Monday 28 February 2011

And Thats A Promise

Hey Guys and Gals

So I realized a few moments ago that I forgot to make a video this week. Sorry about that but I had family round and it was all a bit hectic. So, what I thought I'd do is stop promising to make a video every week and make them if and when I can therefore meaning you don't get too disappointed and I don't get annoyed with myself for forgetting. Hopefully that will mean my videos will be better and more thought through. I also noticed that I keep making promises to you lot that I rarely ever keep. I'm sorry about that and I'll try to stop that. Instead I think I'll just tell you when I've actually done whatever it was rather than telling you I will and then never actually getting around to it. And thats a promise!

Anyway, now that all out of the way back to school. That is, back to how my school day was, I'm not actually commanding you to go to school this very instant. But yes, I started off getting the half seven bus to the station and then catching the train from there with the amazing Thomas whereupon he kicked over a can of energy drink making the entire carriage sticky and horrible. As you can imagine we vacated the train pretty sharpish after that. Then we had a chill out in the hall and then a free period where I pretended to revise for Physics whilst Tom struggled to read Clockwork Orange. From what I gathered, its a really messed up book. Then I had a Physics test where I failed dismally. Then I dossed about a bit before getting the train back to Wokingham where I saw a guy on a moped drive into the side of a car. It wasn't a very big accident and I don't think anybody was properly hurt and it looked like the drivers were going to share insurance details and then go on their way. That was until about 20 minutes later two police cars and an ambulance arrived. Total overkill if you ask me. I don't know what happened next because thats when the bus left. Saw Josh on the bus. He's awesome :)

Thats all folks

Good Night xxx

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