
Yeah, I'm being nerdy again. I ordered some genome magnets a few months ago and they've finally arrived. Hence now I'm sat gene sequencing them by following the instructions they came with. To be honest I don't care what you think, they're too cool.
What else happened today?
Oh yeah! I had all my hair cut off!
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Epic Week
Yeah, TV got in the way of me posting yesterday and the day before. Sorry about that.
Monday, 4 July 2011
Copy, Paste, Print
I think it's finally safe to say that Summer has finally arrived. Not because it's been really sunny and nice today, I mean come on, this is England we're talking about. It's more the fact that it was cloudy and over cast all day yet still managed to be really quite warm. I think in England that's the only real sign that Summer's really here.
- Google stuff
- Copy
- Paste
- Sorted.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
The Importance of Austria in Blah Blah Blah Blah
Well today has been thoroughly unfun. Literally spent all day writing an essay on the importance of Austria in blah blah blah blah. Hence there is nothing for me to write about today.
To make up for it here's that video I promised last night
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Onsies and Roadtrips
Oh hello blog, I'd forgotten about you.
Well, actually no I hadn't. I was busy last night doing cool things.
Yes, you guessed it, I finally got around to making a new video. This one is probably the shortest I've ever done but somehow took the longest to edit. Seriously I hate Windows Movie Maker SO MUCH!!!! Every time I tried to trim a clip, it wouldn't trim the audio so everything was way out of sync. *RAGE*. Anyway, I finally managed to fix it and it's currently uploading to teh YooTubz nao. It should be up later tonight.
In other less ragey news, I've spent most of this evening trying to decide which onsie to get from THIS!!!! shop should I ever get around to getting a job. At the moment I'm thinking of getting the wolf one although that is subject to change. Seriously though, they are epic.
On another equally epic note, my friend Tom (BLOG HERE!!!!) passed his driving test yesterday and as celebration he took Saskia, Ben and I out on a mini road-trip around town. There was lots of loud music and laughing. We also had all the windows down in the car and now my hair is like destroyed, totally knotted and weird. Still, was pretty awesome, things are going to be so much cooler now that one of us can drive. I'm thinking more road-trips out and about places.
Anyway, I'm going to go and sneak past my brother and his friends to go and get another drink.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Telly Watching Homework
I'm currently watching Inside Natures Giants so this post may seem a bit disjointed seeing as I'm trying write this during the ad breaks.
Inside Natures Giants is probably my favorite documentary series out there, it's all about dissecting the giants of the animal kingdom and explaining how all their bits and pieces work together to make that animal suitable for it's environment by cutting them up and having a good old rummage. I know it might not be everybody's cup of tea but I find it really interesting. Oh and I have to watch it for my Biology homework. I love getting homeworks like that, personally I think all homework should involve watching telly.
Grrr, my telly's just packed up and decided it's not going to work anymore. That's frustrating. Never mind, I planned ahead and recorded it on the big TV so I can watch it later. In fact I may go and pester my parents to let me watch it on that TV now.
So I'll big you adieu and I'll see you all tomorrow.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Cat Gifs
TO THE INTERNET *jumps through computer screen*
Good Evening Ladies and not Ladies. How are we all this fine day of wed......nes?
Wasn't it superb? Y'know aside from the school stuff and things.
Anyway, I suppose I should mention the schooling bit seeing as it made up a fair bit of my day. Probably the highlight of the day was discovering that tumblr isn't blocked on the school network. This led to me spending both form time and 'Critical Thinking' watching gifs of cats falling over instead of doing 'proper' work such as my personal statement which will help me get into university. Oh well!
I also managed to spend the entire of break listening to yet more Nigel Thornberry remixes and discussing what it means to be hipster, that counts as working on my personal statement right?
As you can see I've been very productive today and that didn't stop when I got home. Oh no! I planned two videos and killed two monkeys. Yeah, I did actually kill two monkeys. Not real monkeys, they're wooden and ornamental but still, they're broken now and I feel really bad. *sobs* I'm actually on my way to the funeral now. It's a bit of a traumatic time for me now, I would appreciate it if you would mind coming back tomorrow, it's just I was very emotionally attached to those two monkeys.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
HUZZAH!!!! The half way point of my stick of rock has been reached and it's only taken me five days.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Seriously, I got to school at 8:10 today and it was already 24 degrees centigrade. Then it kept getting hotter until eventually I lost all molecular stability and I melted into a puddle of goo. Well, not really but you get what I'm saying. Yeah, you get me bruv. Innit. As it turns out other side effects of heat include sporadic gangster-ness. Please excuse.
Anyway, lucky for me I only had one lesson today which was in quite a cool room. So that was good, then after a brief talk about gap years during 'Enrichment' I got to head home at about 12ish. One thing I wasn't happy about was having to leg it down the road in order to catch the bus in 28 degree temperatures. I swear I nearly died. Silly buses and their being early and whatnot. On top of that, the stupid bus driver felt the need to turn the radiators on meaning I was sweating more than a person with thyroid problems... Yeah there wasn't a joke there, people who have thyroid problems generally sweat more than others.
