Sunday 20 March 2011

Shifty Eyes

Bonjour People

Did you all see the super moon yesterday? Wasn't it cool?

So I woke up this morning as most people do and then stayed in  bed for about an hour just staring into the ceiling. I'm not sure why I didn't get up and do something productive but when I noticed the massive Daddy Long-legs abseiling down from the ceiling I was forced to get up and dispatch of it with a big old book. I was quite chuffed with that because that spider has been residing in my room for about a week now, just giving me a glimpse of him before running off and hiding before I can find something to kill him with. So once I was up I really couldn't be bothered to get back into bed so I got up and got dressed.

Then I had some homework to do which took me far longer than it probably should have, what with Facebook and Twitter distracting me every five seconds. Despite that I got it all done leaving me the rest of the day free to do... well not much actually but still, had I wanted to I could have gone out and been social. I just didn't have the inclination.

Lets move away from my social ineptitude and back to my severe lack of videos recently.Sorry about that, I've just been crazy busy *shifty eyes* but I did plan out the next video last night and hopefully it will be in better quality what with my Dad buying a new awesome camera that I may have to steal. So good times are on the way people and you will be the first to know when they arrive. Well actually, Facebook and Twitter might know first but you will definitely be the in the top three websites to know about it.

Anyway, I'm off to go and slay a dragon.

Good Night xxx

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