Saturday, 30 April 2011

Displays Of Nerdyness (SPOILERS)

Wow, it's really late, sorry about it I've been out at a restaurant with my family. So, five cheese and bacon potato skins, fifteen ribs, loads of chips and a honeycomb waffle later I am here nursing a rather prevalent food baby. But it was bloody worth it. I'll stop talking about food now, just in case it's making you hungry, I only finished eating and I'm all this talk of food is still making me hungry.

Anyway, the second part of the Doctor Who premier and it was bloody brilliant. It answered so many questions and raised so many more. Now I have a theory about the future of the series so beware, there will be spoilers.

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So you know the little girl in the space suit, well I think that Amy is actually pregnant and that being in the Tardis will affect the baby. A member of the writing team I think, said look out of a comment that seems to be an irrelevant bit of conversation that doesn't seem to mean much, however it turns out to play a pivotal role in the whole series. I think the exchange between Amy and the Doctor where Amy was worrying about the Tardis causing her baby to have a space head, is that passing comment. I think being so close to the time vortex at the center of the Tardis means that Amy's daughter will have become a sort of Timelord. After all, in order to become a Timelord the Galliferyans had too look into the time vortex. This would explain the little girls ability to regenerate. I think that The Silence were experimenting on the little girl because after all, "a Timelords body is a miracle".

So yes, I hoe you enjoyed my display of intense nerdyness and let me know what your thoughts are on the episode. Or if you didn't watch it, your regularly scheduled programming will resume again tomorrow.

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