After managing to drag my sweat sodden corpse up the hill to my house I jumped into shorts and a t-shirt and cannon balled about three ice lollies in an attempt to cool my body down. Eventually I returned to some level of normal temperature before heading to the internet to look up more remixes of pop songs featuring Nigel Thornberry (the Dad from 'The Wild Thornberrys'). They are hysterically funny and if you go to you can find a collection of the best ones.
Right I'm off now,
Good Night xxx
p.s The hot weather partially melted the stick of rock, much progress was made today.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Wasps Nests
So, day three of the marathon stick of rock eating contest rolls on. Still very little progress made despite several hours licking. I'm beginning to think that this is actually just a piece of rock.
Anyway, I'm going to keep his short as I have to get a crap tonne of history research done tonight so that I can got to Chesington World of Adventures tomorrow. Eek, kind of excited seeing as I haven't been there in years and they have a zoo there too. To be honest I'm kind of most excited about the zoo bit seeing as I've been having a craving to go to the zoo a lot recently.... Yes, I am sure I'm 16, why do you ask?
Today mostly consisted of me researching Komodo Dragons for a biology project interspersed with heading to the tip to get rid of some cardboard boxes and peering into the loft because a wasp nest had appeared in there. It was seriously big, even the exterminator guy said it was massive. It was probably the same size as a fairly large football. So yes, that happened but then the exterminator guy showed up dressed in his bee suit and did something to the wasps so that he could take the nest away.
So that's about it for today,
Good Night xxx
Friday, 24 June 2011
Clever Monkey
So, I'm still munching my way through the stick of rock. Mouth is beginning to bleed. BUT I SHALL NOT BE BEATEN BY MERE COOKED SUGAR!!!!!! I've been eating it for like three hours straight and I've still only eaten about half an inch of it, I may have to take a hammer to it soon.
Enough about sugary treats and on to more interesting stuff. Well to be honest, I doubt you'll find any of my day really interesting but I'll give it a whirl anyway. So I started off with history learning about source analysis and some such nonsense which very nearly made me fall asleep. Then I had a free which consisted of my downloading various games onto my phone and then playing them for the hour. We sat and watched a documentary in Biology about some crackhead botanist who did something to do with photosynthesis. Then I got a free period because my other Biology teacher was helping some kids do some work to help with something or other. To be honest I stopped listening after she said you don't have to come to the lesson. Finally we had Chemistry which as usual over ran and nearly made us miss the train. But alas I managed to catch it and wasn't late home.
Oh one other thing, recently I saw a clip on YouTube where a Gorilla got up and walked on two legs for a bit. Now the thing is a lot of the internet has exploded into "OH MAH GAWD THEY IZ BECUMING CLEVUR! I R SCARD". First things first, this clip was released by the company who are making a prequel to the Planet Of The Apes film which coincidentally about how the apes evolved to become the superior race. And Secondly, Gibbons have been walking on two legs for thousands of years and nobody gave two hoots, just because a Gorilla did that people are getting freaked out. Silly People are silly. Anyway, I'll let you make up your own mind. Heres the video:
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Bath And Beyond!
I'm currently writing this while eating a rather large and rather yummy stick of rock *drools*. It's awesome.
So today was actually quite exciting, it started off normal time but then instead of uniform I donned a Jack Wills t-shirt and a hoodie before heading off down the motorway to Bath University for their open day. On the way down me and my dad pretty much sorted out everything I need to put in my personal statement. Now all I have to do is actually write it.
Anyway, once we arrived we wandered round lost for a little bit before finally pestering one of the student advisers for directions to the information fair which basically consisted off lots of little stalls advertising their course and such. I went over to the Biology one and started chatting to two postgrads who told me all these stories about their third year work placements. One of the guys told me all about his 6000 mile roadtrip across America at the end of the year. It sounded awesome.
After that we pottered over to the Biology department and chatted to some more students while peering at all the weird and wonderful creatures on display. There were fire bellied toads, fire salamanders, corn snakes, pythons, Axelotls (Which by the way are way bigger than I thought they were, like 30 cm long!), some geckos and some stick insects. It was really cool. Then we had a look around the accommodation which was all well and good.
After we left we went down to my gran's house because she lives nearby. My aunt came over too for lunch and we had a good old chat which was nice. This was when I got the giant stick of rock which I'm currently nomming on. It was like a gift to all the guests at a wedding my gran went to and she thought I'd like it.
Then we went and had a look round my Aunts house which they're building at the moment. It looks really cool, like something out of those grand design programs, just y'know not as massive and OTT. It's still gunna look really nice when it's finished.
