Sunday 27 March 2011

A Pumpkin Called Gerald

Sup Peeps

So the clocks went forward today, now most people would go into a big long rant about how much sleep they lost out on and how unfair it is. But to be honest, it didn't really affect me at all. I woke up at 10:30 instead of 11:20, either way I still had a 11-12 hour sleep which I'd say is pretty good.

So I woke up this morning and discovered that it was rather warm and sunny. Good Times. But I still have the flu. Bad Times. But I wasn't going to let that stop me. Stop me from what, I wasn't sure, but stop me it wouldn't. As it turned out the flu didn't stop me from having to do my two History essays. That wasn't  particularly fun, but I still managed to do one and a half of them. I think I'll save the second half of one of them for tomorrow.

So while I started on the essays, my parents went off to the garden center and came back having bought me loads of Lucozade, Chocolate milk, chewing gum, Galaxy chocolate and a pumpkin plant that I named Gerald. Aren't my parents great?

I also spent a while sat in the garden stuffing my face with Galaxy Counters. They're like Minstrels but not crunchy. They're rather lovely to eat with a sore throat. So I was there sat in the garden trying to decide where to plant Gerald when I suddenly noticed that how bloody hot it was. It's only march and it feels like shorts and t-shirt weather. I think it's going to be seriously hot this summer. I'm looking forward to it muchly.

Anyway, I need to go and look up bus times for tomorrow, I'm going to a higher education convention which should be cool I guess.

Good Night xxx

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