Friday 7 January 2011

Tardis Journal

Hey There

Gah School is so boring at the moment. Exams suck don't they?

Today I has history, double biology (¬_¬) and finally chemistry. Chemistry was probably the highlight, finding out I got an A in a practice paper. Proper chuffed I am.

Then I got home from school and discovered awesomeness had happened. I think I've mentioned the website etsy before. But if I haven't then I just did. Basically it's like ebay for handmade stuff. Its so cool. Basically a while a go I posted a request for a Tardis Journal like River Song's book of spoilers. So today when I got home from school I logged onto my laptop and then went on Etsy and discovered someone had responded saying they would custom make me one. I think I actually squealed like a little girl when I saw her pictures of ones she's made before. So I'm currently talking to the lady about cost and postage and stuff so EEK! I'm proper excited. So I'll show you all when it arrives but for now here's a picture of one the woman has already sold.

Awesome isn't it?

Anyway I'll leave it at that because Hustle is on soon.

Good Night xxx

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