All this only took us up to about 2 o'clock-ish. I know, we really packed it in. But we still weren't finished. Me and my Dad popped into Bath hospital to visit my dads uncle, my great uncle because hes been in hospital for the past week. So my dad had a nice chat with him and then had chat on the way out with my dad's cousin who was also at the hospital visiting.
As you can imagine it's been a long and tiring day, so I think I'm going to go and lie down and eat some more rock to give my feet a rest because I've been on them almost all day and they're absolutely killing me.
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Right, I currently have 50 minutes until Waterloo Road starts. That's about enough time to write a blog post I think. I swear it's taking me longer and longer to write my blog, I used to be able to get one out really quickly but now I keep getting distracted by my ever increasing pile of subscriptions in my YouTube sub box. Seriously I just wrote than and then immediately went and check Facebook, what is wrong with me?
So today started off as every day this week has, with me waking up forty minutes later than I normally do. A massive rush of showering, dressing and eating ensued. But since my usual routing involves me taking far too long to do anything, if I'm in a rush I can do everything I normally faster and still leave the house on time. Go Me. Anyway, school consisted of me spending more time debating my future and stuff. Then I got picked up from Sainsburys where I managed to fix the TV at home simply by text. Basically my brother couldn't get the telly to work so he asked me what to do and I was able to give him instructions via text on how to fix it. I felt epic...
Damnit I just went and spent 10 minutes checking Facebook again. I swear the internet is infecting my brain, I must fight back *goes and gets sword* * realizes swords wont work on the internet* *unplugs internet*
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Cardboard Boxes
Huzzah! I haz teh mad skillz innit.
Is that how you talk gangster? I can never be sure with this 'hip-hop' lingo, I try to keep up but you know how it get, it all builds up so darn quickly.
Anyway, in reference to my 'mad skillz' I actually did some things today. Y'know those things. No the other ones. Yeah those ones. Yeah I used my epic man skills of being a techie and a chippy almost simultaneously. For those of you born before 1990, a techie is someone who has some technological ability and for those who don't understand slang, a chippie is a carpenter. The reason I was being a techie was because some furniture my parents ordered arrived today including a new TV stand which needed all the TV peripherals and accessories to be wired through it and then everything plugged back in. I know it wasn't the most technologically challenging thing in the world but my Mum didn't want to do in case she broke something. Actually now that I think about it I think I was just her insurance policy, so that if anything did break she could just blame it on me. Anyway, so after sorting all the telly and stuff, I turned my attention to the new, big, heavy table that needed some assembly. So, after some faffing around with a spanner and some nuts and bolts it was all ready to be eaten off. The one thing that I wasn't happy was the severe lack of playing in the boxes. When I was growing up I could have spent hours playing in the boxes the table and chair, I mean they were huge, I could have made an entire fortress out of them. Damn you age, making it unacceptable for a 16 yr old to play in cardboard boxes. I am also slightly worried because as my mum walked in and saw the boxes, the first thing she said was "You could probably hide a body in there".
Should I be worried?
Monday, 20 June 2011
Library Card
I thought I'd use this brief respite in the torrential downpour in order to write a post. Actually, the rain had nothing to do with me writing this, it was just something I noticed as I began writing. You really wouldn't know that we're supposed to be in a drought right now.
Enough about the weather, its bound to be different where you are and therefore my previous statement is going to be totally irrelevant. Anyway, so last Friday I told you I tried and failed to get a library card, well today I managed to achieve it, albeit with the help of my mother who reminded me that I already had one but I just lost it. So that was easy enough to fix, the nice lady there just gave me a new one which now takes pride of place in my wallet. Armed with my new library card I went to go and get some 'research' material for my history project on Austria. As it turned there was only one book in our whole library about Austria and even that one was based on the entire thousand year period of Austrian existence. Lot of irrelevant stuff to sift through. Despite that I'm thinking I may have to hit the library a lot more often because it's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying the books which, with my reading habits will save me quite a lot of money.
Anyway, I'm gunna go and sift through 1000 years of Austrian history before settling down to Game Of Thrones (Ahhh, it's the finale tonight :D)
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Angry Printers
Well this is exciting, I'm currently writing this because I can broadcast internetz from my phone. Isn't that amazing? I remember the days when you couldn't use the internet unless there was nobody on the phone. I also remember that I used to spend an inordinate amount of my time using pokémon publishing software that basically let you make all sorts of pokémon related stuff, like masks, writing paper, invitations, posters and loads of other things. I used to spend hours on it making things but never actually printing them off because as many of you will remember, printers used to take days to print anything. Our printer back then was a devilishly evil creation, I swear it would take your hand clean off if you gave it the chance. I really didn't like that one. To be honest the one we have at the moment isn't much better. Well for me it's fine, it just hates the rest of my family and will try to maul their hands if they dare to change the ink cartridges. Hence I am always called upon to do it because I am the only one who it will work for and even then it requires a lot of coaxing and pleading for it to actually work properly. I dunno what it is about printers that makes them so temperamental. I swear they must have PMS or something. I think the pinnacle of human technological achievement will be creating a printer that actually does what you want it to do, when you want it to.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Ladies and Gentlefolk
Good evening ladies and gentlefolk.
