Monday 1 November 2010

Vampires and Job Hunting

Hey Guys

Today was quite a nice  day to start the half term with seeing as I only ended up having one lesson. Despite the fact that that lesson was physics it was quite a laid back day. I also had a lot of fun during my free periods playing cricket in the hall and getting stuck in some tables, which despite being humiliated on Toms blog was rather interesting to say the least.

Apart from that, my day has been pretty uneventful. When I got home I sat and watched a documentary about some real life vampire skeleton (not those Twilight douche-bags) that had been found. I would tell you what it was about but I fell asleep about 5 minutes into it. However what I saw it seemed thoroughly interesting despite me falling asleep. I am just genuinely tired, I usually spend the majority of half term utterly comatose but my mum decided she was going to wake me up at half 7 every morning to take the dog for a walk therefore meaning I had very little sleep. But hey! What can you do?

I also realised that I am in desperate in need of a job and have therefore been hitting the internet hard looking for one. How grown up is that eh? The sad thing is that the search seems to require effort that I just don't have. But still I've applied to a couple and now I just have to keep looking.

Anyway I think I'll return to my job hunt

Good Night All xxx

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