Tuesday 28 December 2010

Shoes and Stuff

Hey There Stranger

and for those of you that do know me, hey there friend. Actually no scrap that, if you read my blog then I count you as a friend, even if we have never talked. Actually if you want here's my facebook. Friend  me people.#

Anywho, today's been a bit slow to be honest. Got up at 12 o'clock, watched a bit of Scrubs then got dressed and revised chemistry for like 5 hours which was kind awful. But I suppose that it will benefit me in the long run. So after that I gave up for the day and sat and watched telly for a bit. My brain was so melted by that point I still have no recollection of what it was I was watching. Then I sat down and had dinner which was a rather scrummy lamb stew/ roast thingy mabob.

And then I came and sat on the computer. Well technically I actually sat in front of the computer, if I actually sat on it I'd probably break it. I suddenly remembered that I had some old converses that were really cool but were too small for me so to make use of them I turned one of them into an awesome pen pot thing. I still have the other one lying around so if you have any ideas tell me and I'll give it  go. I also entertained myself stripping the electronics out of an old remote control car and taking the roof off of it. I still have no idea what I'm going to do with it now, but it looks cool.

Anyway, I think I'll leave it at that now because I feel the urge to do some internet shopping.

Good Night people xxx

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