Wouldn't the world be a nicer place if we all still spoke like that, like we live in a Shakespeareian play.
Sorry, I'm going to cut this post short, like really short. Trust me it's a good reason, V for Vendetta is on telly. It's such a good film.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 17 June 2011
It Rained Today
Would you look at that? I appear to be blogging fairly early on in the evening. I seem to be getting back into the swing of things more now.
So what happened today then. Well it rained a bit. Then it rained some more. Oh and then it decided to rain a bit more. As you can imagine that made everything infinitely more fun. The highlight had to be having to stand around in the wet for ages because somebody pressed the fire alarm at school. That was a really brilliant idea on their part. To be honest it wasn't raining too hard at that point and I managed to blag biscuits off some friends. Biscuits make everything so much better. Then we got to watch a video in Biology. That is the first video we've watched in the whole of our A-levels, all be it was a documentary about dissecting an alligator. It was awesome, alligators are funky animals with all sorts of clever things in them.
Oh yes! The errands I mentioned yesterday. Well I walked into town and went into the library to get a new library card. Unfortunately since I'm 16 and therefore incapable of using a library properly I needed a parent there along with proof of my identity. So that didn't happen and therefore I didn't get any books for the research that needs doing. This could be problematic. Anyway, then I headed over to the post office to get the forms for my provisional drivers licence. Then I went home and sat on the sofa for ages. Now I'm here.
Wasn't that interesting.
Good Night xxx
p.s. Rain sucks!
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Ahh I'm getting really bad at this whole daily blogging thingy, which is weird because now that I'm back at school I have more of a routine to stick to and therefore have a set time in which to write. But I think having two weeks of sitting on my arse all day doing nothing has rubbed off, now when I get home from school I neglect to do any homework or any interneting and therefore no blogging. Hmph, this will have to change.
Anyway, a quick run through of yesterday is in order I think. So I got up, as is generally necessary for most activities, and toddled off to school for a fun filled day of learning. If you didn't get the sarcasm in that statement, there was lots of it, just sayin'. Anyway I bumbled around school for a bit not really getting anything worthwhile accomplished other than learning I have to write a report on the effect that Austria had on Europe between 1800-1900. Wait for it .............3....2....1.... *head-desk*. As you can imagine it was really boring. But after school I went into town to get some clothes for the summer. Y'know, like t-shirts and shorts and stuff. Oh, what was great was that I went in with my brother and my mum who normally have massive arguments whenever they go shopping and end up not speaking for ages. But, today there weren't any arguments of any sort. It was quite eerie.
Anyway, that was yesterday, now for the present, well, technically its still the past seeing as it's already been and gone but still I'm going to count it as now because the day is yet to be over. So today continued the mindnumbing monotony that is my current school. Seriously, I had double chemistry today which was like major snoozeville. Oh benzene rings Y U SO BORING!
But I think I'll have a more interesting post tomorrow, what with me having to run some errands tomorrow after school. That makes me sound really adult doesn't it? Running erands and whatnot. In fact both the errands are quite adult in nature. First I need to go and apply for my provisional driving licence and then I need to go to the library to get a new library card so I can get some research material for my coursework.
Oh how I'm growing up.
Anyway, I have more homework to do now so I'll be off now.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
18 Bin Bags
Crap, I totally forgot to make a post tonight hence the late and ever so slightly half hearted attempt. Actually, tell a lie, I didn't forget I actually spent the past hour trying to make Blogger work on my phone. Unfortunately the webpage will load but the little text box thing that I need to type the post into wont let me do it. So I'm thinking that I may have to run and cry to all my teckie friends at school to make my phone work. I'm sure someone who has a similar phone to me will be able to make it work. Hopefully, I can get it working, tomorrows blog should
be published from the comfort of my own sofa.
Anyway, today has been another one of those days. Yeah, Tuesday. It wasn't particularly interesting, in fact starting the Italian Unification in History really sucked any interest out of the day. Seriously though, that stuff is boring.
Hmmm, what else interesting happened today? When I was waiting at the bus stop today I noticed a woman come out and put 18 bags of rubbish out to be collected from just one house. If that wasn't enough she then came out and sprayed all of the bags with Febreze to stop them smelling. I know that's not particularly interesting but I thought it was odd enough that it was worthy of mention.
