Friday 1 April 2011

Old Age Angry Birds

Hey Stranger

Happy April Fools Day I guess.

I'm not entirely sure why we have April Fools Day, it a bit of a half arsed attempt at making the drizzly time after winter and before summer vaguely interesting. To be honest, nothing much really gets done for it around here, but never mind.

That was actually quite a depressing start to a post wasn't it? Sorry about that, I'll try and make it funnier from here on out.

So I woke up today and went to school. Then I had some school and stuff. The highlight of that had to be terrifying a guy in our Biology class with some spiders we had in a petri dish. In his defense, the spiders were freakishly big. But nevertheless it was funny watching him cower at the back of the class room brandishing a chair at anybody who came near him. Some more stuff happened and then I got to go home. Which in itself wasn't particularly awesome, however the little old lady sat in front of me on the bus was awesome. The entire time I was on the bus, she was sat playing Angry Birds on her Iphone. I love old people who do amazing things like that. I've actually got quite a few stories like about people old people and public transport, but I'm saving those for a video which I should be filming right now. Nevermind eh?

I think it at that for now,

Good Night xxx

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