Sunday 5 December 2010


Hello there Ladies and Mr Men

So today appears to be the 5th of December and by decree of my parents it is officially now time to get the Christmas decorations down from the attic. I must say this is probably the earliest our family has ever gotten them out ever but I could see why we needed to the extra time to put them up. There are just so many decorations. We've got four big crates, five big bags, two small boxes about 8 smaller bags, two artificial Christmas trees and a big bag of lights. I think it may take a while to get our house entirely decorated.

Although there has been a bit of drama when it come to my room. Since I moved rooms in the summer I have no where to put my Christmas tree since its quite big (Six foot tall). But me and my mum spent quite a while planning and think we've found a way that will accommodate the tree. Unfortunately it does mean reorganising my room a bit but its worth it to spread the Christmas joy into my room.

I also spent a large proportion of my day doing homework and such which was a major drag. But I'm not going to bore you with the details.

Instead I'm going to tell you about me cleaning my desk.

Nah I'm only kidding I'm not that mean.

So, X-Factor eh? You know what I'm really pissed off about, Cher is still in. I mean Mary came out and did an absolutely cracking performance and then Cher comes and sort of whimpers through her crap song and still the judges save her because she's "current". I'm sorry, no she's not, she's a stroppy little cow.

Anyway rant over, I'll leave it at that now.

Good Night xxx

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