Anyway, I'm off to bed now. BAM!!! You're imagining me naked now. Oh hang on, that only works with going for a shower. I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm going for a shower now because I'm not but I think that with all of this talk of me in a shower you will start imagining it. Sorry about that. The image should leave your brain in about 3-4 days.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 12 June 2011
YA Saves
As promised yesterday here is my long rambly type blog post that I have neglected to write for a good few weeks. Now I need something interesting and entertaining to talk about. *ponders*
Oh yes, got it. School starts again tomorrow. Well technically it's not school, its an induction into year 13 which I imagine to be pretty similar to year 12 just y'know harder. I know people generally don't like school but I'm kind of glad to be going back. I guess that shows how much of a nerd I am. But in reality it's more about having something to keep me occupied more than anything. I mean I like having time off but unless I am doing something like hanging out with friends or doing something productive then I tend to get really bored. That's why during the summer holidays I dive headfirst into a book shop and don't re-emerge until September. I know that some of you wont think that reading counts as being productive but to me it does so shhh. So despite school sucking a bit at least it gives me things to do and lets me be with friends which is always awesome.
On a similar note, I posted a link to an article the other day in the Wall Street Journal about Young Adult fiction and as the name suggests this is a genre of literature directed at adolescents and teenagers. When this article was first released most of twitter exploded in rage at the depiction of YA fiction in this article. If you haven't read it yet I'd suggest you go do that HERE!!! The article essentially blames YA fiction for most of the problems faced by teens such as depression, self-harm and a range of others. Now, I'm not saying that teen-fiction isn't graphic in it's depiction of macabre details, for instance I've read books depicting rape, murder, necrophilia and self mutilation but that doesn't mean I'm going to become a psychopathic self-mutilating necrophiliac does it? And book which focus of a teenagers struggle with depression don't make the readers themselves depressed. In fact I think it would be comforting to know that someone else is going through a similar experience even if that person is fictional. The books can even serve as warnings, the Wall Street Journal article made an example of books that didn't have happy endings, saying that they spread bad ideas and thoughts. But surely if someone is going through some problems, then seeing a character who is going through a similar experience end up in such a bad place would show that reader that they have to take a stand and do something to change their circumstances or else they'll end up like the character in their book.
Even for people such as myself who, thankfully haven't had to face such problems, we read these books for the same reason that anybody else reads them. For fun. To delve into another world which you may have never experienced before, to be taken away from your life for a while to see what others go through. Isn't that the whole point of books? Just because the subject matter of the book makes some people uncomfortable, it doesn't mean that it should be banned.
Anyway, rant over. You shall be returned to your regularly scheduled viewing tomorrow.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Parcelforce Grrrrr
Sorry there wasn't a post yesterday. Or at least I don't think there was a post last night. I dunno I'll go and check *scuttles off to check*. No, as it turns out there wasn't a post last night. Still, you really didn't miss much I literally spent all day in my house waiting for a parcel to be delivered. It was the most infuriating delivery information on behalf of Parceforce. They said it should arrive at any time between 9am and 6pm which meant I had to stay in all day waiting for the bloody post man. As it turned he arrived at 5:45pm almost as late as he could possible have gotten. Grrr. "What was in this mystical parcel?" I hear you cry. As it turns out it was my new phone so EEEEK. It's a HTC Wildfire S which I've been playing with non-stop since it arrived. Tis rather snazzy, but I am still trying to figure out how the thing works but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon.
Right, back to today. Well, as it turns out not much really got done I spent about six hours in the car going to pick up my brother from uni. That is actually everything I've done today. Sorry about that, this is a bit of a damp squib of a post really.
You know what, I think I'll do a big long rambley post tomorrow about cool things so look out for that :)
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 9 June 2011
New Mock The Week
So there is currently 10 minutes until the start of the new series of Mock The Week so I thought while I waited with baited breath I would sit down and write todays post. I've had a bit of a disastrous day in terms of what I was supposed to be doing. I was actually supposed to be booking open days for universities that I want to visit. Turns out I left it too late and literally all the ones I had wanted to go to were already fully booker. Major bummer. Not wanting to be the only person in my school not buggering off to open days at universities which I'm not really interesting in attending. Thats not the end though, all the uni's have more open days in September so I'll go to those. Still I'm really annoyed at myself for not getting my act together and booking them earlier.
Wow, sorry I got distracted by Mock The Week and now it's like 20 minutes later. I really don't know why I felt the need to tell you that seeing as you probably wouldn't realize since your reading this at a constant speed.
Balls it happened again. This time it was my Dad who was distracting me with talk of universities and stuff. I really need to get going on all this applications and stuff.
Anyway, it's late now so I'll leave you too it for now.
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Thorpe Park Times
Good lord I'm tired right now. As I mentioned last night I went to Thorpe Park today which involved me having to get up at six o'clock in the morning (hence all the tiredness). Anyway, Josh managed to miss the bus and since he was paying for Jonny's ticket me and Tom went off without them. Tom hadn't been to Thorpe Park in ages so I was his sort of navigator for the first bit. Unfortunately he is cursed and after queuing for a while for one of the rides it was announced that it was broken and we'd have to wait. Tom then said we should leave and come back later. Literally as soon as we got to the end of the line to leave, the speakers announced that it the ride was now fixed. Grrr silly Tom ¬_¬. Nah I'm only joking but after that we went on a few rides and then decided to go on two of the biggest water rides and got totally soaked. And then it started to rain... Got totally soaked. Twice.
It wasn't all bad, during one of the rain storms Jonny unveiled that he thought that a human has two cubic meters of skin on our body. Funny huh?
Anyway, I'm proper tired right now and I'm gunna go make sleepy time now.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Cleaning My Room
So I'm currently in the middle of having a clear out of my room and as any good teenager will know I'm currently at the stage where my room looks like a bomb has hit it. I'm also trying to simultaneously trying to organize a trip to Thorpe Park at the same time so I'm kind of rushed off my feet at the moment so I'll just keep it short. Basically I managed to sleep for a full twelve hours last night and then woke up and went to the garden center with my mum. I was going to then look for jobs and stuff but our internet wasn't working so instead I started to tidy my room. Anyway, I think I'll leave you with this post about young adult fiction which has been rampaging all over twitter over the past couple of days. HERE IT IS!!!!
Monday, 6 June 2011
The Dentist
Good Evening Ladies and Mister Men
How are we this fine Monday evening? Oh this evening has been so good, not because I've been doing anything particularly, it's just tonight is the first night in a very long time in which I don't have any exams to revise for yet. HURRAH!!
So this afternoon I thought I'd celebrate finishing my exams by a trip to the dentist. Actually this is a new dentist and I think I like it, he's a lot let painful and stabby with his little poking stick thing. It was a refreshing experience but apparently I have malformed molars. I don't think it's too dangerous, they just look a bit odd. But I suppose thats not going to matter because no one is going to see my molars unless we start getting freaky. Then again, if your eyes are in a position to be seeing my molars I think we're getting too freaky. Please take your eyeballs out of my mouth now please. So then in order to celebrate the reasonably good trip to the dentist I bought a load of sweets to reward myself. Yeah, I didn't get the logic behind that decision either but they still tasted good.
Wow, I had planned to write a really deep and moving post but apparently my brain thought talking about the dentist was far more important. Interesting to see how my brain works. Right I'm going to go and catch up on all the interneting which I missed out on during all the exams.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 4 June 2011
A Good Man Goes To War Fan Girling
Excuse me while I totally fan girl that episode of Doctor Who..
Seriously though. WOW!
I was so frustrated when I started watching it because about 5 minutes into it my house had a power cut that conveniently managed to last for the entire episode and literally came back on once it had finished. Lucky for me though we have BBC iPlayer on our Nintendo Wii so we managed to stream it from that. Seriously though. Wow. I've already said that but still, I think it still applies. Beware there shall be spoilers so if you haven't seen it yet please leave now. I thought the first bit showing all those characters who were indebted to the the Doctor was awesome. I always like a good montage in Doctor Who especially one that shows loads of previous characters. One quick thing, why haven't they made an episode about the Victorian-samurai-sword-wielding-Silurian?(Thats weird, Silurian is in spell checker) That would have been so cool, she was just so badass. Also Rory the Roman was pretty badass in this episode what with him swinging a sword and shooting headless monks.
Now, regarding the whole Time-Lord baby thing which happened. Did it remind anybody of a post I made a while ago about the Tardis making Amy's baby all timey wimey? You can check it out HERE!!!! Honestly, I should be a writer for Doctor Who or something or at least be allowed to watch the rest of the series right now. I mean how cruel is it to make us wait for the entire summer. Argh I cannot wait at all. At least there's going to be Torchwood to fill the gap.
Right I'm going to go and bother all of my friends with my annoying Doctor-Who-ness.
Good Night xxx
Friday, 3 June 2011
Bit Of A Boring One
Sorry there wasn't a post yesterday, I was out most of last night and when I got back some photos I had ordered so I spent ages putting them in my big poster frame. It took like three hours to lay them all out properly and then stick them down. After I was done I was far too tired to blog. Sorry about that.
Anyway, today has been a really boring one. I realized that it's Friday of half term and I haven't done any revision for my physics exam on Monday. Kind of bricking it right now but I've still got a couple of days to cram in as much revision as I possibly can. Sorry there isn't much for me to talk about today but y'know, you get days like this when not much really happens. But after Monday I'll have another week off to make plenty of good blog posts and videos so watch this space.
Here have a cake.
OK, I'm sorry the cake is a lie...
Good Night xxx
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Summer Is Officially Here
There I was sat on the sofa watching The Apprentice, they're trying to create and market a new type of pet food. I had an idea for an advert they could do similar to the Andrex puppies but ended up saying to my mum they should do something similar to Durex. She looked at me a bit strangely before I explained that I meant actually meant Andrex. Nevertheless, it was a bit awkward.
Anyway, so today was a rather productive one in one way and not so productive in another way. It was productive because once my mum got back from work we had lunch and headed into town so I could buy me some clothes for summer because you know what, today is the 1st of July and therefore the first official day of summer. WOOOOOOOO *performs celebratory dance*. So yes, I managed to score a shirt, some shorts and a pair of flip flops. Combined with the two t-shirts I bought on Monday in London, I'm pretty much sorted for the holidays now. Can't wait!
However, I was actually supposed to be revising for my Physics exam on Monday but never mind I suppose I'll revise tomorrow. Actually scrap that, I'm off out tomorrow, I guess I'll just have to wing it.
Right, the two teams have just gone into the boardroom and someones about to get fired. I think I'll leave it at that for now.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
I Don't Believe You
Prepare to be totally and utterly fan-girled.
On another note Tom's video "Confusion" came out this morning too, I helped film some of it so you should go and watch that too.
Good Night
Monday, 30 May 2011
Landaaan Innit
As I mentioned yesterday I spent most of today toodling around London doing the typical touristy things with the parents.. We parked near the Ritz which was all being renovated and stuff so we didn't see inside much. Still managed to snap a picture of their name in lights. Then we walked off down to Regent Street then Shaftsbury Avenue. We ended up walking across Piccadilly Circus down to Covent Garden where we saw a load of street performers, the best was the one that was so still no one was actually paying any attention because we all just assumed was an actual statue. Then we had a nosey around the Jubilee Market which is full of little trinkets and stuff. It's a proper old style market where you have to haggle for everything. I didn't actually buy anything because I'm trying to save money for my holidays. Nevertheless, it was really great. Then we had lunch in a restaurant on the roof which was really nice. Then we meandered over to Trafalgar Square where we had saw Nelsons Column, the 2012 Olympic clock and then had a look around the National Gallery. Was it weird that when I looked at The Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gough, all I could think of was the episode of Doctor Who, "Vincent And The Doctor"? Then we went to China Town which smelt absolutely bloody gorgeous. It was a total nosegasm, they should bottle that smell and sell it, they would make a fortune honestly. Then we went home and sat on telly. Anyway, I thought I'd show you a few pictures I snapped along the way. Sorry for the shoddy quality, the camera on my phone sucks.
This is the theatre which is currently showing Shrek The Musical, it was right next to where we had lunch and I thought it looked really cool.
Heres good old Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square.
Here are the lions at the base of the column with Big Ben in the background.
This is the 2012 Olympic countdown clock that famously broke after three hours of being turned on.
I dunno if you can see, but this street was called William IV Street and I though that was pretty cool :)
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Being A Film Producer
Right so I literally just got back from helping film a video with the wonderful Thomas. It was a horror/thriller film typer trailer. It looked really good from what I saw, unedited. So I promise I'll show you all that when Tom releases it. To be honest I'm not envious much. He has like weeks worth of editing to do in the next few days. But it was good fun to film with Sophie and Tom's brother Matt. We even managed to get a three stunt sequences in, I know, impressive eh? I was going to show you some pictures from behind the scenes but my laptop is being silly.
Apart from that I haven't really done much apart from sitting around watching telly and not doing any revision for my last exam. But tomorrow I'm going to London to do all the touristy type things and generally have a poke around so expect me to be gushing about how awesome London is tomorrow.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 28 May 2011
The Almost People
Sorry I haven't posted in a week, it turned out my clock was slightly wrong and I did actually get raptured. Bit of a bummer really. Turns out heaven doesn't have wi-fi hence no blog.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
The Rapture!!!!
So the world ended today. Did everyone have fun? Anybody get taken up to heaven? Nope? Well thats a disappointment.
Oh right, I have just been informed that the rapture isn't happening until 6pm EST not 6pm GMT as I previously thought. So actually I have a while left before the good ascend to heaven and demons pour from the depth of hell to torture and torment all the sinners for five months before we eventually get taken by the Devil and suffer eternal torment in the bowels of hell. Can't wait.
Because that is literally what my day consisted of. Hours and hours and hours and hours of revision for my Physics exam on Tuesday. I can also look forward to hours and hours and hours and hours of Chemistry revision tomorrow for my exam on Monday (that is if the world doesn't end tonight). Oh what joy.
Anyway, I'm going to kick back and relax before the rapture arrives and the war begins.
Good Night xxx
*I crack myself up sometimes.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Deer God
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Clostridium Botulinum
Sorry no post yesterday, I had a massive headache when I got back from school and then I fell asleep for like 5 hours which then led to me having very little time to revise for my History exam which was today. Therefore I spent like the whole of last night
watching the Apprentice revising for the exam. Speaking of which it actually went OK, the questions were about easy things and just generally good. Then I had a bit of waiting around for stuff and then other stuff. Then we had a Physics lesson which probably should have been dedicated to revising for our exam next week, but instead I destroyed Nick in an argument. I said that botox was the most toxic substance known to man (my biology A-level supporting me) and he was adamant that cyanide was more toxic (no evidence supporting him whatsoever). Then our teacher Googled it and proved me to be right and Nick therefore wrong. Oh the taste of victory is so sweet. Excuse me while I go and bask in the glory of being right. Ahhhh it feels good.
Sorry. I'll stop now.
After I got home I knew I should be revising for my Biology mock tomorrow but, now I've done one exam I feel I don't need to do any more revision. It's weird and probably not a good idea but I think I'll give myself one night of relaxation.
I also managed to find something to put in a photoframe that I've had for ages. It's cut up cans of stuff. It was surprisingly difficult to saw your way into a can without crushing it. Nevertheless I still managed it and I'm quite pleased with the result. Now all I need to do is find a place to hang it.
I think Ima go do that now.
Good Night xxx
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
History Overload
Right, I think I'm going to dive back into the 1850's before I get too distracted by the internet.
Good Night xxx
Monday, 16 May 2011
Revision Revision Revision
Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision
That's all my life seems to consist of at the moment. Hours and hours of learning stuff that after the exams I'm probably going to forget or never use again. Bleh it's getting kind of boring. Nevertheless I won't let that get me down. I'm looking forward to the summer, although to be fair, I've been looking forward to the Summer since about September last year. It's going to rock some serious socks (pictured). I've got two weeks in Greece for the last two weeks of July and then some serious jamming around with friends is needed. It feels like I haven't gone out in ages. OK I went out two days ago. BUT STILL. You know what I mean. By the way, you can expect me to be spreading all over the internet like chlamydia once the holidays start. Like seriously, every form of social networking known to man (and several known to chimps) will soon be graced by my presence. I'm also thinking I may have to start writing letters to people. I don't know why I just want too. I like snail mail , it's funky. Also I have some really cool Harry Potter stamps that I've been desperate to use for a while.
Anyway, I'm going to go and babble nonsensical rubbish at the wall as a way of escaping the monotony of revision for a few minutes.
Good Night xxx
Sunday, 15 May 2011
"Did You Wish Really Hard?"
Allons Y Allonso! Sorry yesterdays post was a bit pathetic. I'll try and make it up to you today.
Once we had done about four hours of revision we migrated into the lounge and watched Doctor Who. That episode was seriously awesome. I loved the portrayal of the Tardis as a woman, Suranne Jones (the actress) played here brilliantly. The whole getting tenses mixed up and quirkiness were brilliant. "I like bitting. It's like kissing but theres a winner". There were loads of little quotes that I thought were really funny.
Amy: She’s the Tardis?!
Doctor: And she’s a woman. She’s a woman and she’s the Tardis.Amy: Did you wish really hard?

Anyway, thats what I got up to yesterday. Wasn't it interesting? Today was the complete opposite. It just consisted of me doing loads of revision and that is literally it.
Good Night xxx
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Barely A Post
Wow, it's late. I've been at a Eurovision party tonight and it's late and I'm tired so I'll tell you more about it tomorrow because I'm really tired. Good Night xxx
Friday, 13 May 2011
Josh Is Weird
Gotta write this post since the internet has been on its last legs recently. Blogger wasn't working at all last night and is only just starting to work again and I'm worried that it may die again soon. On top of that, YouTube also managed to mess up, leaving me unable to comment, like or subscribe to anything and then Twitter decided to be 'over capacity' which left me with only Facebook to communicate with and naturally everybody I knew chose that moment to leave and do something else. So alas, I was forced to turn my attention back to revision.
Oh, also today was the unofficial muck up day for all of those year 11s who have now broken up for their exams and for those who don't come back for sixth form next year is their last day of school. I really can't believe that it was only a year ago that I was in the same position. I would say time flies when your having fun, but to be honest no one is going to believe that A-levels are fun. But still the point still stands.
Good Night xxx
Thursday, 12 May 2011
My Phone Has The Flu
"Ohms Law states that the current in a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends, provided its temperature remains constant" aaaaand *HEAD-DESK* Eurgh I'm getting kind of bored of revision now, it does get a tad boring making pages and pages of notes and then realizing that you haven't actually absorbed any of it. Nevertheless I shan't be deterred. On wards and upwards is my motto. Well, actually it's "don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon. That was until that bitch melody on the Apprentice stole it. Grrrr. Now I'm going to have to change it. Hmph.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Bad Drivers
AHHHHHHHHHHH Only 8 days till my first exam. That is like seriously close now, it's kind of scary. Despite that I'm not going to use this time to revise I'm going to write this post and then go and watch the Apprentice because, y'know it's such an amazing show and all the people in it are super talented.
So back in my super exciting I've had another revelation. Well it's not really a revelation, more of a thought but revelation is a far more dramatic phrase. Anyway, today I realized that the closer I get to learning to drive, to more critical I get of other peoples driving. It's not even particularly bad driving, it's just small things that bug me, like people not giving the thank you wave when someone I know lets the person out. Bad drivers really piss me off. I really hope I can drive well when I pass otherwise thats a tad hypocritical.
Good Night xxx